Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

01 Jul


Originally posted by Sveittjpong

I moderate this sub with one single thought in mind. Does the post or comments bring value to the sub?

So you're saying this sub will have value and interesting discussions from now on? Interesting. Good luck. This will probably not backfire at all.

There is an unsubscribe button :)


Originally posted by CheeringKitty67

Maybe they should come here as we are the ones playing the game. The fact we are here means we play the game regularly not once a week for an hour or two.

They browse this sub daily. Many of them. They see bugs posted here. But their main focus is on posts listed on their official bug reports page. Reddit is far from official, however it does provide at least a high level view of whats going on.


Originally posted by SangiMTL

That explains why you people just took my post down even though everyone in the comments said I made great points. Censoring people because they’ve had enough of the constant glitches isn’t a smart way of making things better with your core fan base. Many of us have stuck it out since release because we actually want you guys to succeed. But even when things were calm, nothing changed. So what do you expect? Those of us who got f**ked by paying full price for a game that you dropped to 30$ not even a month later have a genuine reason to be a tad upset. Especially us idiots who pre ordered the deluxe edition. There is truly no reason for so many bugs to not have been fixed in 7 months and for bigger game breaking ones being added in at this point either. Like I stated in my post that you so graciously deleted, what makes all this worse is that it took you guys an hour to fix a bug where people were buying skins with CC instead of Boins. Yet 7 months in, and you still have yet to fix...

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  1. We mods are not affiliated with DICE, nor EA, so your comment is being directed incorrectly.

  2. Calm the f*ck down. The rule is new and we are working out its scope internally.

  3. Your post was reapproved after internal discussion.

  4. Calm the f*ck down.


Originally posted by JerboiZoobat

Why can’t they just remove said skin/skins from the game until it’s fixed?

Part of the issue is identifying the correct skins.

I know it's frustrating. As soon as we get any updated info, we'll share it. It is definitely at the top of our list of priorities.


Originally posted by CheeringKitty67

Ya refer to EA. The black hole of customer support. That will solve problems.

I think you misunderstood me. Nothing to do with EA support...

Bug reports are all handled through EA Answer HQ. That is literally where the devs pull the bugs from. They certainly dont pull them from here. So by educating people and letting them know that DICE pulls bugs from EA Answer HQ, it might mean more people post the same bugs over there, and they could get fixed quicker.

Specifically -


Your post/comment has been removed:

  • Memes, reaction gifs and low-quality/low-attempt content is removed based on the following rules:

Your post was removed based on the current rules as set forth by the subscribers of the sub:

(removed if)

  • Less than 100 upvotes in an hour

  • Less than 200 upvotes in 2 hours

  • Less than 300 upvotes in 3 hours

  • Less than 400 upvotes or 40 comments anytime past 4 hours

If you feel this was a mistake, please contact the moderators by clicking here.


Originally posted by DTKT

I'm sorry but I think I might be missing something. You have semi-invisible players in a FPS and you don't want to hotfix that as soon as humanly possible? Am I the only one who thinks that's a little bit crazy? Even things like hit registration is not as gameplay impacting as NOT being able to see what is shooting you.

And frankly, I would be pretty cross with QA to let that bug roll through (or was it flagged as WNF?).

If it was an easy fix, I guarantee it would be in the hotfix. It’s not. Fact of the matter is, we’re fixing it as fast as possible because of the significant issues it brings to the game.


Originally posted by redditforcash

mOdS aRe PaId bY dIcE tO cEnSoR mE!!1!

banned! /s


Originally posted by p0l1t1kz

yeah lets remain civilized through our negative feedback even though we got buttf**ked multiple times already lol

Are you saying that you can't remain civilized and provide constructive negative feedback? Or that just bitching and complaining alone, simply to bitch and complain would resolve issues?


Originally posted by insanity35

Gonna fix the invisible players or just ignore that? Ridiculous.

