Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

29 May


Originally posted by DLVittorio

Guys, fix the fps drops and stuttering before the map releases or no one will be allowed to play it. The game is unplayable right now

Guys, fix the fps drops and stuttering before the map releases or no one will be allowed to play it. The game is unplayable right now

It's a complex issue but the team are absolutely aware of this and are working towards fixing it, as stated in the OP - hopefully by next Tuesday we'll have an update on the progress.


Hey guys, I understand that people are frustrated and upset about some of the news posted here but there is no reason to get personal or ugly with u/partwelsh or u/braddock512

Make your points, make them passionately but don't be rude or disrespectful. Braddock and Freeman come here voluntarily to share news with you guys. DICE doesn't own this sub, nor does EA. They do not have to post here, and frankly some of the responses they're given here I wouldn't blame them if they didn't want to post info here anymore.

Chill, make constructive points. We are all fans and we care but we can do this in a more constructive way without...

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Originally posted by Jiven23

Thanks for the open communication. You are not going to please everyone, but I think the majority of people out there are passionate about this game and want to see it fulfill all its potential. With that said, I think the new visibility update is pretty good; however, I think the character visibility is a little off on the Panzerstorm map. The player models are really bright and don’t compare to the other maps. Is there a chance to take a second look at it. Thx.

I'll get someone to take a look at that. Thanks!


Originally posted by RootyRooKangaroo

When private servers come, are we able to have frontlines, i havnt seen an Australian frontline server in about 2 months and i usually have to go to foriegn servers. Frontlines is one of the best game modes out there. I want 16 v 16 not that 32 v 32 crap that u get in the grand ops.

The current design of Private games allows this, yes.

28 May


Originally posted by Javipflores

U/braddock512 hey man hope youre well. Btw how is Black Bess recovering? Shes been forgotten by everyone here

She's banged up, but she's a tank. Just need to get my repair torch and get her back to 100%. Hopefully should get her in and out of the mechanic by this weekend and be back on the road in time for EA PLAY. I'm doing better. Able to walk without crutches and the big patch of road rash on my right forearm (not the Battlefield tattoo arm) is already starting to heal.

Thanks for asking!


Originally posted by _Drakesden

Don't forget to announce that you'll be talking about the fact that you're talking about something you'll talk about, and then delay talking about the talkabout. Thanks! Also, can we get German helmets in this game? BF5's German soldiers use Hungarian helmets. If we're lucky, we'll get to talk about talking about this in about 5 years along with the next map.

Your meme aside - I can either volunteer what information that I have today, or I can stay absolutely silent in the hope that there are folks out there waiting to listen when we finally have everything locked up and ready to go.

This isn't spin, hype, or tease. It's just an effort to be as communicative as possible.


Originally posted by ConAir0nVHS

Can we get an update on why if we already own a piece of equipment for the epic skins, that we need to pay full price for them

I believe that it's just a lack of flexibility in the way that the store offers are currently presented. I am encouraging that we look to find a different way to do this stuff (be that auto-discount, or separate purchase) but these things are inevitably more complicated than I perceive them to be.


Originally posted by xxFOXWITCHxx

Is the new price for elite skins 9xx and not the 1500?


I need to triple check this in the morning.

I saw a comment internally suggesting that the first two elites were potentially staying at the discounted price, but I'm not certain if that's becoming a permanent thing or not. Let me look into this tomorrow and I'll edit this comment.


Originally posted by [deleted]


That's a very unfair thing to say about Jeff. He's in this for all days, good and bad.


Originally posted by PM_ME_GPU_PICS

They are going to slow it down because you can buy ToW levels for boins.

I rarely comment on cynicism because I can understand the underlying frustrations, but no - we're not removing modes to stifle XP gains.

TOW Rank Skips operate the same as BF3/4/1 shortcut kit works. For many that play the game an absolute tonne, they're deemed pointless, but for those who want the function, the option is now available.

The feature isn't designed that way.


Originally posted by nkonrad

I appreciate you at least trying to respond in a thread filled with so much negativity (mine included), and I know it's not your fault that you can't give any concrete details here, but this doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.

Maybe I'm dead wrong and the XP gain changes will be flawlessly executed and improve the game by a ton, but it's hard not to see this as an attempt to make Tides of War harder so people are more likely to buy boins for it.

As I've said elsewhere, we're not here to hide from the community. Sometimes we're going to have great news to share (I genuinely like what else we have to share this week), and sometime we have news that we already understand will be a lot less popular. But both me and /u/braddock512 are here to interact where we're invited and able too.


Originally posted by DICE404

  • Frontlines & Domination removed = good. Focus on the core gamemodes like Conquest, Breakthrough & Rush. You can't please everyone and it's a waste of development time creating all kinds of different sectors for all modes. You need to make a decision on what Battlefield will be moving forward and stop trying to appeal to every single person in the gaming industry. It will NEVER work. Rainbow Six Siege recently removed Hostage & Secure from Ranked and made it so Bomb is the primary mode of the game (as it should be, it's the most balanced and competitive mode). Sure, people cried but who the f**k cares, you CANNOT PLEASE EVERYONE and you have to look at what's best for the game long term. Frontlines, Domination and all that junk is irrelevant for Battlefield's success and that's just a fact. I know some people will hate me for this, but Squad Conquest is complete trash IMO. You're always 8 vs 5 because people leave - the most boring mode I've ever played in my life. I'm telling...
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I was talking to Jaqub about the frames today. We're trying to explore if thats a result of the recent stuttering issue or needs looking at seperately. Until we can clear one out of the way, we'll have a hard time reviewing the other.


