Clash Royale

Clash Royale Dev Tracker

21 Feb


This is a very common suggestion in any game that includes drafting or deckbuilding. I have played a few events like this in Magic: The Gathering and other games - I feel confident saying these sound a lot more fun than they are. Playing a non-function deck full of terrible cards isn't very fun at all, especially not for prizes. The worst feeling is when your opponent just happens to have a good combo despite your best efforts to build a terrible deck and then they beat you with it.

Think of all the posts where people complain about Draft being unfair because they got a bad draft - now imagine we TRIED to make that happen every game. It's a recipe for disaster and I promise we will never force this mode on our player base :)

19 Feb

18 Feb


hey u/illou06

i've been getting several of these reports from our community - i recently helped out deckshop & progress royale with the same problem (but i am not sure if it helped) and now it seems to be affecting others.

as this seems to be a bit bigger than a one off i'll be chatting to the rest of our supercell community managers about this. it is likely affecting their communities too, and i will see if we can chat to the right people at google about this.

in the meantime, i've DM'ed you my contact info, if you can shoot me an email i can follow up with instructions on how we can try to resolve it!

thanks for the tags everyone


Originally posted by soHowBadDoYouWantIt

so just spam drew tags until he wakes up? gotit


17 Feb


Whoa whoa whoa - I said *maybe* March :) Just to keep y'all updated, it will DEFINITELY be April. We have something else planned for March now.

But I'll give you a hint - the rework was ALREADY discovered on social media. We watch activity from around the world, and one lucky person figured it out already :)

14 Feb


Originally posted by Mousezez

Seth is about to burst

Lol nah, I was just sitting around looking at stats and noticed that Zappies/Barb Hut were both floating around 4-5% usage with 53-56% win rates. It's still a bit early in the meta to make a call since people are still experimenting, but it struck me that I hadn't heard ANYTHING about the changes, for better or worse. Like, total radio silence. It seemed weird given how every month there are critical posts like "why didn't they touch Zappies or Barb Hut, 0% usage cards that need some love".

I don't need praise to feel confident in my decisions, just like I rarely let negative feedback change my decisions. But this was a nice reminder that 'listening to the community' can be hard if its entirely negative all the time. Many replies were along the lines of "silence is good" but that's not how humans operate - no one can absorb thousands of negative opinions without internalizing it on some level.

The comments I receive (especially ones that tag me directly on Reddit o...

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13 Feb

12 Feb

11 Feb

10 Feb


to u/nofistplzimsensitive

i went through your account with our royale player support lead today and unfortunately the account will remain banned.

we went through previous email/in-game support correspondence and in the past messages you were given several warnings (with explanations on what was done wrong so that you could avoid it in the future).

one thing i did give feedback on was to make this reasoning even more visible in our player correspondence, so that there is less confusion surrounding account bans.

i hope this clears up the situation for you.

08 Feb

07 Feb


i'm going to keep this short and fact based for visibility


  • 'Recently I was banned for asking to change my Supercell id email.'

you were banned for account sharing - we don't ban players for asking to change their supercell id email.

you may have started the investigation checks when asking for this, but it was not the reason you were banned.

  • 'why didn't i get a warning?'

your account received a 2 day ban & warning on 4th feb for breaking our terms of service

  • 'someone else did it and didn't get banned, so i dont deserve to be banned'

that's not how this works, but even if it was, you were already given a warning on the 4th feb and a 2 day ban.

you've admitted to account sharing in this post as well ("I account shared, yes." " I admit In the past I have actually shared my account with a friend which is against ...

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03 Feb