Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

02 Jul


Originally posted by Sveittjpong

Time will tell if this sub successfully goes that route though. To say it in a pottery way, the clay the mods need to work with to make that beautiful vase is some really low grade shit clay.

We've been modding all release specific Battlefield subs since bf3. We'll mod the next one too and the rules will follow. It's worked for 6 or 7 years with minor tweaks here and there. In the end it's all the same.


Originally posted by yousonovab

Dude, this is the 3rd time now I’m pointing out your error in the weekly reward. Last chance is on Wednesday, not Tuesday.

And the reminder is that you have one day left, so, it’s not an error. Have a great day!


Originally posted by HelmutKahlid

Do you have any Letters From the Front update on Al-Sundan and the ability to play it in Conquest? I remember you mentioning last week that you would have an update for us Monday night.

:) I like that you adopted my whole naming thing for Community Broadcasts.

Anyways, they're still working on it - it doesn't look like it will make it into this hotfix, so we're tracking for the mid-July update. We do have an On the Battlefield video about Al-Sundan that we'll be pushing out for it as well.


Originally posted by veekay45

Thanks. Last active class would do. Male/female selection toggle would do. Just something would be better than the current state.

Do you mind if I screenshot this into a post so that more people can be updated on the issue?

If I wasn’t, I wouldn’t post it. Thanks for helping spread the message.


Originally posted by Hofian14

That’s class no joke. Especially cause he trashed you guys pretty hard at the end of the post.

You’re a good man PartWelsh.

Regardless of how folks feel it’s my job to help get improvements. As daft as it sounds, my job is easier while you’re all talking, irrespective of what’s fueling it. I want us all to get to the day where we’re just on here posting memes about the game and showing off your best moments, rather than the meme just being how you feel the game is.

Me and the team are in this for the long haul.

01 Jul


Originally posted by JerboiZoobat

Well which team is responsible for testing the updates before they go live? Because they suck. Every patch brings more bugs and more issues. None of this frustration is aimed at you Braddock, I know you don’t have a hand in this nonsense. It just feels like dice has completely lost their way. Everyone I know personally stopped playing this, and I’m trying so hard to hang tight and bear with you guys but it’s getting to the point where idk how much patience I have left. I want dice to succeed. They just don’t seem like they want to.

And I feel you, buddy. I really do. I know it's frustrating - and I know patience is wearing thin.


This is a perfect example of "ranting" posts that are well thought out, well versed and provide value to the sub.

No name calling, no toxicity, no spamming.

If you want an example based on todays new rule of what is acceptable, this is one.

Thank you OP.


Originally posted by SPITSPHIRE

as of 3 minutes ago the post in question is still comment locked, so i'm not sure what you mean by it was reinstated.

as someone who also recently created a rant post (i self deleted it after i calmed down and realized it wasn't very productive) I can fully sympathise with those who feel anger or frustration with the current state of the game and i fail to see how censoring people's expression of those feelings are going to result in a positive outcome.

these expressions of anger or "rants" as you call them are the direct result of the current state of the game and as such will drop into the negative and rise into the positive depending on the current consensus of opinion on the game.

in the same way you wouldn't attack or berate someone experiencing depression or sadness, as it would simply result in a deepening of those negative emotions, banning or censoring someone because they expressed their discontent would only serve to deepen those feelings of ang...

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Sorry, was driving home from real work. Thank you actually. I did re-approve it but totally forgot to unlock it, so I will now.

Thanks for the help.


Originally posted by Exa2552

That’s not working very well though, is it? Some guy just made a post about why he leaves the game behind, giving reasons making reasonable points. Your mod team took him down anyways. Great job!

Its back up. Each mod on here makes their own decisions. However, this was a newer rule and we weren't able to discuss it with everyone this morning. It was a simple mistake, thats all.


Originally posted by CoyoteWhite305

So you think we should be calm for having our shit removed just because you only read the title of the post without actually taking the time to actually see, but now you actually went and checked cause you have been found out, honestly amazing that in this short amount of time the rule has been made, you show abuse of power.

You seem to know everything about what we do, or how we run things. Are you a spy?


Originally posted by KURASAKI81

Deleted this joke months ago, while I only played BF for years. The last 'updates' killed my thoughs of reinstalling lol.

thanks for hanging around on the sub of the game you deleted months ago, we appreciate it! :)


The XP Boosts in BF1 were for your overall rank. These XP Boosts are the same thing that you can use Boins to purchase on the Tides of War Progress screen. They are two totally different things. Why would they give those kinds of XP Boosts away for free? They're actually what most of the community WANTS from purchases in this game: 2 paths to the same result. You can either grind and earn TOW rank or pay to skip the tiers and claim the rewards.


Originally posted by JerboiZoobat

It’s “top priority”

But not top enough to get fixed faster than the tank skins.

Different teams, dude. And the issue is more complex than then switching a code off on some skins that hit the Armory when they shouldn’t have.


Originally posted by xXCoconutHeadXx

Do we need an Origin account for the giveaway?

If you play Battlefield, you have an EA/Origin account. It’s the account you linked your PSN ID/Xbox Gamertag to.


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Originally posted by duanor



Originally posted by cattygaming1

u/partwelsh has this been forwarded to the team yet?

Yup. A few of the team actually got to it before me too. Will follow up if I can, but for the most part we will discuss what changes we’ve made via Patch Notes.

I appreciate the tag and OP for putting it together.


Let's check the calendar for this week and get a status update on some top trending issues.

While this is an overview of the planned content and announcements for the week, please be aware some things may shift/move. Be sure to stay up-to-date by checking back here daily as we'll update this as things are added or shifted.

Monday, 7/1/2019

Read more External link →

Originally posted by veekay45

u/PartWelsh Can you shed some light on why are tankers and pilots locked to female?

That’s just how they were implemented for the launch of the game. I’ve asked the team about what we might do with the role. My personal preference (Edit: Whilst we get to a better solution) would be to just remove it but as far as I understand it’s got some technical dependencies that make it not quite as simple as that.

To develop a system that lets you customise it (including appropriate menu configurations and UX considerations) is as complicated to implement as removing them altogether and just allowing last active class to use them.

It’s not an unknown sentiment. We are looking at it.


Originally posted by Mechatroniik

What a fq BIG lie .... they knew this from begging , go f...68777 Dice liars

Al Sundan was 100% playable at EA Play. There’s hours of footage of It on YouTube. The delay is unfortunate but not intentional. There’s no value in us lying to folks, we want you having fun playing the content we made. That’s all there is to it.