Yeah, we are going to fix it. The team is currently working on this issue as a priority, but I don’t believe it will be in the hotfix we’re deploying before the mid-July update.


Originally posted by Huskerdoggo

you can show or ask about a bug without making it into a hate rant towards dice

you can show or ask about a bug without making it into a hate rant towards dice

^^ exactly that.


Originally posted by battlefieldpartisan

No one is trying to silence anyone that has valid and valued points. Only those that fill the sub with pointless, worthless, meaningless trash.

Ok, cool. Some of the pointless, worthless, meaningless trash is pretty funny though.... I hope I'll catch a few in new before you remove them.

Even mods have a sense of humor :P We like dank memes and some dank trash too!


Originally posted by JaySeaEl

Yeah I got banned for two days on some BS man. All I did was compare DICE to Al-queda for not putting authentic British uniforms in game. My post had a lot of reasoning.

All I did was compare DICE to Al-queda

My post had a lot of reasoning.

Sure it did.


Originally posted by Huskerdoggo

Great. Only bad thing is that we're probably gonna see more "mods deleted my post" posts

Those will be removed under Rules 1 and 2. lol


Originally posted by Twitch_Tsunami_X

A lot of people probably don't even know that their post has been removed let alone why. I think sending anyone who has their post removed a brief message will help your cause.

There will be a comment posted on the thread so that they know. Side note, we started doing this with memes today. Instead of just removing them, we now post why it was removed and list out the sub meme rules in the comment.

We are also adding another automod feature. Any time a post has the word bug/glitch in it, automod will make a comment directing the user to EA Answer HQ. We are trying to get more people there, as many bugs/glitches are posted on this sub, but not duplicated over there and that is the official place EA/DICE will look.


Originally posted by battlefieldpartisan

I honestly thought that you were already removing bitching and complaining posts? I'm pretty sure I've seen a few 'removed' posts. If this rule is used to remove posts that are like, ''I'M SO f**kING DONE WITH THIS GAME'', then that's cool, but I'm afraid that this rule could be used to remove what I and many others would consider legitimate rants, I hope not. I've seen quite a few ranting posts get hundreds of upvotes, ranting posts that would probably be removed if they were posted today, and that's not cool IMO.

I moderate this sub with one single thought in mind.
Does the post or comments bring value to the sub?

If someone is ranting, and there are many comments and the comments are actually people talking about it in a non-toxic, educated manner, then it can stay. If the comments are just more people bitching and complaining, being toxic, spammy or threatening, then it doesnt need to be here. Based on your comment above, I can tell you know the difference, so don't fret my friend. No one is trying to silence anyone that has valid and valued points. Only those that fill the sub with pointless, worthless, meaningless trash.


Originally posted by battlefieldpartisan

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I think some legitimate rants will get removed, and to be honest, with all of the bugs etc., this sub should be full of rants until that shit gets sorted. Let's not pretend that everything is cool, it's not. I seriously hope that no one to do with the game encouraged the moderators to add this rule.

A legitimate rant is one that actually has reason behind it beyond just bitching and complaining. People know the difference.


Originally posted by WiseFuzzball403

Will you push out a client update immediately or will we have to wait until the next scheduled update?

We’re looking to drop a hotfix this week. Next scheduled update is in a couple weeks.


Originally posted by WiseFuzzball403

would this have to be an download update or something you do on the server side? I don't know much about netcode.

Both. Server side fix and client update.


Ranting posts are not allowed on /r/BattlefieldV. Community feedback has prompted us to make this rule official.

This DOES NOT mean you can't post negative opinions/issues, you've always been able to. It just means we want you to put some thought behind them. If you have concerns or something you don't like, issues or strong opinions, you are free to voice them here. That's never going to change.

However, we ask you to reduce cursing and to provide value and feedback regarding your concern. What changes would you like to see based on what you don't like? What valued feedback would you want to provide the devs? Has your issue or concern already been posted, if so do you need to make another post?

Posts that provide no value and are blatantly just posting to complain and rant will ...

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