Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

09 Apr


Originally posted by shhhpark

Any update on when loot for firestorm will be improved or looting dead bodies? it's still pretty bad

We've made some loot spread adjustments and loot collision adjustments with the latest update, and will continue to look for more optimal ways to loot, based on community feedback.


Originally posted by dkb_wow

I play on PC. My Origin name is "Beneffit". The 2 F's are not a typo.

Okay. That IS weird.
I can't find it in the CRM tool OR my special dev tool.
I've escalated this internally to multiple folks and will reply back when I have an update.

Sigh. Sorry for the frustration, bud.


Originally posted by veekay45

I'll keep asking: u/Braddock512 when will the female lock be lifted from pilots and tankers?

I've just sent an email with this specific question (again). As soon as I have an answer regarding customization of tankers/pilots, I'll make sure to share it.


Originally posted by dkb_wow

Yup, I'm hanging. Not going anywhere.

Okay. So, just looked in the tool. It's not showing in there.
I'm guessing that they rotate out old ToW after a period of time.
What's your gamertag? What platform do you play on?


Originally posted by dkb_wow

I've been trying for 5 months to get it granted to my account by using Advisors via EA support chat. If it was that easy, I wouldn't be here on Reddit reaching out directly to you guys.

That's what I mentioned the other day regarding the naming convention internally versus the external name. It may be named differently. Hang tight for just a second.


Originally posted by TahitiMagical

u/Braddock512 Now this question I feel IS ignored. When will the hair issues with Frank and Zoe be fixed? I've asked about this and have gotten ZERO response from anyone.

Can you clarify "hair issues", just so we're both on the same page?


Originally posted by ProStreet385

Absolutely. I'd love of we can get this fixed. My rig is...

1950x under custom water loop @4ghz (does the same with stock clocks) ASRock x399 professional RTX 2080 ti in the same loop 16gb ddr4 at 3200 (it's on asrocks approved list and worked straight away at those clocks) EVO 970 m.2 500gb Intel 750 pcie 400gb (game is on this drive along with other games) zXr sound card with burson audio vivid v6 op amps Fidelio X2 headphones Zowie 240hz with dyac monitor

My buddies rig is my old rig. Asrock x99 fatality 5820k at 4.5ghz RTX 2070 16gb ram Sound blaster z card and same Fidelio X2 cans Evo m.2 500gb

His crashes worse than mine. Sometimes has to open the game multiple times to even get to play it. But neither one of us can play more than a few minutes before the game just goes poof to desktop with out error messages. A quick search and I see tons of people with this problem.

You're both updated to the latest version of Windows/video drivers, you've (as a test) disabled Game Mode in Windows (it likes to turn it back on randomly when updating the OS)?


Originally posted by dkb_wow

Still here, still waiting for an update about this since this morning u/Braddock512

According to one of the project managers and one of the game experts at DICE Stockholm, they both said Advisors should be able to grant the item by checking the node was completed. Give me 5 minutes to look and see if it's in the inventory system in the CRM tool.


Originally posted by Brodom93

Watch the spicy attitude my guy, these are paying customers that have spent near $100 for the product you represent. Fanbase already has wavering trust in your company’s ability to provide meaningful content updates in a reasonable timeframe and have valid concerns about the state of the game you represent.

If me being playful offended you, then I absolutely do apologize for the offense. I wasn’t talking directly to you or the community as a whole, but that’s irrelevant in a public forum such as this. Having seen the backlash of “talking like a suit” prior to BFV (which, if you knew me in person, you wouldn’t think I was anywhere near being a “suit”), I have tried to be more .. me. Have a little fun, be a little playful.

Personally, as a consumer myself, I prefer someone who talks to me in a real way, as I am doing here. I certainly don’t give out as much as I receive with regards snark, rudeness, outright abuse, especially the personal attacks I’ve received, because there is a line. And I won’t ever cross it. (And this isn’t me saying “poor me”, it’s the unfortunate reality of working in the games industry in this day and age.)

