
Dauntless Dev Tracker

05 Feb


Originally posted by tor09

Did they change her VA? She sounds a little different now.

Nope! It's the same voice actor as from before. :)


Originally posted by redshieldhomebrew

Thank you for your response! You guys are seriously amazing with how hard you work to please the community and I have to say I’m going to buy a cosmetic pack this pass just to support you guys further than just the hunt pass. I’m very impressed with how open and active the team is and how they listen to the players. Fantastic. I look forward to the changes

That’s very kind of you to say. We’re making this game for you, hearing feedback is really so so so so important.


Originally posted by Vozu_

I would like less of them, but more fleshed out. Terra missions were a light distraction in which a tiny chore tried to vary up the gameplay, but that gets old quickly. Kaltauga had a very interesting setup and promised Dauntless' first deviant behemoth, but didn't go as far as the idea seemed to want to.

So far, the only genuinely memorable mission was the unseen ritual. That one delivered an interesting and engaging mechanic on top of an actual challenge.

Yes! I want to do more like the Unseen ritual. I think that's the direction we'd want to take them -- with a real new mechanic.


Hey everyone! Thanks for letting us know what you think about the Paladin armour.

I agree. Hunt Pass armour should be awesome and that back piece doesn't quite the mark. That's on me (not our incredible artists and VFX folks!!).

You can expect a much more beautiful northern lights effect in 1.5.4.


These will be available hopefully in the next few days on the remaining platforms (no exclusivity or anything, just a speed bump in getting them out).




Thanks for the feedback! We’re watching the completion rates and how often frostbite wipes a party (still not as much as dying to Behemoths).

There’s already some good advice in this thread, but I’d suggest trying 1-13 to get prepared with some talents first. And unlocking the Cleanisng Pylon in the Slayer’s Path can really help.

Pick an Avatar and use it’s ability to lower the whole team’s frostbite throughout the fight.

On top of that - look out for the boon from Linnea in each round. That’ll give you another way to reduce your frostbite during the fight.

I believe you can do it!!


I love this so much


Heya! Banners and fabrics typically aren’t very popular on their own. But we’ve found people are more excited about them when they come in a pack and are pet of a set. Bundles tend to be cheaper overall, too!

That said, we’re working on something new for next season that should let you break out and choose rewards individually a bit better. Stay tuned!

For Crimson Cavalier - yes, it is part of the big Platinum Pack. It’s a cosmetic armour, totally optional of course, but it’s important for us to have a diverse set of offerings. It’s some of the best value in the game platinum-wise and we wanted to make sure players that are coming in at that price point for their platinum have something awesome to show for it.


Originally posted by tor09

Oh yeah, I’ll be getting this. This is much better value than 1,100 plat for a single weapon skin. That helmer is SICK.

That’s the thing with PHXL. Their art team is absolutely A1. I’d buy a lot more of their stuff if the prices were just a wee bit lower (I do buy every HP though, so I am still spending here and there)

We’ve been talking a lot about this on our side. It’s something I’ve heard a lot. We’re going to start with packs like this that are priced a little lower than we might usually and see how that runs before really going over each piece in the store.


Glad you’re into it! You can also get different these exes bundled in different ways if you’re not as into the repeaters like someone mentioned already!


There was one prequel mission with Linnea that dropped in 1.5.2!

Glad to know you guys like them though, we can definitely keep exploring that

04 Feb


Thanks for the feedback. I'll pass it on!

Definitely do the easier mode until you've upgraded your lantern a bit!


Thanks for the feedback :D


We recommend using the easy Esca in order to upgrade your lantern a bunch.

This one is definitely tough...




Originally posted by DamienCrow

  • In-Game Name: Damien Crow
  • Type of Bug: Cosmetic / Visual
  • Expected behavior: Female body type should hold the hammer's forward handle properly.
  • Actual behavior: Female body type using any hammer has her forward hand floating in the air instead of sitting on the handle properly.
  • Screenshot/Clip: Image
  • Reproduction Rate/Steps: 10/10, equip any hammer skin on a female body type and see the forward hand floating off of the handle in combat animation.
  • System Specs: PC
  • Geographic location: West Coast, USA
  • Session ID: (Optional). N/A

We on this one! Thanks!