Conan Exiles

Conan Exiles Dev Tracker

02 Mar

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Larathiel

We’re aware of this issue and we just released a server hotfix that should have put a stop to these crashes.
Please let us know if they still occur after this.
Thanks for your feedback :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

So, just for clarification, the issue you’re reporting is that the base you built following the holes in that picture is no longer accessible?

    Tascha on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh woops. I totally missed, that, my bad :slight_smile:
The “naked” purges should be fixed. It could be that it was a left-over from a Purge in the pipeline.
It would be great if you could keep an eye on it and let us know if it happens again.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @rash

Could you clarify the issue you’re reporting by answering a few questions?
Have people built inside your base? Have you lost ownership of your items? If so, could you try interacting with them and see if you still can? There’s currently an issue we’re aware of that mistakenly shows no ownership on items of your own, even though they’re still assigned to you or your clan.

Thanks for your feedback

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

We´re aware of this issue and we´re working on a solution.
Thanks for bringing this issue to our attention.


Hey all! In about one hour from now, we will be restarting PC servers to apply a fix for some crashes. No need to patch your client for this. Private server admins will need to restart their servers as well. Please give them a bit of time to update and come back up. Cheers!

EDIT: Servers are restarted and back up!

External link →
    Tascha on Forums - Thread - Direct

A quick heads-up everyone: In about an hour, we are restarting all official servers to apply a server side fix for the crashes some servers experienced. That means private server admins will have to be restarted manually around that time (you should get a prompt for that).

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Aurora

Are you using any mods in your server?

    Tascha on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you let us know if there area any mods installed on your server?

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @philman

The stability warning are a false alarm, but we’re looking into it.
Thanks for your feedback again.

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Larathiel

Thanks for the feedback. We’ll send it to our team and they will look into it :slight_smile:

    Ignasis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @ViulfR

Thanks for the heads-up, we will inform our team and they’ll look into it.


Originally posted by Truly_Euphoric

Yeah, our server has one minor appearance customization mod, although the problem persists regardless whether or not it's enabled in single player.

Thank you, we'll definitely have a look.

    Tascha on Forums - Thread - Direct

We are currently looking into the Crashes and the no owner issues

    Melcom on Forums - Thread - Direct

Funcom have issues with the event log causing server crashes in some instances. They currently collecting more input as we have trouble reproducing this internally.


Just to get a few more important details:

Do you have any mods installed?