Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

24 May


Originally posted by kameradhund

u/partwelsh will all lost xp be restored?

you wrote that it is fixed but my xp from yesterday are still lost...

Yep the team solved the initial problem that was causing the issue to take place. An entirely seperate team needs to look at if it's possible to restore rewards/awards. My personal expectation is that this will be difficult to solve, and might not happen but if that changes I will let you know.


I think you may be pressing the "Activate Strafe to Lean While Zooming" at the same time. You can unassign the feature it in Key Bindings > Soldier and this should help.

Additionally, it could be that Lean Left and Lean Right are also assigned to keys you already use. In that case, i also recommend that you either unassign those inputs or move them somewhere else.


Originally posted by turtleslikemetoo

So if a teammate is healed by the aura from my medic crate, I won’t receive points?

Not in this patch I'm afraid, the aura might be giving you score when holding the crate around though (not deploying it)


Originally posted by wckb

It'd be really f**king great if you could make it so you dont require some stupid f**king initial assignment on firestorm, when it causes your game to crash literally non stop.

"Oh boy! I can't wait to find a civilian car not on the map to get to a capture point to try and get points before my game crashes!"

It’s not required to be played on Firestorm. You can play MP and use towable weapons, as it states in the Chapter 3 Week 9 overview.

23 May


Originally posted by ya1966yo

Moved it to L2 so far I'm doing ok.

Yup. That's one solution - to have it combined with ADS. Cheers!


It can't be added by default on the thumb stick presses, because Battlefield already has hold breath on the left one.

If you want it like that, you'll have to bind it yourself and remember to move hold breath elsewhere.


Originally posted by ya1966yo

Not working in FS tho

Not implemented in Firestorm for this patch. It's on its way though - you'll have it in the near future.


Originally posted by GIVE_CHAUCHAT

It’s right above the left/right lean mapping options. Select it and hold Y (for Xbox) and it will disable it.

Edit: keep in mind you won’t be able to hold your breath for sniper shots unless you re-map that too. I didn’t cause I don’t snipe.

Also if you're going to use L3 for leaning, make sure you rebind hold breath (for the scopes) to something else - e.g. one solution is to map it to the zoom button so you auto hold breath on ADS


Originally posted by ya1966yo

It should but it don't because it is bugged I guess jajajja

Not really bugged. The Firestorm soldiers just don't have it implemented for this patch.


Originally posted by jaokait

Is this fixed in the patch tomorrow?



Manual leaning is not in Firsetorm yet. It is on its way though and you'll have it in a couple of patches time.


Manual leaning is not in Firsetorm yet. It is on its way though and you'll have it in a couple of patches time.


Manual leaning is not in Firestorm yet. It is on its way and you'll have it in a couple of patches time.


Originally posted by zeppin

Someone just disconnected in the game, leaving behind no loot or kill credit. after patch is up.

Like I said, it will be fixed in the patch after this one. So in ~2 weeks probably.

    /u/F8RGE on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Happy Birthday Jeff,

Now get off Reddit and enjoy your birthday and time off. That's an order.


Originally posted by Rubbernipplehorse

And for those of us that can’t play firestorm? Would love too but there doesn’t appear to be any servers. Can’t we have the option, at least to play on multiplayer?

You can complete the first node in MP = multiplayer. Only those that specifically mention Firestorm require Firestorm.


Looking into this - certainly not intended. What platform are you all on?

Edit - We verified that this was happening across the board. Found a server that was rejecting some data calls so we've had a polite chat with it and we reckon that we have a fix live. Sometimes this takes a while to take effect because of the way our servers cache data but we're in the process of validating all of this right now.

Update - The fix has shown us a dramatic decline on the failed data calls. Everything looks to be back in order and we're going to monitor through the night here in Europe. Our engineers are going to give it a deeper look through in the morning to understand what went wrong and see if we need to do anything else with it, but the present belief is that we've stopped the original issue from occuring.

XP is now showing to be correctly applying across TOW, Career, Weapons and Vehicles.


Originally posted by jaokait

Will this be a hotfix?

I doubt, since this isn't really a critical issue.


Originally posted by ShabobRoss

Tek, I got that thing you wanted.

How do you want it? PM?
