Battlefield V

Battlefield V Dev Tracker

02 Apr


Originally posted by NoleLife

Sounds good! Ultimately it's not a HUGE issue for me. Sometimes I just have to reposition quickly and try again but it's never been a big enough problem to bother me. I sorta expect some small issues like that with a game as complex as BFV.

The one thing that does drive me bonkers though is walking over rubble. Mainly happens in the pre-destroyed houses in Narvik and in/around the church on Devastation. My character will randomly get hung up or unable to jump up on a small ledge. It's gotten me killed a bunch when retreating from fire, so now I tend to try and avoid those areas when playing those maps.

On these rubble piles, do you feel like you're sliding or are not completely in control?

We are planning on improving such issues by improving the ground detection code. Also improved sliding/jumping angles should make sure jumps aren't canceled.

Hopefully we'll be able to get to it quickly, lots of future stuff we're working on though so it might have to wait a few patches.


Originally posted by Emu1981

Well, there are some windows like on the F flag (the small hut on the G side of that flag area) on Twisted Steel where you can crouch and pass through the wall under the window instead of having to vault through it, if you watch the video footage on the EA page for Twisted Steel F flag, it is the building you see at 0:02/0:05 to the right of the flag pole. Not sure if the building needs to be damaged or not, I noticed it sometime in the past few weeks and I just thought "oh, that's weird" and forgot about it until now.

There's the snow piles near the roads on Narvik where you cannot run up then but vaulting up can take a few goes, I would have to remember to record footage to give exact locations of where in particular as it isn't all parts of it, only certain spots and it isn't anywhere near as bad as it used to be lol.

Hey, thanks for the feedback. The snow piles are problematic, I tried improving them a couple of patches ago but sadly vaulting on them still doesn't work 100%. One of our designers is planning to do some slight changes on sliding angles though which might improve the 'not able to vault but also not jumping over' cases.

I'll check the building on Twisted Steel when I have a spare couple of minutes.


Originally posted by NoleLife

Since the other responders don't understand software design and debugging, and didn't give helpful answers, I'll try to help.

I have seen issues with lower destroyed walls. Think bombed out house or bunker with only 2-4ft of wall coming up from the ground. I regularly have issues vaulting over these. Also smaller windows from houses that have the glass/frame partially destroyed but not completely.

Good feedback. A couple of weeks back I looked at these destroyed walls with the designer who built them. The issue is that these walls are built using building blocks with very rough physics colliders to save performance. Because of this, sometimes the colliders stick out a bit too much making it impossible to vault. He improved the setup a bit but sadly there isn't much more he can do except completely rebuilding all destructible assets, which obviously isn't something we can do.

I will ask QA to do a pass on these assets when they have some time to see if I can improve it slightly from the code side. The setup is pretty delicate though at this point, fix one thing, break two others... I have to be careful.


I'd advise you to either do a very deep scan of your system with an anti-virus/anti-malware program or totally wipe everything and reformat your PC. You need to make absolutely sure nothing is running on your machine that would have tripped a false positive. I have heard of cases where Fairfight bans people who have some nasty stuff running on their machines and even identities being stolen because of it.

Good luck bud.


Originally posted by LutzEgner

I've written this over modmail to you guys over a week ago. Nice to see how no one reads the feedback messages in the modteam.

We just searched modmail and there isnt a single message from you. Sorry someone else had the same idea as you and that you want credit.


Absolutely savage.


Originally posted by YourWarDaddy

The most common one for me is people that are playing with headsets yet their TV’s volume is turned all the way up so you hear everything that comes out of their tv. It makes me angry.

That's usually a bad mic. Good mics these days process out background noise.


Thanks for the video, one of our level designers is going to fix it.


Originally posted by Emu1981

Don't forget:

- Enemies spawning in on players under fire still. There is nothing more annoying then to be shooting a guy, hit reload and a enemy spawns in on the dead (or nearly dead) player.

- Invulnerable tank gunners

- Broken vaulting

- My pet peeve - spawning out in the middle of a open field with no cover at all because there are enemy in the fortified flag area who can easily shoot you before you get a chance to move into cover.

- Broken vaulting

Please tell me where so I can fix it


Originally posted by BadKarma_211

Still broken:

  • team imbalances(numbers). This was an issue for 3 years in BF1 and is still an issue in BFV.
  • Top squad’s all being on the same team and never being shuffled to opposite team post match resulting in steamroll after steamroll after steamroll.
  • AFK players never seem to get kicked from the match in a fair and timely manner. You can Have a full squad of afk players on your team for 5 to 10 minutes which means you lose unless the other teams is really bad or they have more afk players than your team.
  • Vaulting(better but still unreliable to the point it can take 5 to 8 attempts to get through a single window)
  • bipods(better but still unreliable).
  • reserving tanks and aircraft. We can’t spawn the vehicle we’ve reserved. How is this still an issue 5 months post launch? Spawning the vehicle we have reserved works flawlessly in BF4 and BF1. What’s the disconnect DICE?
  • Sound design. missing/inconsistent enemy...
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Vaulting(better but still unreliable to the point it can take 5 to 8 attempts to get through a single window)

bipods(better but still unreliable).

Please tell me where this happens so I can take a look


Originally posted by MauveAvengerV

My body is ready for Boins, baby.

Me too.


Originally posted by MauveAvengerV

First thing I thought after reading it over was "man....Braddock got hosed this week", haha.

I appreciate it. I literally didn't even want to post this because I KNOW what everyone wants to know about.
Such is the life of a CM. Just gotta roll with the punches.
Fingers crossed I get some tasty info to share tomorrow.


Originally posted by YourWarDaddy

Are these pending items somehow related to the armory?

Armory, Update, Battlefield Currency.
I'll check in with the Devs in the morning (it's like 5AM in Stockholm right now) regarding the Armory issues - and I've already pinged our internal Slack channel to find out what's what.


Originally posted by ToLurkorCirclejerk

My balls are so blue rn :( "items pending" WHY DO YOU TEASE US LIKE THIS notbraddockspecificallybutyouknowwhatimean

I actually had a different word in mind when I came into work and found out some items were now pending.
Once I get updates from the team, I'll add them to this OP.


Welcome to This Week in Battlefield V - April 1st Edition!

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Originally posted by thetraveller45

Is anyone else unable to fire their pistol while downed? I also can’t switch to it when I’m alive.

This is going to sound silly, but did you pick one up? I thought the same thing, until I realized I hadn’t looted one.


Originally posted by vtboyarc

Is there going to be a This Week in Battlefield post for the current week of 4/1? Anxious for news of an update! :D

I'm working on it, but there's some items that are still pending, so the TWIB will be a work in progress as we confirm items.

01 Apr


Originally posted by TrappinT-Rex

I've mentioned this previously here but it would be great to have filters that allow us to opt out of Firestorm related discussions.

Actually this is a pretty good idea. I'll see if we can't add a new filter. We might move over to forcing user to correct their own flair soon.


Originally posted by UniQue1992

Kinda offtopic but congrats on the new car!

Thanks. My wife loves it. It's a 2019 Mini Cooper 4dr - black, with black alloys, and black interior. Her car now matches my HD motorcycle.