Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

24 Jun


Thanks for a heads up! We don't see any issues on our end, but please let me know if the issue persists!

23 Jun

22 Jun

21 Jun


Originally posted by MrPokeKid1

since there probably wont be any great card balancing happening currently,

would it be possible to improve upon user friendly things?

some things to list are:

  • donations
    • when requesting the card picture can be pressed to also donate, but what's the point of this if i should just be pressing the donate button to donate?
      • often times i will accidentally tap the card picture especially when navigating chat only to donate a card i was not planning to. could you remove this in a future update?
  • replays
    • replays are a great way to improve and spectate in all sorts of competitive games (especially now that clash royale has gotten competitive), replays are also complained about in various games to not have a great ui.
      • watching a replay in clash royale has become quite normal and is nice to watch replays in royale but if you want to take note of something or rewatch a part, you have to rewatch t...
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wow this is a lot of stuff! thanks for the suggestions and for taking the time to write down such a comprehensive list.

i won't be able to answer all of your points here but wanted to let you know that in the next update we will be including a whole bunch of balance changes, including a complete melee range balancing that affects a lot of cards with melee attacks!

20 Jun


Originally posted by _Victator

That is good to hear. Nobody expects you to answer every question that gets posted here but it would be nice to have a bit more communication from SC. Doesn't even have to be very in-depth (although that would be even better) but I think it would be very good for this community to see that SC is putting some effort in their customers, after the forums were closed down. Having a thriving community is very important for a game after all.

Absolutely agree with you! I'll keep working on this :)


Goblins: I have to agree, there are too many better alternatives to this card. I think it's in our 'think about it' folder. Spear Goblin may spice this card up!

Hog Rider: that's a tricky one. Overall, the card has very healthy win rate and is quite popular throughout the ladder. At the same time, some popular decks with Hog Rider are extremely strong (up to 64% in some cases) and other are extremely weak (37%!). It is one of the most controversial cards in the game, but we are content with it right now. I think it's important to track its performance if we tweak/rework other cards in these super strong/weak decks.

Hunter: I think its high skill cap is its blessing and curse. Hunter shows great performance in the Challenges, especially Grand Challenges but like you've said, falls back in use % on Ladder. I'd say this card is not the priority for us atm but we may look into it later.

Bomber: ...

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Originally posted by _Victator

Just wondering: are you happy with your activity on this sub? When you introduced yourself a while ago, you said you would be pretty active, but I haven't seen much of it to be honest. You are more active than the other community managers, but that is not saying much.

Hey! That's a good question I keep asking myself. On one hand, I believe that any subreddit is the community space in the first place and I don't want to intervene so much that people will expect me to appear in every discussion. On the other, being present is vital for a healthy dialogue.

I also have to admit that I'm still settling in and don't want to goof myself here straight away. I read through the subreddit daily and learn about the CR community. I guess I was too bold and introduced myself too early! Sorry about that.

I'm working towards a balanced situation where I have a constant presence here and it's not taking too much of my time.


She's doing a great job overlooking the construction and not destroying the Tower building.


Originally posted by JCorby17

HOLY SMOKES I WAS ACTUALLY NOTICED!!! Thank you Miss Daria! I really appreciate the feedback and hope you will at least read the others. Thank you thank you thank you!

I am in the process of reading others πŸ˜…Love me some concise, constructive and interesting posts!


Oof, that's a lot of ideas! Thanks for your effort!

I won't be able to comment on each but I'll try to address most.

Ladder Fix: I get your point, but personally, find this to be very restrictive. We don't want to force players to upgrade more cards, we want them to try different decks. I think that instead of 'locking' players progress we should introduce other game modes/win conditions/new card mechanics. Also, the main complaint we see is 'I played against a higher King Tower level', which would still happen with this system introduced. What do you think?

Gameplay: I like the mulligan system in MTG - you can reshuffle your starting hand for a penalty, but I think your idea can make a great game mode for testing! It is probably quite difficult to implement (you would need at least one more UI element to make this happen) but I'll chat to the devs when they have a bit more time (now everyone is very busy with the next upda...

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19 Jun

18 Jun

17 Jun