Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

10 May


Originally posted by noknam

I'll take this opportunity to quickly grab an engineer to try and get an answer:

Is the sound bug which makes the entire game sound like you're listening through 20 tin cans something know and actively worked on? I don't see much about it around here but the stray comment or 2-3 does tell me it's a recurring problem.

Well you got the wrong engineer, I don't touch sound stuff. I did forward an issue mentioned on this sub a week back where the sound was messed up during the first ~30s of a match, if that's what you mean then it's tracked and being investigated.


Originally posted by [deleted]


I'll do my best.


Originally posted by RaphaRedditz

Not going to lie, didn’t know that was a thing.

Press crouch when landing


Originally posted by Skruddy

Smooth loop transition, brotha.

Anyway, I really like all the movement refinements. Controllable roll and the much faster and consistent ledge climbing really opens up quite a lot of new possible spots for you to climb and take advantage of. Do hope the mappers take notice of it and incorporate more areas accessible by chaining together ledge climbs and the like together.

Glad you like it :)


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Originally posted by Jimmyjamz44

Exactly my point, the system itself is unpredictable and kind of bs

I agree it's not always very reliable. I have a task to improve the soldier detection to make sure we play the takedown when you anticipated to do so, not sure when I have time to work on it though.


Originally posted by Alex_Says_Stuff

They’re already both in the game and I love them both

Which platform are you on? We got complaints from pc players about sliding not working properly, so we're investigating how we can improve it for everybody.


Originally posted by ForceGhost1013

Wth why are they even considering this. It's fine how it is, just focus on fixing bugs.

There are a lot of complaints about sliding not working properly, we're figuring out how we can improve this situation by asking the community first what they use more and what they like/dislike.


I checked my own router to see how he did this and discovered the squad ip’s were visible.

This statement doesn't make any sense. Nothing to prove those ips are people from your squad.


Originally posted by Gingerbeanwill

Wow, hate to point it out but what’s more important than someone having to quit a match? This has happened to me and I just stopped playing. Left me angry and annoyed! I’m not trying to be rude or anything it what is more important than the game working correctly? Genuinely curious?

Sorry, my mistake, though I was replying to the 'firestorm kill trade' thread...

It will be fixed in the next patch :)


Originally posted by johgru

Any rough hint on when we can expect the next patch?

I can't say for sure, the problem got identified and the solution is known, but more important tasks keep popping up.

We patch roughly every ~2 weeks, so that should give you an indication


Originally posted by Fieryhotsauce

Here is the clip I had of it happening in medium range. /u/lytlb1t what do you think is happening here?

The kill trade logic is different from base game. I believe kill trades should only work >20m and based on ping. In this case the filtering doesn't work, so any hit is taken.


I agree it's frustrating, it's also frustrating for us since this was fixed in time but found too risky to check in last minute into the last patch. Next patch will have the fix for this issue.


Originally posted by GodsTopWarrior

Thank you for the update. :)

I updated the QOL Tracker today as well.


Originally posted by Cromarty123

We have a full fix coming in the next update.


Originally posted by loveandmonsters

Twice, just like you in the vid, it was like being in a "downed" state in Firestorm (except I was in regular MP). I could shoot, use my gadgets. I don't think my bullets were doing any damage but I got a grenade rifle kill (lol) and an AP mines kill after I put 2 down next to my body. Switching squads and attempting to redeploy did nothing. I was able to be revived though, so I guess to my team it showed me with the "revive" icon next to me.

I also saw it happen to an enemy, I could tell because I could hear them shooting at me, but all I could see was a dead body. For the lulz I teabagged them a bit and then left an ammo crate next to them so they could continue on.

It's tracked to be fixed with the next update.


Should be available to purchase Friday/Monday at the latest.

09 May


Originally posted by mokaki

I submitted this through the web portal and via email to the listed address in the entry rules.

Gotcha. If you didn't get an email yet, you weren't one of the finalists.

However, we do have a secondary list for backups should the winners not respond.