Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

22 Jul


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Basically procon is what I want. Taken away from us was the worst... You could do anything you wanted and even write your own scripts.

21 Jul


Originally posted by nomdemorte

It does?

Pros are making your hit box smaller, con is aim is significantly reduced and spread is significantly increased.


Originally posted by radeonalex

Haha they can't even ban real cheaters, let alone someone binding a slide macro 🤣

It's easy to detect client side macros vs software that injects itself into the game.


Originally posted by PUBG_NUMBA_WAN

If it is the case, that single tap is not available, would a macro for the key "c" to make one tap to double tap bannable?

Yes. Macros are a banable offense


Originally posted by nomdemorte

Pretty sure there isn't one. Hope I'm wrong.

You're not wrong. Single tap sliding was ridiculous in BF1. It now takes some skill and has pros and cons.

20 Jul


I'm desperately hoping that there's more of these.


Originally posted by GlintSteel

I already report some straight to dev here internally with videos too, he fowarded it and banned instanly :D, the most i comfortable is u/lytlb1t here just message him on reddit. Well i play on asia PC so u should know how bad it is...

Reported internally (sorry for delay, was on vacation)


Originally posted by [deleted]


It never had 200 upvotes. And that really doesn’t even matter.

I think, at max, it had maybe 12.

Have a good night.


Originally posted by HelmutKahlid

Shouldn't the release of Elites be the last thing the team is working on right now? Reading that in the notes just kind of irked me considering how many bugs and other problems the game is having at the moment. Something like that should be discussed after the new patch goes live and how well the game performs afterward. No offense, but when new Elites are being released is the last thing I'm concerned about.

Update 4.2, Marita, and the Elites have been scheduled to all be released on the same day. Of priority is the update, which will go live first.

I understand where you’re coming from, I do, but we’ve been asked about them throughout the week as they are scheduled to go live with Marita, so I wanted to give a quick status update.


Originally posted by Phroggo

Oh for sure, that actually makes a lot of sense! While remaining accurate is definitely a super important thing, I did really enjoy some of the prominent set pieces like the crashed zeppelin in Giant's Shadow. They really made those maps memorable for me, and made them more visually interesting. Even though you aren't one of the art guys, do you think that future maps could have similar things as the war progresses? Like something similar to the destroyer in Suez being a set piece in maybe a Pacific map? Thanks so much for the reply, and I'm sorry if I'm a nuisance!

I would love that. Heck, I hope one day we do base jump maps again, but then again, not always my call. :)


Originally posted by NUIT93

Rush is so goddamn good now, great job guys!!

I had some good matches today. Feels a lot better. More like BF3.


Originally posted by BlinkysaurusRex

u/Braddock512 Could you perhaps provide an update on the progress of Breakthrough's development for Al-Sundan?

This is my fifth time asking over several weeks to no avail. Please respond dude.

I have no update at this time.


Originally posted by mjaul

Mate, this post really captures how frustrated you are. I hope everyone now understands how stressful this must be. Personally, I reckon you should change roles with one of the higher ups (*cough* Lars *cough) for a couple of months so they can a) finally understand what the hell they have done to the player base, and b) you can implement the ton of changes that we keep on ranting about. And maybe throw out this dinged out version of frostbite while you're at it.

Trust me, they understand how the community feels. I firmly believe that in my heart. They’re all fans of the franchise themselves, and these issues frustrate them as well.

I wouldn’t want to trade positions. The reason I’m here is because I am a gamer first, and a veteran of this franchise. I want to be in the trenches with y’all, the community, because I came from the community.

I know that in the recent past some of my replies may have seemed testy, which was never my intention, and I’m sorry if my phrasing or tone came across as anything other than as a passionate gamer who’s feeling y’alls frustration.

But I believe we’re gonna get through this. I have faith that we’re gonna right this course and BFV will be exactly what it deserves to be - one of the best games in the franchise. But it’s gonna take a while, and I’m here for the long haul.

19 Jul


Originally posted by Phroggo

Hey u/kenturrac , sorry for the @, but I noticed you answered some other questions in this sub so I thought I'd take a crack at it.

I'm just wondering what the general idea is regarding the aesthetics and visual themes of maps. In Bf1, there were huge fires and plumes of smoke in the background, which was pretty neat, but in Bfv, theres not much for that. Idk if you personally had anything to do with these design changes, but I'm just wondering why this did change. I thought Bf1 dealt with colors really well, and Bfv just does it differently.

Was this overall mood shift intentional? Or was it just how the maps developed aesthetically? If you see this, thanks for your time, and I love your work!! :)

Hey, no worries about the tag and thanks for the nice words! <3

In simple terms, you can say that I am the gameplay guy and not the art guy, but I will try to give some information as best as I can explain.

We normally do a lot of research for our ingame worlds and I think compared to others in the industry we have a fairly high expectations on our selfs when it's about delivering worlds as closely to the real places as it can be. This means sometimes not showing the all out war on the horizon if it didn't happen. Take Rotterdam, I have heard a few times that it doesn't portray the grittiness of WW2 and yeah, it probably doesn't convey the typical picture of WW2, but it shows the day the "surprise invasion" happened. There wasn't much bombardment. I think we went way further than what actually happened already.

Devastation then on the other hand shows the scene after the bombing. So comparable this is probably 400% more of what you would expect from WW2.

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