Crusader Kings 3

Crusader Kings 3 Dev Tracker

12 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Right click on ck3.exe , properties, compatibility. Tick "disable fullScreen optimisations" untick every other box in that dialog, Apply and exit.

Then in the launcher Game Settings menu, select fullScreen display mode, Vsync off, refresh rate 60.

Is that any better?  

11 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Well I wouldn't that text above is unreadable - perhaps the screenshot does not accurately reflect what you are seeing on the screen?

Nevertheless it's not great, I agree!

Your monitor's native resolution is 1280 x 720 but you have the game in 1366x768 - if you change that to 1280 x 720 is the text any better?

And we should do a clean update of that nVidia driver:

- uninstall it and all other nVidia software
- reboot
- install late June 2022 Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
What do you mean by "bouncing", sorry?

DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.

Please attach here your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/pdx_settings.txt .
From your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/logs/ folder, attach here system.log , error.log  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
You are referring to the appearance of some of the letters in that screenshot, is that right?

If so, have you tried different resolutions and other video settings?

Has this game always been like this for you?

DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all information' button and save it to a file then attach that file here.

Please attach here your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/pdx_settings.txt .
From your Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/logs/ folder, attach here system.log , error.log  

10 Jul

    SAS on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
moved to tech support  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
If the game or computer froze or crashed during the save operation, that can easily corrupt the save file it is writing, it is true.

You ought to have the last_save.ck3 from the previous session, but it's possible it didn't have time to write that either.

Jerieth said: I had cloud save turned on CK3. Is there no way to retrieve my save file? I went to C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\save games\, but all the files in there are old.
That folder only holds local saves, not cloud ones. They should be visible h... Read more

09 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
tjaeb said: - Disabling all mods (I only run a couple cosmetic ones)
Disabling mods does not remove effects they have already had on a campaign. Do you also get this in a new test campaign started with NO mods at all in use?

If so, has the game always done this since you've had it? Or it was okay up to some point?

DXDIAG is a program you run from the Windows search box on the task bar. After running it will open a window and start collecting info with a progress bar in the lower-left corner. When it completes click the 'save all informatio... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
amaliiiaaaaa said: My crash begins at load time now, but I've already logged 99 hours. Yesterday, the game crashed mid-gameplay and now crashes at load time. I have uninstalled/reinstalled to no effect.
Please do a full **clean** re-install:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders
- re-install game in Steam, run a Steam Verify when done.
- start the game with no mods active and test

In particular make ... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
CK2fanboy said: Actually it started on a previous one, this year's January 19th to be exact
Is it still repairable?
That means you started it under patch 1.4.4, which is not compatible with the current 1.6.x patches.

If it's not an Ironman game you can revert to that patch (or the 1.5.x patches if you played it okay under them) in the Steam Betas tab and continue it.

If Ironman though, I'm afraid it is ruined and irreparable once loaded under an incompatible version. Sorry about that!  

08 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Lots of errors in there . Was this problem save started under the current game patch or some previous one?  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Please try this:

- uninstall Paradox Launcher v2 from the Windows "Apps and features" utility, if still present.

Delete the following folders if still present:

- C:/users//AppData/Local/Programs/Paradox Interactive/
- C:/users//AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/
- C:/users//AppData/Roaming/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/
To see the AppData folder you'll need to enable View Hidden Items in File Explorer.

- exit the Steam app entirely
- run steam.exe as the Windows Admin user
- run the game from the PLAY button in Steam
- exit the Epic app entirely
- run EpicGamesLauncher.exe as the Windows Admin user
- run the game from the Epic client

IF that doesn't help, in this folder are some .log files:
C:/users//AppData/Local/Paradox Interactive/launcher-v2/
Please attach them here.  
    SAS on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
moved to tech support  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Cordann said: Hello,

I recently bought the Fate of Iberia DLC a few days ago and try to play the game now and it won't start. The screen stays black, blue circular cursor rotates but nothing happens, it stays there and then after about 10 minutes the game shuts down. I wanted to report this bug and hopefully see it fixed soon because I have not been able to play the new DLC I just bought!!! UGH!!!

Also, I have shut down all mods and still isn't loading. I've tried playing the game on my PC and my Mac and the game does the exact same thing as described above on either machine. I have shut d...
Read more

07 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
SirCrown said: i think i did what you requested... I can't find exeptions.log but I found everything else and have attached them

nvm i found exceptions its empty file so is error log
Update that nVidia driver to June 2022 ... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
amaliiiaaaaa said: I am having the exact same problem, but on Mac. I too did a completely clean uninstall/reinstall.

Attached are the requested docs - I have no vibrating controllers attached so I don't think that's the issue.
The OP's problem was particular to Windows, so yours cannot have the same cause. Always best to make your own thread in future, thanks.

Some worrying errors in that log but no clear cause. Note that strictly speaking M1 Macs are not supported hardware for this game; users report that the game does generally r... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Archington said: Please help me I have the exact same problem and need help, except mine is in HOI4.
As you do not have the EZFRD32 it is not the same problem. Please make a new thread in the HOI4 tech support forum, with full problem history and system details. Thanks.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
How did HOI4 and Stellaris go?

In that dxdiag.txt we see several LiveKernelEvent entries. These happen when Windows is forcibly downed or rebooted; have you seen that happen, if so it is related to these games or something else? They can indicate a Windows or hardware problem.

In that Speccy file, under Not Installed we see many failed or in Progress Windows updates going back to 2020. If you manually run the Update utility does it find anything to do? If so apply those updates and reboot.  
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Is this for local, cloud or both kinds of save?

Does this just happen in one particular campaign, or also any new one you might start as a test?

You say saves have disappeared - do they show if you tick the View Incompatible box in the game's Load menu?

Are the missing saves physically in Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/save games (if local) or ?

Try copying the file Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/last_save.ck3 to Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3/save games/ , is that one ok... Read more
    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
[21:18:07][gfx_dx11_base_buffer.cpp:68]: D3D error: hr returned: Not enough memory resources are available to complete this operation.
Not enough memory resources are available to complete this operation.
Hard to understand how you can be running out of memory or Video memory with this setup! But that's what it says. It could actually be some sort of video buffer in the game or game engine being exhausted, but why would that be affecting you but not everyone else?

Lots of other errors in that log too, we might try a full **clean** re-install:

- move any valued save games elsewhere
- "uninstall" in Steam-CK3
- manually delete both the Steam/SteamApps/common/CK3 AND Documents/Paradox Interactive/CK3 folders
In particular make sure there are no files or folders left under... Read more

06 Jul

    AndrewT on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Keldion said: I did make my own thread about a week ago with no response, so my next idea was to find one that was replied too.
Your previous thread was in Bug Reports. It got no response from QA because your issue is not a game bug, as you've now found!