Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

22 Oct

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

Hello Roughnecks!
It’s finally time for our first major post-launch Update - completely free for all who owns the game! The main dish is two brand-new mission types: Escort Duty and On-site Refining. Both mission types focus on heavy duty mining equipment that needs tender loving care and protection from a team of hard working dwarves! The side dish includes a ton of new cosmetics, further weapon balancing, a much-needed overhaul of the Assignment Board, and many other things. Bon appetit!

It’s time to get greasy! There has never been a better time to be a combat miner working for DRG. See you in the mines!

With Love,
The Ghost Ship Crew

P.S. We know many of our fans on Xbox/Microsoft-Store are also reading these patch notes, so a quick note on the Update 32 version on those platfor... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

01 Oct

Hello Miners!
We have two pieces of news for you today. First of all, the Store page for the new Roughneck DLC is now live. This new DLC is called Roughneck pack and is themed around a better-ventilated outfit and with a company-issued hardhat to make up for the lack of body armor and protect your noggin’. Read more

24 Sep

Hello Miners!
First things first: Update 32: Roughnecks At Work will release on Steam on October 8th.

Yes, that’s in Q4 and we promised Q3 in the roadmap, and for a while, we thought we could make it for the very end of September. But it’s still not finished, and we don’t want to rush things, so we decided to give it a week more in the cooker. We will, though, release Update 32 to the Experimental branch early next week. So, technically, you will get access to it in Q3 ;-)

Teasers for Update 32: Roughnecks At Work So, what will be in Update 32? In our roadmap we promised you some new Mission Types, and we are certainly going to deliver on that one. The two new missions are called Escort Duty and On-Site Refining and the overall theme is about working with heavy machinery deep in the mi... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

28 Aug

Hi Everyone,

Mikkel Martin Pedersen here, back with another blog post! This time the topic is about what’s probably turned into one of the most iconic features of Deep Rock Galactic (DRG) - the ability to hit [V] and salute your fellow dwarves by raising your pickaxe in the air and shouting “ROCK AND STONE!”. The impact that little salute has had on the game, the community, and on us as developers is quite amazing. I’ll be bold and make the claim that “Rock and Stone” plays a big part in how we’ve succeeded in making a game that has generated one of the best, friendliest, and most non-toxic communities for any multiplayer game in our experience.

The idea for this Blog Post started forming right after our 1.0 launch of the game on May 13th 2020. During one of our Reddit AMA’s, a question cropped up several times: What was the story behind our now iconic “Rock and Stone”, and how did the idea form in the first place. After answering the question in the AMA, I started t... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

30 Jul


Greetings, Miners!
We’re back from the summer holiday, which most of us spend within the Danish borders due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Denmark seems to have flattened the curve and is more or less back in business with a few modifications. Luckily, we have been able to adapt to a work-from-home model that’s been working, and we’ve adapted some of that into our normal work routines, ensuring that everyone will stay safe and healthy.

The work on Update 32 is progressing at a good pace, and while we’re not yet at a point where we can share details on the new missions, our prototypes are showing a lot of potential, and we’re confident that we’ll have some inside info for you within the reasonable future. Next to that we're also doing a lot of concepts for the new biomes in Update 33, some of which you can see below.

... Read more

26 Jun


Hello Miners,
This final (knock on wood) hotfix for Update 31 resolves an issue that enabled dead Mactera Grabbers to grab unsuspecting dwarves who disrespectfully step on their corpse. Additionally, Black Box objectives in Deep Dives should no longer be completed prematurely.

  • Squashed a bug that caused Black Box objectives to be completed prematurely in Deep Dives
  • Squashed a bug that enabled dead Mactera Grabbers to grab dwarves that walk on their corpse
  • Squashed a bug that caused double text in a Mission Control speak in Deep Dives
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

25 Jun


Hello Miners,
This hotfix includes additional tweaks to the Omen Modular Exterminator event to provide a more fair challenge, based on your feedback. We have also made some changes to the behavior of the Mactera Grabber in relation to the Gunner’s Shield Generator. Enjoy!

  • Mactera Grabbers no longer target players that are inside of the Gunner’s Shield Generator
  • Mactera Grabbers now flee away if they are inside of the Gunner’s Shield Generator
  • Tweaked the manner the health of the Omen Modular Exterminator event scales across difficulties and player counts. It should now provide a more fair challenge for all player count combinations
  • Squashed a bug that caused the Gunk Seed to be dropped more often than thrown
  • Squashed a bu...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

22 Jun


Hello Miners,
This hotfix includes tweaks to the Omen Modular Exterminator machine event, several audio improvements as well as a fix to an issue with the mouse cursor forcefully centering in the Mission Complete screen. Read below for all the details.

  • Added impact sounds to Flares
  • Tweaked the volume of the Reinforced Power Drills
  • Tweaked the sound of mining minerals
  • Tweaked the sound of the Festerflea
  • Increased the weakpoint health of the Omen Modular Exterminator
  • Increased the amount of Mactera enemies in Mactera waves
  • Reduced the weakpoint exposure time of the Omen Modular Exterminator
  • Squashed a bug related to distanced sounds
  • Squashed a bug that ...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

18 Jun


Hello Miners,
This hotfix includes additional tweaks to the Korlok Tyrant Weed as well as several miscellaneous bug fixes, one of which addresses an issue that prevented certain players from properly completing the Conquer Hoxxes assignment.

  • Renamed Miner’s Manual Creatures section to Bestiary
  • Improved the Glyphid Warden ragdoll a bit
  • Glyphid Warden buffing scream added to animation
  • Squashed a bug in the frozen behaviour of the Korlok Sprouts and Healing Pods so you can now stop them growing and interrupt the healing stream
  • Fixed up the seed impact particles for the Korlok Tyrant Weed Healing Pods
  • Made it so the Korlok is less likely to fail spawning in a mission
  • Improved Korlok Tyrant-...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].

12 Jun

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].