Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

08 Mar

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

March 08, 2019


  • Pioneer Backpack from special offer may now be claimed.
  • Level Cap on Rubi-Ka 2019 increased to 20.

Originally posted by themanhutch bout fixing the f**king ps that doesn't sign in

We've informed through our communication channels that a fix is on the way :)

Hello Exiles!

We are deploying a new version to the Testlive servers. This version contains 8-10 different optimizations that should help improve the server framerates when there are lots of buildings, thralls and pets present. This version should be mod-compatible with the version that is currently deployed to Live.

We would appreciate feedback from both players on Testlive as well as private server admins on whether they notice a difference and improvement with this version with respect to performance, stalls, crashes or other issues encountered.

Link to original announcement: ...

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    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our team is looking into it and trying to reproduce the issue. We have nothing conclusive to share just yet, but @KzErWiNsKi has shared some interesting details that could help us find the cause for this problem. :slight_smile:

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

This looks concerning.
Is this issue happening to anyone else?

    Tascha on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello Exiles!

We are deploying a new version to the Testlive servers. This version contains 8-10 different optimizations that should help improve the server framerates when there are lots of buildings, thralls and pets present. This version should be mod-compatible with the version that is currently deployed to Live.

We would appreciate feedback from both players on Testlive as well as private server admins on whether they notice a difference and improvement with this version with respect to performance, stalls, crashes or other issues encountered.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

There isn’t. The shirts aren’t a part of the Barbarian Edition anymore (haven’t been for a few months) and you can’t claim them.

    AndyB on Forums - Thread - Direct

OK FOR REALS it should be in your claims. I’m sorry for the trouble.

    Toolguy on Forums - Thread - Direct

A quick look at the game UI code suggests that it should be doable, now, I’m not in charge of the priorities, and there’s a limited number of coders that are working on a limited number of things at the same time, so I’ve no idea if/when it’s going to be fixed.

That being said, I’ve implemented the steam connect string thing, so if you get yourself a discourse channel for...

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Originally posted by Gnadolin

While you are at it, it happened to a Set Shrine while upgrading from T2 to T3 aswell. Standing on flat grass Ground with at least one foundation space in every direction.

Was that playing on PC, Xbox One or Ps4?


Originally posted by Seftix11

I bought this game a while back for $40 thought it would be awesome to play with my long distance friend. But every time we log into a pvp server the mobs AI appear broken 90% of the time ( don't attack on sight and stand there and let you kill them) so we kinda said no thanks and played other stuff. I keep coming back to the game thinking this will be fixed but it never is, and now new players are coming in droves for a free weekend and I really don't know if this is fixed! Like I want to download the game again and see but if I do it'll take a few hours and then I can almost guarantee I'll be let down by the unimmersive AI of the mobs as I travel as a fresh character. IDK man, I'm a huge Conan fan I wanted this game to be good but it just never worked right.

We addressed a lot of issues both with AI pathing, NPC behavior in general, performance issues and more.
Naturally, since there are many factors that can influence issues like this (such as lag and performance), we try to do whatever we can to improve on all fronts.

I think it might be worth a try at least? If anything, we get more feedback on possible improvements or issues we still need to work on.


We are working on the hotfix for this issue and will patch it asap.

In the meantime there are three possible workarounds that have worked for some players (but might not work for everyone):

  • Join a friend's session who is currently connected to the game
  • Exit Conan Exiles, connect to another game with online connectivity, exit and try to rejoin Conan Exiles
  • Try to verify/update the licenses in your settings via the PS menu

Obviously I wouldn't want to comment on the "how is multiplayer" since I am obviously biased ;)
However, if you decide to look into a private server: we recently added a star rating system that should give you more information about the type of server and that quality of the private server. Hopefully that helps with a bit of piece of mind and what to expect on a specific player run server.

Also welcome, and of course we hope you enjoy your stay :)


We've been looking into this with sony. It's linked to the latest firmware update on PS4. We're working on a fix and will patch it asap.
It was definitely not our intention to cause any frustration.


Another update:

We confirmed that the issue lies in the latest firmware update with PS4 and have been working with Sony on a fix we will be patching out as soon as possible.
Very sorry for the inconvenience this is causing.