
Dauntless Dev Tracker

08 Feb


Originally posted by Swarzsinne

I actually have a small, tin foil hat, suspicion that they did actually turn them off on purpose to see if it would tamp down on complaints about leeches by removing that initial bias. I think it just didn't take very long to see that the leech complaints and complaints of beginner mistakes just didn't vanish.

And at that point, if they've already decided to level gate, why even worry about turning them back on and why not just collect a bit more data?

No 5D chess moves here. Software is just a finicky thing and bugs like this happen as a side-effect of touching stuff.


Thanks for all the feedback! Super good read and well thought out <3


Yup, this is a bug and it's logged! Will be fixed next patch!


So before we made this Escalation, we did some digging and found that the players who engage with hard mode escalations are our most skilled and dedicated players. We wanted to add a challenge and diversify the experience a bit.

The goal was to make sure players were upgrading their trees and improving with each run. This means upgrading and creating your build is more essential than ever before.

That being said, we'll be exploring frostbite and probably balancing the experience in the upcoming patches.


Hey there, this has been brought up and we're discussing options. No promises, but we're exploring this feedback :)


Thanks for the feedback. Having some way to communicate about your preferred avatar would be neat.

Passing this on :)


Thanks for the feedback! I'll pass it on to the team.

The goal of the Slayer's Path was to give players goals while guiding newer players through all the game's content. We don't want progression to be lightning-fast to provide a longer tail.


You're a machine!


We're currently working on a ton of bugs and will be releasing fixes soon. You can follow our logged issues on Trello:


All reports help!


Glad you’re enjoying some it! This is a great piece of feedback. Thanks!


Dyes will be back right away. Next couple of patches - they’ll require completing challenges related to the Behemoth that used to just drop them randomly.

Now you can actually pick the dye you want and do the thing to get it. Rather than just farm and hope it happens.

Exotics are coming back, too!! They also used to just be a random drop that really wasn’t that fun. AND no one really knew how to get them until someone else was kind enough to say.


The reason we’ve pulled back transmogs stones is because we see a lot of people don’t use them. All the best looks are skins - and a couple stones is all you really need to unlock your favourite behemoth set.

So we instead went for things that are always useful no matter what.

If there’s a desire, they can definitely make their way back.

07 Feb


They actually do, I put this in, it's just an extremely small amount, but it's more than 0!

06 Feb


Originally posted by witas02

Nice! Can we get any info on the required levels you've chosen ?

We are still discussing the rules and where we want the cutoffs.


Originally posted by Sivialus

Will highlevel escalation level requirements gate (lvl14) be implemented or we'll have to continue to suffer from oneshot underleveled teammates?

Yes we are working on level gating and hope to get it out soon.


Yooo!!!! This is beautiful

05 Feb