Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

18 Jun

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
That is a known problem at present, it should be fixed in the next patch.

Meantime you can use this workaround:

CK3 - PC Update

Hi everyone, We have released Update for PC at 10am CEST this morning. The latter aims to fix the recent CPU Support Issue for Fate of Iberia (AVX issue) that you have reported after the release of Flavor Pack 2. Update 1.6.1 will be... ... Read more

17 Jun

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
That shows there is some problem with your original user profile. It's beyond me to diagnose that I'm afraid! You may need Windows Support help on that.

In fact at the end of that dxdiag we see several worrying Windows errors and crashes, so I think you do have a Windows problem. WOuld you say you're seeing issues outside this game?

In the Speccy file we see several Windows updates failed or In Progress going back to October last year. So I fear you may have to do a Windows Reset !

Sorry about that!  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
So it's not bricking your whole computer any more, is that right? That's some progress if so!

And the crashes now are when saving? Or just autosaving?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Menzoberranzan said: Pass. Your help was just a complete waste of time and a prime example of the incompetence that Paradox has shown for years. Instead of helping YOU, AndrewT, made the problem worse.
Hate speech should not be tolerated.
Okay then ...  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Menzoberranzan said: I did in September of 2021. The issue remains without solution.
You closed that ticket without giving me a further chance to help you there.

Please open a new ticket or a new thread here, and I'll help you there.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Please right click on ck3.exe ,properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations", untick everything else in there, Apply and exit.

Then run the game and in the launcher Game Settings menu set display mode to fullScreen, Vsync off, refresh rate 60. Is that any better?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Freadz0r said: Same thing, here are the logs for the crash when starting the exe diredtly
Nothing of any use in there I'm afraid. The game is essentially not even trying to start, this is a very unusual case.

Make a new Windows user and log into Windows as that, and try the game there - any different?

If not, DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button ... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Menzoberranzan said: I have gotten this for every game that uses the Paradox launcher since September without any solution (none of the "suggested solutions" work) other than to run games from the executable. Honestly I won't be buying another Paradox game or DLC until they fix the issue.
Yours will be an unrelated issue to the one in this thread; he cannot start the game from the executable, while you can. Please make a new thread in the tech support forum of any affected game, and I'll help you there.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
That error log is completely different now, no mention of problems with the video driver/card. So that's progress.

Please right click on ck3.exe ,properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations", untick everything else in there, Apply and exit.

Then run the game and in the launcher Game Settings menu set display mode to fullScreen, Vsync off, refresh rate 60. Is that any better?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I've seen one other report of Task manager having that effect. It's beyond weird! How/why Windows would run different with that utility going I cannot imagine, it makes no sense to me.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm afraid your problem is due to running on unsupported hardware, specifically an Intel video system - the crash is in the Apple Intel video driver AppleIntelHD4000GraphicsGLDriver

It seems the 1.6 patches will not run on that unsupported hardware - of course our games and patches are not tested on unsupported hardware!

Your options are to stay on , or only play on any other machine you have access to that has supported hardware, or if you have Apple Bootcamp installed boot into Windows and play there - some Intel video hardware is supported under Windows.

Sorry about that!  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Several mod errors in there. Do make sure you disable all mods while we work on this.

Please update that nVidia driver to June 2022

Then right click on ck3.exe ,properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations", untick everything else in there, Apply and exit.

Then run the game and in the launcher Game Settings menu set display mode to fullScreen, Vsync off, refresh rate 60. Is that any better?  

16 Jun

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Those files look like the launcher is not even trying to start the game.

What happens if you run ck3.exe directly?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.

Please attach here your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/pdx_settings.txt .
From your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/logs/ folder, attach here system.log , error.log , exceptions.log  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Please do a full **clean** re-install:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders
- re-install game in Steam, run a Steam Verify when done.
- add CK3.exe to the exceptions list of your antivirus app; ESPECIALLY if you have Windows Defender, add it to the Ransomware "Apps Allowed Through" list.
- start the game with no mods active and test

In particular make sure there are no files or folders left under either the Steam CK3 or Documents CK3 locations, before installing again.

If those don't help:
DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
From that dxdiag I see our launcher, and CK2, are crashing for you also. You may have a larger issue than just this game!

Let's try a few things:

- update that nVidia driver to May 2022
- run the Windows Up[date utility, apply anything it finds, and reboot
- then use this Windows repair tool:


Read more

15 Jun

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
That is a known bug, that should be fixed in the next patch.

Meantime there's a workarounds here:

CK3 - PC Update

Hi everyone, We have released Update for PC at 10am CEST this morning. The latter aims to fix the recent CPU Support Issue for Fate of Iberia (AVX issue) that you have reported after the release of Flavor Pack 2. Update 1.6.1 will be... ... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Looks like you are in fullScreen with Vsync off, but have not capped the refresh rate. Try settings that to say 60 - any better?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
I see. Check those mods have all been updated to work with the 1.6 game patches. If so it's probably time to post in the User Mods forum!  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
English only in these forums please!

Does the game crash when you try to start it from our launcher? Or while starting a campaign? Or while playing it?