Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

28 May


Originally posted by nkonrad

Not likely, now that you can pay real money for tides of war xp.

Why would they make it easier when that means you’re less likely to pay them?

Arguably there are changes to the way XP gain happens but we'll be talking more about that later this week relating to the Ranks stuff. Attempting to answer the question tonight won't make it any clearer.


Hi folks -

Because of the recent public holidays in both the US and UK, we’ve found ourselves backed up with a bit of a lengthy post covering a couple of different topics.

Apologies from myself for that, here’s what I’m here with today:

  • A letter from the Battlefield Team regarding the Pit Crew Skin that was returned back to the armory last week.
  • An update on some changes that we’re making to our list of fixed Game Modes starting tomorrow.
  • An update on more updates

Let’s get to it - the below was shared with me from the team at DICE relating to the Pit Crew Skin.




On May 22, 2019, we updated the Battlefield V Armory with some new skins for weapons, and a return of some previous skins for soldiers.

As you may have no...

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Yes, you are really going to have to buy the game from Scratch again. I went through a similar issue with BF1 when I upgraded my computer to be able to run it. I was playing in PSN up until then and had to start over.

Fortunately, you can get a base copy of the game for cheap right now.

Good Luck Bud.


Originally posted by loqtrall

Lmao I realized what's happening after you replied to me twice and neither reply axtually showed up in the thread - all your comments are being deleted because you're being a toxic chode who lacks reasoning skills and the ability to debate without tossing out blatant insults like a 4 year old.

I'm thinking both of you need to disengage from this, it's very clear you're not going to convince the other of whatever it is you're arguing about. Stop it now, please.


We are working on getting an update out to the community, regarding this by the end of today/tomorrow all being well. Sorry for the delayed communication on this subject!


Reads comments Same.

Wait what, that's not how this is supposed to work, I mean, thank you for informing us. We'll pass this along to the team to investigate and fix once and for all!


Originally posted by MungDaalChowder

You got in a motorcycle accident? Hope you get well soon, LA motorists suck.

Yeah. I can’t go into a ton of details til it’s all settled, but I can say cagers taking a left into oncoming traffic suck. Lol


Originally posted by AnotherNitG

Cool thanks for the quick response. Get well soon man

Working on it! (I have Deadpool genes. I’m already off the crutches and the road rash is healing up pretty quick.)


Originally posted by AnotherNitG

Is there going to be a download for Thursday or is the map release just on your end? Just wanna know because my internet is pretty slow so I want to plan any downloads ahead of time

We just flip a switch and you’ll be good to go.


Originally posted by romoxlardo

"don't tell", then proceeds to tag them xD I hope you get well soon man, thanks for your time

Ben has some sort of CIA tracking on my online status. He knew I was online before I even signed into my laptop.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

I can't remember which CM/Dev posted this recently but basically they've found that the performance issues aren't affecting everyone, but they are affecting lots of people across platforms. I would imagine that it's much harder to diagnose the problem when it's appearing sporadically in different conditions

I think I saw an email that they're working on it - just as you mentioned, it's a bit difficult to track down due to the multiple variables. u/PartWelsh is working on something to share.


Originally posted by andersonrenato2

Thursday, 5/23/2019

  • Mercury Map Release

Roads? Where we're going we don't need... roads!

Hahaha. Oops. One sec.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

Aren't you technically working right now? Is there no one to fill in while you're injured? From the sounds of it you're recovering okay, or maybe just toughing it out. I wish you a quick recovery, anyway!

Shhh. Don't tell u/F8RGE or u/PartWelsh. I'm supposed to be resting. But I got bored just re-watching every Brooklyn Nine-Nine (even though it's one of the best shows on the planet.)


Let's dive into what is happening this week in Battlefield V!

Monday, 5/27/2019

  • This Week in Battlefield V - An overview of this week's news, blogs, content, and more. As items are added or shifted, this will be updated. Keep an eye on it through the week for redirect links!
  • ...
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27 May


Originally posted by Fluffelchen

Hey! So is there any news to that? I hope it won't get overlooked with the new hype sourrounding Mercury

I’m recuperating after getting out of the hospital following my motorcycle accident. u/PartWelsh is driving this internally while I’m out on medical leave.

    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by turismofan1986

He pretty much said "Soon ™"


    /u/tiggr on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by feedbackforblueballs


It's filled to the brim with explosive spam man. The ammo supply station cooldown allows for it too, people play around them due to it. You get 7 explosives every time you click E on a supply station bin / calldown bin. That's 7+ easy kills for some people.

On the new Fortress Hamada for example you can be top 5 every round on defense by sitting next to the ammo bin on the right with Piat and Dynamite, never shooting any gun. I have regularly got multi kills just throwing dynamite over the walls and by the time I'm done sending my 3 PIATs the ammo bin resupply cooldown is ready. The explosive spam never left the Battlefield, at least not the BF5 I have played.

edit - I replied to tiggr and I'm a bit peeved that he would delete his comment. I hope he didn't think I was attacking him and what he said wasn't objectively wrong, just biased as per usual with a game dev. I just think that if the DICE devs think that explosive spam is gone they aren't...

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Deleted? I sure didn't delete any comments? Anyhows - fortress is not comparable to regular cq/bf1 for obv reasons. It's almost designed to create this, not so much in general cq, which I was referring to (as the placement of stations and chokes should be a to account for spam minimization)