If this is the same killer over and over again, please report them as being AFK in every round is ruining the games for other people. AFK going once or twice, because of an emergency, that is fine, but if someone is AFK each time you face them, that is not okay. Please report it each time it happens and provide additional proof to support: https://support.deadbydaylight.com/hc/en-us
If possible, please report them to support if you know who did it and if you can provide proof of it being a DDOS, too. Check in with your ISP to make sure if everything is okay.
But essentially, they'll come once MMR is implemented properly in the game! Once MMR is implemented, ranks don't determine who you face anymore really, that's when rank rewards would be enabled. There is no timeframe for that yet.
Added a maximum turn rate per frame to the Blight's rush for very high sensitivity input.
Increased controller sensitivity and controller maximum turn rate for the Blight's rush.
The Huntress add-on "Wooden Fox" now triggers undetectable at the beginning of the reload interaction and its duration has been increased to 15 seconds
Huntress ammo count is now updated at the end of the reload interaction.
Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue that caused characters being sold with temporary discounts to not be purchasable with shards anymore.
Fixed an issue that would cause survivor characters to emote when pressing Numpad 1 or Numpad 2 even if not bound to those keys.