Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

30 Mar


it will be out some time today/tomorrow. things may be running a bit slower than usual due to current circumstances

27 Mar

25 Mar

24 Mar

22 Mar


Originally posted by hughjaas-1

What enhancement to the game has worked out better than anyone thought?

The Creator Program! It started as a crazy little idea but now that we have it up and running, its awesome to see how much support the creators get. Especially for these new challenges, each creator saw a spike when their challenge is run. We hope that everytime we run Legendaray's 7x Elixir Challenge, he gets a little boost of creator sales for coming up with such a fun challenge.


Originally posted by Kim_Bong_Un420

Hey drew! I want to ask a question about new content. Compared to troop cards we haven’t had as many building cards added to the game. I believe only ones ever added were the furnace and the goblin cage. Has the team ever considered adding a new building card? And if so what came if it?

we have a plan for one either in summer or just after summer. building cards are difficult ones to balance but we are pretty happy with this one!


Originally posted by hughjaas-1

What enhancement to the game has worked out better than anyone thought?

great question! believe it or not, the party button and the introduction of trophy road!

i always see a lot of people that don't count these as updates ("they're just UI changes!!!" & "we haven't had an update for 10 months" which i can totally understand) but in reality they have helped to massively advance our casual players to more levelled up decks enabling them to play the game more competitively, and increased the amount of play choices for these casual players past just 2v2.

trophy road was a real risk when we started the development as we weren't really sure if it would work out but i'm glad we went for it!


Originally posted by Bo5sj0hnth1n3H4MM3R

Hey u/Supercell-Seth u/Supercell_Drew, I'm really glad you've decided to make one of these types of posts again!

  1. Are you considering making these "What we've been up to" post a weekly or monthly series?
  2. What is your opinion on Goblin Giant? I feel that he is far too niche compared to every other win con in the game, usually only seeing use in one deck in GC's. He has unique mechanics that I feel should be explored more.

Thank you both for your contributions to the dev team!

thanks! love the work you do for the sub.

  1. we see lots of negative feedback when we dont give much info (dev interviews for examples) and our dev cycles dont allow for much new info to be released week on week - so if they were to be regular it would be monthly. but i think for now we will just keep them for when they feel good!

  2. i love gob giant. there was a meta last summer where giant goblin sparky was everywhere in competitive and i think he's a super fun card.

21 Mar


Originally posted by alakazamistaken

In the past you said that you wouldn’t use an existing troop in a new card because of future balancing issues. What changed your decision on that?

Can you find where that was said? I don't think that's ever been our philosophy - on the contrary, using the same Troop/spawns/effects across multiple cards is rock solid CCG best practices.


Originally posted by [deleted]

The Wizard stops getting neglected? I must be dreaming

Honestly, if we do change Wizard it would be directly because of community brainstorming. There's no one on the team who has personal crusade to get Wizard to 4-cost, but there are lots of productive and intelligent discussions happening across social media that make compelling points. It's worked its way into playtests because of the collective wisdom of our best strategy posters.


Originally posted by edihau

Hey guys, thanks for updating us on everything.

I wanted to ask if you were satisfied with how either or both draft modes are running, and whether your goal is to see them in competitive play. Both test your adaptability in a way that constructed deck modes lack, and I'd like to see pro players really tested in that way.

CRL East Spring season is going to use Triple Draft as part of their sets! Hopefully we can see all the strengths and weaknesses of it as a competitive format. Certainly we can tweak draft tables based on that, and ideally it would become a tighly-balanced, CRL-quality format for players.


Originally posted by Asdfhuk

What meta would be the best for the game in y'all's opinion? By this I mean would it be better to have a more offensive meta or a meta that's mostly defense?

We've always aimed for a more offensive metagame. It can be tough because Clash Royale has a very stronger defenders advantage for a competitive game, so we tend to make Building-targeting cards very strong for their cost. If the competitive metagame was just defensive spell-cycling because nothing could break through, that's the ultimately failure state of the meta.


Originally posted by Justin531857

Thoughts on Bowler? Small buff? :)

(I still want a bowler emote where he’s spinning the rock on his finger like the basketball trick)

We have been playing around with a 6-cost Bowler rework we've talked about for a while. Making him as tough as he looks and a bit more a clear counterpushing win condition. But it's not a high priority - Bowler is viable, and not the sort of card that you want to be in 10% of decks. He's a spell-proof repeatable knockbacker that doesn't cost too much - it's probably good for the meta that he's not balanced on the stronger side.


Originally posted by JCorby17

Dear Supercell,

Thank you for the awesome work you are putting in the game (even if it’s taking a little too long for my taste). I know that May is going to be a massive game changer for the popularity of the game. I just have 2 Questions for your team:

1) I remember in a past AMA with CWA you said that “if we could go back, we would of made Mega Minion a Common Card.”, so, Have you ever considered of changing the rarities and placements of the cards to better fit the modern Clash Royale Era (Cards like the Training Camp Cards and the Legendary Cards are probably not going to get changed/moved, but the others definitely could and should in my opinion. I can help you if you want!).

2) How do you feel about a story mode in the game? I remember a really good idea for a story mode by u/MissStealYoTrophies and I really want something like that for the game. I know that this massive update you teased us is very likely a Clan ...

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There is no serious consideration to changing rarities at this point. That ship has long sailed, those aren't the sort of changes that would benefit Royale today. We could probably change around the rarities, but what would be the point? It would cause massive short term confusion, and would not affect anyone's progress through today. If you had a max Royal Giant before, you would still have a max Royal Giant, it would just be rare now. Plus imagine all the negative scenarios, like people who had requested a Common suddenly unable to keep requesting it because its now Epic.

All that trouble just to chase some academic design ideal? Ultimately we are servicing players and causing them a bunch of trouble/confusion is something we would only do if we felt it was seriously necessary, and we don't think a few mis-raritied cards rises to that level.

We still have avid discussions about rarity for each new card, but once a card is launched, we can only take learnings from...

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Originally posted by ClashRoyaler16

You guys should take a look at my Spring Emote Ideas ;)

i have and they're amazing!


Originally posted by fulimaster

Will you do something special for the 100th card? 🤔

we've been wondering about this ourselves as we will be hitting 100 cards at some point this year!