Warhammer: Darktide

Warhammer: Darktide Dev Tracker

30 May

Devoted Rejects, Our latest hotfix #39 (1.3.11) is now live on Steam and it will shortly be live on our other platforms.
  • Fixed several instances of inconsistent or missing voice filters:
    • “Gheistos Mk VI Death Mask” (Zealot)
    • “ "Penance" Herald Mask” (Zealot)
    • “Catechizer's Incense Rebreather” (Zealot)
    • “Palatine Mk IIId Rebreather” (Zealot)
    • “Cult Imperialis Rebreather” (Zealot)
    • “Cult Imperialis Penitus Rebreather” (Zealot)
    • “Adrastia-pattern Psykana Shadowveil” (Psyker)
    • “Ordo Hereticus Aegis Hood” (Psyker)
    • “Ministorum-issue Rebreather” (Zealot)
    • “Missionarius Galaxia Rebreather “(Zealot)
    • “Cult Imperialis Penitus Rebreather” (Zealot)
    • “Ministorum-issue Rebreather (Modified)” (Zealot)
    • “Arch-Militant's Cowl” (Zealot)
    • ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

25 May


If you PM me your gamertag I'll take a look

24 May


Originally posted by IllustriousRise9392

Is a PS5 upgrade on the table at all?

Since V2 is a PS4 game we can't fully take advantage of the PS5 but we've implemented a system to acknowledge what console you're on so if you're on PS5 you get 1440p/60fps. 

23 May

Devoted Rejects, Today, during Warhammer Skulls 2024, we teased Secrets of the Machine God, the new free update coming to Warhammer 40,000: Darktide. We also launched Darktide’s first in-game event Hestia’s Decollation Crusade.

... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Originally posted by fps67

Anyone know if this has dropped for console yet? Not home to check at the moment

Yes it has. We set it live 10.00AM UTC+1

Nothing raises morale better than firm decisive action, followed by a well-rewarded victory. In honour of the celebration of Severance Day, where Saint Messelina beheaded the corrupt rulers of one of Branx's moons, Hestia has called for a Decollation Crusade.

Like the beatific Messelina Gloriana, we shall smite our enemies this day. Their decapitation shall redeem their souls and serve as tribute to our great Saint.
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Devoted Rejects, Hestia’s Decollation Crusade
Nothing raises morale better than firm decisive action, followed by a well-rewarded victory. In honour of the celebration of Severance Day, where Saint Messelina beheaded the corrupt rulers of one of Branx’s moons, Hestia has called for a Decollation Crusade.

Like the beatific Messelina Gloriana, we shall smite our enemies this day. Their decapitation shall redeem their souls and serve as tribute to our great Saint.

Live now until 30 May 12:00 UTC / 14:00 CEST.

Additional Bug fixes
  • Fixed an issue where the shape of the back on the Veteran “Krieg Greatcoat MKI” Veteran upper body cosmetic would stand out at an angle.
  • Fixed an issue where the colour had changed on the Psyker “Praesimiagoria Mk IC Rebreather” head gear cosmetic.
Dev note... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Originally posted by spiritofporn

In all the years since WoM released, I've never played weaves. How do you get the illusions?

Unlock the weapon in the Athanor and you will unlock the accompaning illusion in adventure


Originally posted by Independent-Job-7271

Anyone know if the loadouts affect the bots too? Or is the loadout mod still needed? Also nice to see that chest of trial be adressed. It was almost a guaranteed wipe if you got in in the first or second map. 

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It supports bot loadouts aswell


Originally posted by Xendrus

How in the name of shit is this 25 gigs?

Lots and lots of chaos wastes level fixes

15 May

Devoted Rejects,
Hotfix #38 (1.3.3) is now live on Steam. It will shortly be live on our other platforms, too.
  • Resolved stutter and performance issues caused as a result of the Shader Cache not building correctly upon the launch of the game.
Dev NoteEssentially, the engine wasn’t able to compile the shaders in advance for players due to an invalid cache, so it caused stuttering as the cache rebuilt itself in-game.
  • Fixed an issue where the audio would suddenly cut out for brief amounts of time.
  • Ius Mk III Shredder Autopistol accidentally had the wrong set of animations playing in first-person for some actions. It has now been changed to play the correct original animations again.
  • Fixed instances where the Martyr’s skulls in Enclavum Baross and Relay Station TRS-150 were alre...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

07 May


Originally posted by cjf_colluns

This is an old thread, but I’m coming from searching google for “vermintide 2 swap LB and RB,” as I am used to the default controls for Darktide which has mark/ping on LB and ability on RB. Is there anyway to do this?

Unfortunately only for left handed players

30 Apr

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Devoted Rejects,
Hotfix #37 (1.3.2) is now live on Steam. It will shortly be live on our other platforms, too.
  • The Tactical Overlay should now be usable in the Mourningstar while playing on a gamepad.
  • Fixed an issue rendering the penance “Get Off Me” unable to progress past 25.
  • Fixed an issue where playing a Maelstrom mission with one of the following modifiers failed to trigger their respective penances: Lights Out, Ventilation Purge, or Pox Gas.
  • Fixed an issue where the penance “They’re Gonna Blow” didn’t increment due to missing data.
  • Fixed so that the Poxburster isn’t itself counted as a kill for the penance “The Enemy Of My Enemy Is My Friend”.
  • Added “Penance Unlock Chat Messages” in Interface Options.
  • Moved a heretical idol that was previously indestructible in Mercantile HL-70-04-5...
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26 Apr


In V1 you could get a beer from Lohner at the red moon inn (V1's version of the keep) and could fistfight with other drunk players 😄