Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

05 Jul

04 Jul

03 Jul


Originally posted by Legendary_Seycu

Hey Supercell & Clash Royale team! This is something for you because I already want to do this! u/Supercell_Drew Somebody needs to ask this on their Twitter!

this is a very cool idea - i'd love to gift some of my friends back home pass royale!

have put it on our wishlist/ideas board.



Originally posted by furious656

Were all royale pass bugs fixed during this maintenance?(queue chest bug, gold name bug)


Originally posted by Puzomor

min_elixir is a variable in case a new whole number is discovered that is greater than 0 but less than 1, am I right?

Hey there! Here's how this happened:

While reworking Quests, we decided to re-write the lines into a simpler syntax. For example:

"Play cards that cost 6 Elixir or more 30 times" -> "Play 30 cards that cost 6 or more Elixir". The latter reads more naturally. When we got to "2 or less Elixir" string, we decided to rewrite it as "1 or 2 Elixir". In the Quests data, that's a simple change to make Min_Elixir = 1 (it was null before). Each Quest has its own min/max elixir setting, which is how we added the new Play 3-Cost, Play 4-Cost, etc Quests. Min and Max is just set to that number.

When the update goes live, the strings updated but the data of each Quest was saved from the moment you got the quest. So even though the conditions of new Quests were updated, any existing ones used their stored data. Since the Quests had null for min_elixir, the updated string didn't have a number to reference and that's why it displays as the variable name.

This is also...

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Originally posted by NoVa_Tempest

Y'all got wooooshed. What he means is that normally this sub is full of toxicity and this post seems too good to be true, so he said "nice try supercell" because he thinks its an employee posting this. Thats the joke

☝️ this guy almost gets it 😜


Originally posted by xBJack

Where is the maintenance drew? Its noon.. Will it come today?

we're trying to squeeze a few more bug fixes into this maintenance so it's coming a bit later than originally stated


Nice try, Supercell... πŸ˜’


Originally posted by Gagneto

So fixing some glitched graphics is more important and less optional than fixing the crash and letting people play the game ThinkingEmoji

we can perform a maintenance anytime we are ready, without any external approval.

but for an optional update we need to have it sent off to various app stores and approved by those app stores before we can make it available to our players, which can slow us down significantly when it comes to fixes.

some fixes cannot be performed in a maintenance, and therefore have to go in an update.

i hope that helps you understand the situation a bit better

02 Jul


Originally posted by BrunoThunder00

I know it's no easy job taking care of these things and I thank you for your effort in trying to solve this, but "later this week" is so vague (and far away) for such a huge problem for those who are experiencing the crashes. This morning I evolved from "100% loading crash" for "shop straight up crash". At this rate, we won't even make it in time to get the free gifts in shop (chest, tokens etc).

i'm sorry - i understand it's affecting your gameplay - but as we haven't completed all the work for the optional update yet, i have no solid ETA to give other than this week.



We will be having a maintenance tomorrow morning (Wednesday 3rd July - Finnish time) and then will also be looking into releasing an optional bug fix update later this week.

The maintenance will deal with smaller issues such as 1 minute overtime, returning some iOS devices to normal graphics etc, whilst the optional update will deal with bigger issues such as crashes or devices freezing.


award for most annoying notification goes to...

and yes you can! we have already fixed it and are just waiting to push the fix live alongside some others. apologies until then