Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

02 Jul


It saves all your stats unless a server crash happens. Even client side crashes will still save.


Originally posted by itsthechizyeah

You really think there are people that think it only takes a couple hours to make a map?

I’ve literally had people say that to me, yes. Or “just turn the lights out and make a night map; should be easy”.


Originally posted by Dragten

So flipping a switch on dozens or even hundreds of vehicle skins is easy, but disabling the few invisibility-bugged skins is just too complex?

It’s actually not related to any specific skin. It’s related to a rendering streaming error that affects seeing some players clientside.

Example : you may see a player that isn’t fully rendered(invisible) but the player next to you sees them clearly.


Originally posted by cattygaming1

Here's another uncommon bug that wasn't on the main post u/partwelsh

That's an odd one. I wonder if it was related to the lean?

Thanks regardless, have shared with the team.

Chapter 4: Defying the Odds has now been unleashed, bringing new maps, gear, and rewards to further augment your Battlefield™ V* experience. We hope you’re as excited as we are.

Defying the Odds contains plenty of Chapter Rewards to unlock by earning Chapter Rank – which, in turn, is done by playing the game. We thought you’d appreciate a list of these rewards, from the very first one, all the way up to Chapter Rank 40. Here we go.

  • Chapter Rank 1: Defying the Odds Emblem
  • Chapter Rank 2: Ivory Weapon Set – Sturmgewehr 1-5
  • ...
Read more

Originally posted by simsurf

Hmmm I kinda thought you did. But I retract my statements in the spirit of good will. And apologise for the time I called the rules bullshit and posted a hacker. Though I did get banned for 2 days lol. I don't think you could pay me enouight to mod a sub let alone do it for free.

The hacking/cheating thing I get. It would make sense people want to post their info everywhere. We would allow it if not for an issue with a person back in BF4 that decide to doxx a suspected cheater and started making threats at them in real life. Authorities had to step in. We decided that will never happen again. The no posting of cheaters/hackers rule is there to protect normal people from potentially crazy people. It's unfortunate but that's the internet for ya.



Originally posted by melawfu

Especially if you managed to countersnipe!

Yep lol. Loved taking out scouts like 200m away. The super slugs or whatever specialization that is, does make them a bit better, but still far from the BF1 days.


Originally posted by simsurf

Ok but the dice dude said they do come here to read about bugs etc irrespective of an angry tone etc. But you said in another post you were moderating negative/bug posts because they belong in the officia EAl forum....

We aren't removing bug or glitch posts that would be silly. We are just going to have automod put a comment on them so people will ALSO see they can post them over at EA Answer HQ, the official place.



Originally posted by melawfu

Model 10A Slug was godly

OMG yes.


Originally posted by ForensicShoe

They don’t ask much of us.

Out of interest what do they ask of you?

Sticky a post from time to time. Give us codes for emblems and what not, to do giveaways on the sub. That's about it.


Originally posted by simsurf

f**k that. I'm out. Memes were the only reason for opening this sub

I literally said that the meme rules are not changing. They've been the same for like 6 months now..


Originally posted by 1MC_

Sorry /u/Braddock512 but I saw in one of your past comment about trying to find the outfit that causes the invisible bug. I tagged you and Welsh in a post I made 5 days ago.....

If its your "top priorities" Then a reply to my post saying yes or no to my evidence I presented should be something you should be doing. I posted already in here with a link to said screenshot and you can look up my post by yourself to see suggestions to see what the outfit could be.

Also you want us to buy XP buffs where in previous games they were free in crates cases? either the money pool for BFV is so low that you need to resort to this awful tactic or greed has become the top priorities for yous guys.

I forwarded the information you shared. From what the team has discussed internally, it’s more than that, though.


Originally posted by yousonovab

Yea so last chance is Wednesday! Jesus H Christ. You literally thanked me for pointing this out 2 weeks ago. 🤙🏼

And two weeks ago I didn’t move it to Wednesday as it’s a CTA - Call to Action.

It’s really simple, man. If I put “Last Chance” on Wednesday and it ended before someone saw the post or knew, I get railed on here about not letting people know ahead of time.

Therefore, I post this as a CTA to let people know they have a limited time to complete the ToW Weekly Storyline before it actually ends.

And yes, I did thank you because I do appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts, but this is how it’s going to be.

Have an awesome day!



Originally posted by dasisteinthrowaway1


Slugs aren't nearly as good as they were in bf1 ☹️


Originally posted by SangiMTL

can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not because this post was taken down at first. If it isn’t sarcasm, I appreciate that feedback. Thank you

No sarcasm. We shared this post between mods so we have a good example of what a well thought, non-toxic rant can really look like. Your post is fine. It's the ones full of f*ck this and f*ck that, that we are looking to remove.


Originally posted by MrToasterWaffles7574

Sorry tek0011, I can't blame you after looking back at this, it should be the development team making me frustrated with anyone related to DICE. I realize my mistake and am truly apologetic. I will not make this mistake again and hope we can move on.

No worries bud. I'm so laid back it's hard to piss me off. Plus it's Reddit so I take everything with a grain of salt. Rarely does anyone actually come back and say things like you just did, so much appreciated.


Originally posted by DANNYonPC

But i like rants :(

You're a rant.


Originally posted by The_g0d_f4ther

Can you guys do the same for cheating ?



Originally posted by MrToasterWaffles7574

I regret this comment and deleted it myself

Some day I'm going to cash in all my karma I can't wait!


Originally posted by Luminous_Fantasy

A rant does have thought put into it. How much of a grip does EA have on you people?

None tbh. There is a clear line between us and them. They dont ask much of us and we dont get special treatment from them. It works that way and will stay that way. Both parties understand conflict of interest very well. Technically, they could abandon Reddit at any time. Plenty of other outlets to focus on.