I personally like the devs and the community
Hello, unbiased redditor user. Haha, me too. These guys are great. wink
I personally like the devs and the community
Hello, unbiased redditor user. Haha, me too. These guys are great. wink
Weekly assignments say next assignment is in 7 days 2 hours 30 minutes. Also in deep dives it says next deep dives are in 0:2:33:{seconds} without zeroes like it would have been nice to be 00:02:33:{seconds} to match the date style of weekly assignments.
Assignments seem to be bugged currently.
It seems to have gotten worse: Post-hotfix my dives say "-737,334,:-8:-59:-22" instead of - about 5 minutes
Deep Dives should reset regardless of the clock. The clock doesn't trigger it, the actual time on the server should.
I personally like the devs and the community
Its training itself to eat more; its probably eating 15% of all posts daily
At this pace we’ll soon be out of jobs!
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ summon /u/GSG_Jacob つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
(Edit: I know you might not be at work for a bit, not expecting an immediate fix; just making sure you know. :) )
So, the Deep Dives will reset in a few hours from now. Clock is apparently set to count down to the correct time, but thinks that the time is in your time zone. We’ll fix it.
Good morning world.... Oh crap.
Well this sucks. Sorry miners, I'll alert a programmer when I get my ass to work.
Those are heavy, dwarves tend to misplace them, there’s way more potential sources of error, that could jeopardize the mission. It’s better to keep those things bolted down to heavier equipment - a true and tested method, that has survived costly modernization. With the current method, fewer resources are spent at the negligible cost of dwarven effort. Would you like to know more?
I know ya'll aren't that busy right now /s. Onward developers and bequeath us player skins. The community hath spoken
Bosco skins, you say...what a coincidence... :>
f*ck YES!
I worry that this may end up being one of those "much harder to fix than it looks" issues since it seems the flame is directly attached to the flamethrower, and fixing it involves detaching the two in addition to fixing whatever new bugs that will cause.
I've become accustomed to our programmers being able to work literal magic. Have faith, Miner.