But yeah, I’m gonna be playful, I’m going to have fun when appropriate. I hope that you can see that as a benefit of having someone as a co...

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Originally posted by Angry_Spartan

I posted about giving your platoon members colors that you can see in MP because 4 man squads are a thing months ago....needless to say I got ridiculed beyond belief for even suggesting it

I think it’s an interesting concept, for sure. But I’m not a designer and I don’t know how it would impact the UI. But as I mentioned, I’ll definitely share the request with the team.


Originally posted by ChickenDenders

I think the intention was that players would grind out the ToW rank for each chapter.



Originally posted by Sionnacha

Not impressed at all that this week's ToW forces me to play Firestorm to get started. Some of us REALLY don't like this mode and it's unfair to be forcing this on us.

Definitely something I’ve raised to the team. They are working on other ways to progress ToW progress.


Originally posted by M4zur

Amazing to see you remain passionate about it given how uncivilised some people can be online when airing their grievances, kudos man

95/100 times people are just frustrated and/or passionate and that’s how you have to look at it. I don’t take anything personally. You gotta look beyond some of the vitriol and see it for what it is - someone who loves the game and wants the best out of it. At least I like to think so.


Originally posted by StinkerAce

That’s awesome!

Not to distract you from all your busy work and life but what was it like as a social media team lead? What kind of projects did you take on and such?

I’m currently in college studying social media and marketing and I want to know what that would be like at Dice!

I was the team lead that ran social response and engagement for Titanfall, EA, and Battlefield. We were a pilot program 5-6 years ago made up of myself and 4 advisors that evolved into a team of over 25 folks that took on the channels for all the brands within EA. I also was managing Battlelog Administration and helped launch Answers HQ.

It was great. Personally set some records regarding response and engagement that I don’t believe ever has been broken within EA yet. (376 Tweets - not just “Cool video”, but actual troubleshooting, link redirects, detailed responses) in 9 hours. While also drafting reports and managing forums.

It was a lot of fun.


Originally posted by ElCapitan006

Has their been any chatter on bringing back the rental server program? I'd just love the ability to control map rotation. I'd also like to increase ticket count, but wouldn't personally need any more customization than that.

Yes, and as someone who loved RSP in BF3, BF4, BFH, and the options available in BF1, this is something I’ve been pushing for internally. I don’t have anything to share right now. Please know - this is one of the bigger items that I consistently report on as a top request from the community. It prolongs the life of a game (look at BF4, for example) and gives more control of how players play to the community.


Originally posted by Sahnesteif95

thanks for checking but if thats the case why can t we unlock them with cc there is no real difference between unlocking those skins throuh progression or cc both ways force u to play a lot on a regular basis but i think the cc purchaise would be way more appealing cause right now cc is pointless for long time players

This is feedback that I shared in my reports to the team.


Originally posted by BennyGoId

Judging from what Braddock said, there will be rewards and other unlocks for each level within the cap when a level cap increase gets implemented.

adding X value to the cap. Rewards, unlocks, XP algorithms, etc

I was referring to how leveling works overall. Currently, as you rank up to level 50, XP requirements per level increase, rank rewards at certain ranks unlock, etc. If the max Rank cap increases, this all needs to be calculated per rank to whatever the next cap would be. I don’t have any details regarding increasing Max Rank that Incan share at this time, so I don’t want any incorrect assumptions to be made.

I hope that clarification helps.


Originally posted by ProStreet385

My buddy and I are still waiting for DX12 to be fixed. Crash crash crash crash. Oh so much fun to play....... And no it's not either of our computers. It's the $hit game. Until it is addressed we won't be atempting to play. Didn't spend $1400 on a 2080 ti sea hawk to play RT enabled games in DX11.

Can you tell me what the rest of your PC config is? This will help us troubleshoot internally. (And no, I'm not blaming your PC. But it is relevant.) Is it crashing in specific modes/experiences or any mode/experience? Does it crash at the same time every time or is it random?

Thanks for any details you can share.