Originally posted by will50231

Any chance of multiple load out options? so i can have different cosmetic choices i can select at a simple click of the mouse? i think bf1 had something like this where you could name them too.

Its being looked into. Not sure if it's something they can bring to realization.


Originally posted by radeonalex

/u/PartWelsh is there any chance that conquest may be removed as well?

I have a friend interested in buying bfv but he's concerned that conquest will disappear too (he last played BF2 when cq was the main mode). Unfortunately there hasn't been much good news to tell him in game modes recently :(

It's pretty much the most unlikely of any scenario. Conquest remains at the heart of Battlefield. I dont see a day where suddenly folks are showing us that they don't want to play it.


Originally posted by Imgur_Lurker

What else was supposed to be Boins only

I really wanted the Retribution helmet for the Axis because it's literally the only thing in the game with actual hair like I was promised in the Trailer but I couldn't get it due to the CC shortage bug.

Is that going to be resold as a Boins item too?

It looks like it, yes.


Originally posted by BlackDraco39

So I guess all the other cosmetics that were added in December, and then removed, are all going to be EPIC and cost Boins. Good lord.

I've asked the teams for help clarifying if this will be the case for any of them. Anything they can share back with me I will be working with /u/braddock512 to come back and talk about before it goes back in.


Originally posted by Recker_74

I dont think that they will have RSP options for game modes that they had removed months ago.

We will be ensuring that unless we release a gamemode that is horribly broken (or universally hated), that it's available via Private Games.

That will include Domination and Frontlines. We will enable the community to create their own servers running this mode when the feature launches.


Originally posted by Recker_74

Thanks for the Community Broadcast!

My thoughts on the game modes changes:

  • Domination should stay as a permanent game mode. While i like Squad Conquest (good job for adding more maps btw), it just isnt the same (SQC has a vehicle and only 8 players per team). Domination is a good mode for completing assignments and also for ppl who like small scale infantry gameplay.
  • Frontlines for me, were a worse version compared to Bf1. Personally it was maybe my least favorite mode and it wasnt populated. So removing it, seems a logical choice. I wanna see in the future a proper plant/defuse bomb game mode though (like Defuse, Obliteration etc).
  • Grand Operations needs some tweaks (Change Winning Conditions, better bonus for winning each day, Final Stand should occur more often, Remove Conquest Entirely from Grand Ops, more game modes added etc), but i am already enjoying this game mode in its current state.
  • Team Deathmatch is also a mode that ...
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I don't get to say this enough but really, it means a lot to myself and /u/braddock512 when people take this much time out their day to share feedback with us. I'll do my best to push as much of it through to the right persons as possible.

Some of my own personal thoughts on what you shared:

  • We're not against rotating it back in and out of the game through Tides of War if we can see a clear benefit to the experience for doing it. We've long toyed around with the idea of creating mixed mode playlists that match playstyles to player count, and we'll experiment with upcoming new maps to see if we can find better ways for the mode to play out.

  • We do have more objective focused modes coming to BFV. I don't believe I've heard talk of us attempting classics like Defuse or Obli...

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Originally posted by TheMightySpargus

Firstly, thank you for being more communicative and transparent about upcoming changes, it is appreciated.

That being said, don't take my frontlines! It's one of the best game modes BFV has. Most of these limited time modes are just too niche. Fortress would be decent as a day 3 mode in a Grand Operation and Squad Conquest is only ok if you have a coordinated team. Operations and Frontlines were the best modes in BF1 and its one of the few things that keeps me playing BFV.

And calling it a "bug" that the Pit Crew outfit was originally purchasable by CC doesn't make me any more likely to believe it wasn't a conscious decision.

I can appreciate that. It genuinely was a database/administration error that was remedied months ago, but naturally it created a fresh problem that we didn't anticipate much further down the line.

I can't change the stance taken on the issue but I'm keenest to try and figure out why it is we couldn't have messaged everyone before it went back in to help folks understand this. I've also asked the team to help review any of the internal patch notes to figure out if there were any similar skins that were also patched.

Myself and /u/braddock512 genuinely want to be as open, honest and transparent as it's possible for us to be and that on some days, that means sharing news that we know won't be popular. I can only ask for folks to trust us when we say that we're not here to tell lies, and we'd soone...

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Originally posted by Twitch_Tsunami_X

Letting you know there is a bug with The Writer outfit. I bought the full set from the armory for 14900cc about 2 weeks ago and I still can't wear it. Every color is locked except for one and it wants an extra 1700cc to unlock it.

That's odd. Can you get in touch with a member of the team at EA Help so that they can look at this one with you? It's not something we can solve publicly and we only ever share info about folks accounts on owned and secured platforms. Keen to get this looked at though.