Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

26 Jul


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I have a 7700k and an EVGA 1080ti Black SC card

Put Everything on low (you don't need Ultra/High for this game. You will get better performance on low). Previous BF games I'd set Mesh to Ultra, but this one you do not need to as it is not an issue.

framerate limiter=120 you want to cap the frame rates BELOW the max refresh rate, otherwise VSync AND GSync kick on and you get drops. I just make sure mine is set to 120 so I get a solid 119-120

future frame rendering=off


DX12 is on


Originally posted by Rhett77

I am, but haven't been given flair. Will see if I can fix it

Good to go.


Originally posted by [deleted]


edited 'beta' to 'an earlier build'


Originally posted by swagseven13

is it? i think a saw the 383 in the killfeed

There would be about 2 dozen other videos if it were an actual issue with the latest patch.


Originally posted by swagseven13

That is an old video from and earlier build trying to be played off as a latest bug.
Ive removed it and locked it.

Edit: changed beta to earlier build


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Originally posted by Shaiborg

It's supposed to represent how you run away from any criticism the game receives.

Sure, bud. If that was the case, then why was it the bugs chasing me and not the Reddit community? Or are you just trying to make this a negative? Come on, man. I don’t run away from criticism or feedback about the game. I don’t engage abuse - which isn’t considered feedback or criticism. The thing about criticism is, it’s helpful when it’s constructive. But when it’s directed attacks, abuse, etc, it’s not helpful to anyone.

I hope you have a good day. Take care!

25 Jul


Originally posted by madmav

bonus: also fixed the switching between assignment and daily orders glitch in pause menu.

/u/PartWelsh /u/braddock512 - may have found a bug on rush though, tried to disarm bomb on twisted steel and it kept 'resetting' halfway through defuse until it eventually exploded.

similar occurred when arming. was fine yesterday - just me or any other reports? Can try get a video if it'll help.

Try to get me a video if you can, buddy. Thanks for the heads-up!


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Originally posted by DRUNKKZ3

This is the quality posts I expect when I come to this subreddit

Seconded :’D


Holy sh*t dude, I am laughing so hard. Well done buddy.


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This is the quality posts I expect when I come to this subreddit


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Originally posted by Exa2552

I imagine Welsh giggling with Reddit in that vid, damn this is too funny

He literally just said in Slack that his fav bit is that part. Hahahha!


Originally posted by Exa2552

Reminds of that earlier post about CMs scrolling through and laughing about the memes, it's true!

I just gotta ask, why is the goat chasing “me” but not Welsh?! That’s messed up. Lmao