Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

23 Jul


Originally posted by x77aca77x

If I were a betting man, I'd say it'll be patched Tuesday

And you'd win that bet because;

Update 4.2.1 is currently scheduled for Tuesday, July 30th, to release the Marita map and the new Elites.

Provided we are indeed able to deploy the update on this date - we'll introduce the Marita playlist here too.

We don't have to wait to Thursday to make these types of changes.


Originally posted by reed1234321

Thanks for the response! I’m glad you are sincere but people might think you are mocking them. I’m sure it’s tough to have your job with tensions so high

I wouldn’t ever maliciously mock anyone.

I may tease and joke with folks, but my intention is 100% benign. I try to use jokes and levity to reduce tension and stress.


Originally posted by Kakakaun

What kind of work, are you aware of any specefics? I find it ridiculous that theres so many people with obvious client hacks are not being banned. I've reported that Charlan hacker 3 weeks ago, and again yesterday all through Origin, so I don't think any effective work is being done by the anti-cheat team.

Does the anti-cheat team have an SLA?

Joncharlan is banned.


Originally posted by NUIT93

Lol i have!

I just looked through my PMs from the last 2 weeks. I don’t have one from you. Not chat, message. I don’t use the chat feature.


Originally posted by NUIT93

Been trying to reach out via dms/xbox for a while to see if you got my OIB submission..... u/Braddock512

Can you at least confirm this please? Need to know if that format works or i have to resubmit.

You can PM me here. I don’t read Xbox messages.


Originally posted by Kakakaun

So the question regarding the hackers remain ignored? Could you acknowledge if there is anything being done about it?

Yes, there is work being done to remove cheaters. Properly report then and the anti-cheat team investigates the reports and takes a action if they are found to be cheating.


Originally posted by reed1234321

You know that style doesn’t work

Well, it didn’t age well, but okay. I was trying to be a bit playful regarding the fact we stated yesterday that we’d have an update today on when the next game update goes live and folks jumped to the conclusion - which is a little premature - that the update would be delayed.

If you’re insinuating I was trying to being rude regarding my last statement, I wasn’t.

When someone is negative or frustrated, I do want them to have an awesome and positive day. Negativity is a drain on the mind, body, and spirit, and I don’t want anyone to have to feel that way.

I truly wish everyone to have an awesome and positive day.


Originally posted by Kakakaun

Thanks for the constructive reply

I was replying to the tag. Now, in response to your question about refunds, you can see the EA policy here:


Originally posted by Navy_Husky

That was my question aswell! u/braddock512 any news? Or do we have to wait for tomorrow?

Not in these next two updates. (4.2 or 4.2.1).


Originally posted by Kaktusfresser

There's nobody out there.

The weekly posts are generated automatically where the dates inside are incremented by +7 days.

No, they aren't "generated automatically". There's a normal weekly cadence of things that happen every week, then there's additional items that we add as we get confirmation from various teams on rollouts.

And yeah, the days are increased incrementally because.... it's a weekly calendar. A week is 7 days.
..... not sure how else to explain calendars.

Have a good one!


Originally posted by Crabman169

"we will give you an update later on when we plan on giving you an update" - Dice.

Jesus f**king Christ this shite needs to stop. Give us info/patches etc when they are f**king ready not this baiting BS.

Yet again another f**king TWIB that's totally f**king useless; what's that an entire month now of just nothing worthwhile?

Nothing this week folks - boom; you stop wasting everyone's time.

This didn't age well.

Have an awesome and positive day!


Originally posted by MXDoener

So, Update on the 30th, Patch Notes on the 29th, aka NEXT WEEK?

This week in BF:
Absolutely nothing. Move along!

Update 4.2 is on Thursday, July 25th.

Update 4.2.1 is currently scheduled for Tuesday, July 30th, to release the Marita map and the new Elites.


Originally posted by Exa2552

No, his torso and his legs disappeared

And he was never to be seen again

Thanks for understanding that I was sleeping. :)

The scope fix isn't in the update on Thursday. They're looking to push it (as it's a server side thing) with Update 4.2.1 on Tuesday, July 30th - but this isn't confirmed yet.


Originally posted by kidmenot

I understand where you're coming from (it would be an exceptionally bad idea to be specific about what you're doing to counter cheats, that much is obvious), but I think a lot of people are frustrated because they see the same cheaters stay around for a long time, and hence feel like their reports are not being taken seriously - at least this is what I can glean.

Just asking: do you think there's some middle ground to improve communication and transparency between DICE and the player base on this topic, where you are somehow not specific about the Anti-Cheat underpinnings but still show people that concrete steps are being taken?

I see how that might be difficult, just sharing my thoughts and wishes. I know you guys get a lot of flak no matter what you say on here (the old damned if you do, damned if you don't) and so are probably discouraged from writing more than is necessary. On the other hand, if I'm reading this community correctly, people that have always lov...

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I'm sure that there could be. I recognise that when we look at what other games do around Anti-Cheat, and even what we've done in the past, we're not doing as much on the communication that provides enough assurances that there's indeed plenty of actions taking place on a regular basis.

It's always a super tricky topic though, especially when often times the type of information people are looking for is specific to an individual. Our rules will never change in a way that allows us to discuss the individual circumstances relating to an individuals account. On this topic all we can say is that folks who break the Terms of Service will be actioned and we appreciate all the support people give us by helping to report them.


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Originally posted by Kakakaun

You can stop tagging Dan. He hasn’t worked at EA since Feb 8th, 2019.


Originally posted by joduddies

I apologize if this is redundant but is the delay to ADS after healing/using gadget bug on the radar for the next update u/partwelsh. I’m surprised I haven’t seen any posts about this. It happens every time. Causes you to die a lot when you normally would t.

We've seen it and collected enough examples to Reproduce the issue. We just need to get a fix in place. I'm led to believe it's not too complicated, but not expected as a fix for 4.2.


Originally posted by AshySamurai

Understandable. Thanks for the reply. Maybe at some point in the future then ;)

No worries. We're keen to do more of the Focused Feedback stuff, and more posts like we had with Rush changes the other week in the mean time.


Originally posted by Raveniteh

Instant Worms flashbacks

Holy Hand Grenade


Originally posted by AshySamurai

/u/PartWelsh unrelated question. Can we expect some sort of Dev Talks with different devs doing QnA and just talking about some aspects of their job, why they went with that solution or how this is just a workaround.

I'm just thinking if players will have a better understanding of how the game works maybe there will be less unrealistic feedback and demands and more focused on things which actually could change?

We'd like to explore that yes - the challenge is often just helping to set fair expectation that x person is well able to talk about y thing, but unlikely to be in a position to discuss issues that they themselves don't work with.

We'd need to get into a better place with everyone first before we could consider doing this. I think it's fair to say that there are bigger questions the community would like to see answered before we put someone more specialised out in front.


Originally posted by colers100


and coming for our 4.4 Update.

Looks like a typo? Or do you actually mean that the next week patch is 4.3 and what you are referencing here is the August Patch?