Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

29 Jul


Originally posted by Smaxx

Does this mean you finally fix entering vehicles rather than reviving teammates? Lost count how often I got killed and/or missed a revive, because I climbed into a car or closed a door rather than starting the revive…

Good that you point it out, /u/DRUNKKZ3 did some tweaks to interaction angles to make sure revive takes priority over weapon pickup, we should also take a look at vehicle interactions.


Originally posted by JBEEZi3

How does this fixing a issue create more issues? Yes, I completely understand what you are implying, but how does this consistently happen? This has to be frustrating for you guys to try to correct something only for another two issues to appear. I don't know how you guys stay sane sometimes because I would have been wanting to start from scratch.

In this particular case the distance between the soldiers is checked by comparing the root (at feet) positions and the obstruction test is simply a raycast between reviver eye and revivee root. The raycast being a simple line check. If I'd add more tests, like detecting objects at reviver knees or stuff like that, it might work in many cases but we'll end up with new cases where for some odd reason the validation returns a false negative where it's obvious that the revive should work.

Look at the vaulting mechanic that I tweaked extensively the last year, there will always be cases where a vault should obviously work and doesn't, or where a vault is possible where it shouldn't. These systems relying on 'scanning the environment' are very hard to nail 100%, so therefore in this case I think it's best to leave it as it is right now. Of course this depends on the rarity of the bug, so if QA tells me that it's actually quite common I might fix it at some point.


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What happens here is called culling. The soldiers off-screen aren't updated fully, when they pop back in view they should transition to the right animation. Here it seems like the transition swimming->sprinting was stuck for a few frames for some reason. I bugged it and gave it to the Animation Lead, thanks :)


I touched this code last week when I improved the revive interaction detection. I noticed that reviving through low obstacles like sandbags is possible sometimes but left it since I don't think it's game breaking and it happens pretty rarely, fixing it might introduce new issues. I'll get this video tracked nonetheless to check if it still happens after my improvements. Thanks for sharing :)


Originally posted by Eirik-E

Wish I saved the video, but I once vaulted THROUGH one of the tiny half windows of the farm buildings on Arras (the one by F point in conquest, small tiny window next to the ammo crate).

I looked back when I realized what I just did, and honestly, it felt like that rush hour 2 scene where Jackie chan dives through the tiny coat check bars. Weird as f**k lol

Looks like the netcode cant tell where boundaries are and hard surfaces you cant pass through sometimes. Allowing you to revive through walls, jump through tiny windows, and the recent video of the guy in library on devastation jumping up through to the 2nd floor.

Game seems to try and reposition you to a legal spot when it loses you, and sometimes that happens to be going through hard surfaces.

Wish you had the video too so I could take a look, can you poke me when it happens again?


Haha wow, didn't expect that. My guess is that the code kicking in when on a moving platform is responsible for this. I'll ask QA to reproduce it and look into a fix, thanks for sharing :)


Some quality memeing being done here, props


Originally posted by Imperialdude94

The icon is just battlefield V for me

That means you're either not using our subreddit style, or RES is overwriting it. Tell me you get glorious Freddie Mercury as the upvote/downvote buttons. Soon to be changed for Marita.

28 Jul


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Originally posted by Kiromana

Not to be an ass, but I've read here on Reddit that your QA-department is just an AI, is this true?

And yes not everything you read on reddit is true

Not everything you read on reddit is true


Interesting, thanks for sharing. I'll ask QA to reproduce and bug it.


Originally posted by qlimaxmito

Windows like that one have an invisible, bullet-proof lip on the inside, which is easy to hit by accident when trying to shot through at an angle or by standing too close:

Paging /u/kenturrac.

Will check it once I am back from vacation. Thx for reporting!


Originally posted by etelmo

For now I'll stick to annoying only those I'm reasonably certain are not on vacation... which is basically only /u/lytlb1t ... sorry!

I'm uncertain who would handle this sort of bug, or if it's more a case of open a JIRA ticket and let it ferment for a while; either way could you try to make sure it will one day see the light of day at the correct persons desk?

I'm reasonably certain now that I've looked at old footage that it's what causes the majority of the 'dusting' I've experienced with tanks, almost every clip featuring dusting has a desync between crosshairs (to be fair, none come even remotely close to the magnitude witnessed yesterday, but apparently enough to still cause problems).

Ouch those videos are painful to watch, thanks for the extensive research.

Not sure what the status is of this bug, but I reported it directly to the vehicle designers and QA, so it will be handled asap.


Originally posted by stinkybumbum

Thats because it was poorly implemented with shadows being too dark inside. Same problem most BF games have

I think it's a bit more complicated than that. Besides, Nivelle Nights had no interiors. ;)


Originally posted by JumpyJacketFullyMet

People dont like devastation, it is the only less bad map in the game.

Did that comment make you feel stronger? :P

You do know that we ask people to rate the map monthly, right? ;)

27 Jul


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