Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by Crabman169

Awesome you'll reply to this but you'll still be cagey and secretive over cosmestics that you and others have been caught wearing.

Marita 1st August; yeah saw that start of the chapter before removing the ability for us to see up to week 6 in ToW.

Oh so after having to wait a month for these two new elites does that mean Norman Kinglesy has had the American stuff swapped for British stuff? Like has that Garand belt been swapped for a SMLE bandolier?

And still no Al Sundan.

Is there patch notes for us to read? Is there assurances that this update won't f**k over the game again?

Dicking us around with this soon BS to then give us the info doesn't cancel out the getting dicked around.

Given the state of the game I don't think I will have an awesome or positive day. I'll have that when the secret squirrel shite stops and the game is playable.

cagey and secretive over cosmestics that you and others have been caught wearing.

I responded to the ONE inquiry about a soldier set. And I don't work on the marketplace so I don't know exactly when items will come out. And regarding the use of the word "secretive", you do understand that I can't talk about every single thing that isn't released yet, right? So there will be things I can't discuss until a certain time. That isn't me being cagey. That's me keeping my job.

Marita 1st August; yeah saw that start of the chapter before removing the ability for us to see up to week 6 in ToW.

The TOW starts on Aug 1st - which is a Thursday, which is the same day EVERY ToW Weekly Challenge Starts.We've just announced today (via a post from PartWelsh) that Marita will be released next week - currently scheduled for July 30th.

Oh so after having to wait a month for these two new elites does tha...

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Originally posted by NoscopeDePope

I can’t remember the exact match but judging by the amount of score the squad had, yes I must have just joined the game no longer than 1-2 minutes before.

It does look like it indeed, I have seen some cases that might be related to what we call "late-join" bugs. Will discuss this with the team :)


Curious to get some details on how this happened. Did you recently join that match when it happened? (joined the round in progress)


Originally posted by Gorgonzola987

When should Al Sudan be released? And as far as I know Al Sudan is a map for all modes!

Al-Sundan was released on June 25 for our smaller modes.
We did this because during testing we noted a significant crashing issue on Conquest with this map.

Over the last few weeks, as I'm sure you're aware, we ran into some serious snags that the Dev team prioritized - invisibility bug, crashing on Xbox, stability issues, etc.

During the intervening weeks, we've been sharing updates regarding the deployment of Al-Sundan on Conquest as often as we get them.

Unfortunately, despite the fact that the Dev team was able to eliminate the crashing issue, a new issue arose - digital artifacting. (Basically, a giant black box/triangle in the sky when playing on Conquest.) Therefore, the team has held off on releasing Al-Sundan on bigger modes as they work to lock this down and remove that issue so the map can be enjoyed on the bigger modes the way it was designed to be.
It is frustrating that we're currently not able to play Al-Sundan on Conquest - as it w...

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Originally posted by powidltascherl

does the 4.2 update adress the inconsistent damage of the AT (anti tank) mines?

Fixing this required some major changes of some gameplay systems so we decided to give the fix more time to be tested to ensure that we are not introducing new issues by fixing it. As a result, it will not be part of the 4.2 update but will very likely be part of the next major patch (4.4).


Originally posted by joduddies

I apologize if this is redundant but is the delay to ADS after healing/using gadget bug on the radar for the next update u/partwelsh. I’m surprised I haven’t seen any posts about this. It happens every time. Causes you to die a lot when you normally would t.

I have fixed it not so long ago so it's a matter of time now before it makes it into a patch. Sadly not for 4.2 as /u/PartWelsh pointed out :)


Originally posted by merkmerc

My favorite part of live service is devs can announce as much content as they want and aren’t obligated to follow through :)

Lol “one map per month” became no map in June and one map literally on the last day of July (maybe). It’s f**king sad and gross, Al Sudan not even being mentioned any more but they had NO PROBLEM showcasing it in trailers and road maps. This game is a prime example of bait and switch.

We released the map in June for small modes. We’ve continually updated the community regarding the issues with Conquest on Al-Sundan. Marita coming on the 30th gives time for a bit more polish from the Devs.


Originally posted by Gorgonzola987

For the Future, Maybe you shouldn't announce new content until you have checked if it works! And not the other way around!

Sorry, I'm a bit confused. What do you mean?


Originally posted by Exa2552

Ah shit, time difference, sorry! Been on edge for other reasons all day.

Looking forward to the patch.

It’s okay. The interwebs make it feel like we are all neighbors. I forget sometimes myself. :)


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Originally posted by mrbig974

Thanks for the update.

About the playlist of Marita with Conquest + Breakthrough, will we also have a Breakthrough playlist that include all the maps (Marita + mercury etc...) ?

Otherwise people who don't like conquest will play the Breakthrough match and just leave the server when it's starting the conquest match. It's not cool for the matchmaking and overall experience.

On a side note, Rush and/or Breakthrough should be available on all the maps.

Have a good day.

Yeah the existing BT playlist will remain live as normal (all maps) and we'll see if we can do an early insert of Marita onto that playlist at the same time when the second update deploys.


Originally posted by junkerz88

Well, at least you told me it was a crappy answer beforehand. (Totally sympathize with you btw, I know you probably want to give us a better answer but you can’t because corporate or something)

There's no element of 'because corporate' - this is simply how that team wish to operate. As it says in the article:

We are intentionally leaving out some of the key details of our anti-cheat efforts to avoid revealing anything which cheaters and cheat program developers may take advantage of.

The more we open up the conversation, the harder we make their job. It's easy for me to label that as a 'crappy' approach (when viewed from the perspective of someone who loves, and plays Battlefield) because I recognise that if you can't see something happening, you have no reason to believe that it is.

Giving assurances will feel empty and the best action that can be taken is to ensure that the game simply isn't exposed to this behaviour from players.


Originally posted by Billxgates

Lol I had no idea there were that many!

More proof that the planet is metal as f**k while it violently rips itself apart over and over daily.

I didn’t either, til I moved here. Definitely would’ve impacted my decision if I had known. Hahah


Originally posted by reed1234321

Maybe some twitch streams answering chat questions would help? It’s easier to tell if someone is being genuine when you can hear them

Well, funny you should mention that! I’m working on an updated format that includes video for the TWiB and OIB posts that will show my personality more. As far as streaming, definitely something I’m looking into (for my personal time).


Originally posted by Fieryhotsauce

Can you at least respond on whether our reports are doing anything? There is a whole host of known cheaters ruining the Firestorm playlists on a daily basis. Over in /r/firestorm this user has compiled a list of known hackers that are still active. I've reported at least 10 of them personally and it's starting to feel like a waste of my time. Some of these users have over 50+ solo/squad wins in Firestorm, which is an absurd amount of playtime for a cheater to get away with.

Provided that you're submitting them using all the correct methods - Yes, they're 100% being investigated.


Originally posted by reed1234321

That’s good but not if people don’t perceive it that way

I totally understand. One of the things I want to do is to get people to know me - not just as a CM for BF, but as a person. Hopefully, by doing so, there’s less chance of someone taking something negatively right off the bat.

But I know that may take some time. And mistakes may be made.


I think I saw you taking pictures when I left the office a bit more than an hour ago, how long are you staying in Stockholm?