Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

27 Apr


Originally posted by Yknaar

Who's the person on the right and why isn't that person Adolin Kholin?

"So yes, I, Adolin Kholin - cousin to the king, heir to the Kholin princedom - have shat myself in my Shardplate. Three times, all on purpose." He downed the rest of his wine. "You are a very strange woman."
~Brandon Sanderson, Words of Radiance

“Very well, you two,” Pattern said. “No sharting. NO SHARTING.”


Originally posted by Ocknok

Imagine if this was an actual mode. They could make hazard 11 a difficulty level where it is an endless horde and all the enemies and boss fights are buffed, but to counter this they give all the dwarves overpowered equipment (Such as the infamous scunner from this post). I know this would be hard to implement, but this would be pretty fun.

Not hard to do, but very hard to do right without messing up other things. Mods usually focus on enhancing one specific area and rarely has to juggle how that influences everything else.

We’re pretty comfortable with the current state of the difficulties, and for everything else, there’s mods.


Originally posted by TBdog

The collectors edition comes with the mat

Ah, that’s extra. The game board in all versions are the standard binding board (or similar) that folds into the box. The mat shown is a deluxe add-on included in the big version, and l believe it can also be bought separately. It’s made of neoprene with print like most modern mouse pads. It’s nice, but not needed.


Originally posted by TBdog

What's the point of the standard edition of it doesn't come with a game board?

What do you mean? It does.

26 Apr


This belongs in a museum.


Originally posted by Vehrimon

I qualified for the coin but the shipping costs for the coin alone total at 25€, surely that can't be right, just for a coin?

Sounds weird, but that might be due to the minimum price from the distribution centers. I assume they’ve set prices according to people backing an entire boardgame. I think they decided that people could back to get the coin alone, but unsure if there’s any way around the shipping cost. That’s a question that only MOOD can answer, so you have to contact them through the pledge manager.


Originally posted by BlueLobster47

I'm wondering if it's worth the purchase solely as a collectors item, as I will never find anyone to play with IRL

While I don’t recommend buying it for collecting alone, the factory samples we got were very nice. There’s no way to know if it will hit retail, but a reprint for kickstarter might be possible at some point.


Originally posted by Purplehazey

How long will it be available for?!

30 days or so


Originally posted by Kermarotta

Hi Jacob!



You put a lot of work into achieving this level of lazy. We salute you!


Originally posted by fail-fast

wonder what's the difference between "STL files ALL - For EU/UK Backers" and "STL files ALL"

That's because residents in the EU/UK needs to pay VAT on digital products (VAT will be added at checkout).


Originally posted by TheMostBoringest

Is there worldwide shipping? I am from Kazakhstan.

I believe so, but I do not know the specific details. It should tell you before you check out.


Hi New-to-Deep-Rock-Galactic, I'm Dad.

25 Apr


Originally posted by Musibat24-7

Thank you for clearing this out.

My apologies to the people above.

So how many versions of this game exist atm? And what are the minor difference between them all?

Four versions, I believe.
Steam, Xbox/Windows Store, PS4 and PS5.
Xbox and Windows Store are "the same". Even though PS4 and PS5 are crossgen compatible, they're separate products as such due to how it was setup.
So, you're technically not wrong when you say the PS5 version is the most enhanced one, as it is more specifically made for PS5, though it's still under some of the restrictions in regards to gameplay that PS4 have.
Cave generation due to memory limits is probably the biggest one. The caves can still get quite big, though. I think there's also some slight changes in regards to difficulty and hardware, but I'm not sure how much.
Overall the experience should be pretty similar - the seeds can just be rolled differently, due to some restrictions, and it can have impact on what spawns and how.

24 Apr


Originally posted by Musibat24-7

lol that is the most absurd answer you could give.

If that is the case why is the console version EDD bigger and denser in enemy count and terrain complexity?

The client generates the map not the player PC or Console.

He’s technically correct. It’s a memory limitation, and if you’re playing on PS5, you’re limited by the cross-gen compatibility with PS4. The Steam version is capable of some of the largest cave gens, compared to the console version. It’s not something you’d notice, as the caves can still get large on console.

The EDD can differ due to this because removing something from a pool of resources will shuffle the numbers. It doesn’t necessarily do so, but it’s likely. That’s also why you may have experienced a bigger EDD on PlayStation, but that doesn’t mean the console version is more capable, just that it rolled bigger this week.

Not sure what you mean about the client generating the map. The host does that and shares it with the clients, whether it’s pc or console.