Deep Rock Galactic

Deep Rock Galactic Dev Tracker

14 Jun


Originally posted by DoritoJH

Gotta say, it's really awesome seeing such genuine, reflective, positive people creating a game like this and then staying engaged with the community it formed. We appreciate the hell outta ya. Rock and stone!

And we appreciate YOU, [Valued Employee]! :D

Rock and Stone, Miner.


Me, 7 years ago: *makes barrel armor as a quick test in an hour, because we need SOME other suit of armor besides the default, in order to test the skin system.*

The community 7 years later: *still howling for an ancient set of test armor to be re-implemented.*

You people.


Originally posted by Hexnohope

Stay safe i know satisfactories community manager got got


13 Jun


Originally posted by Quinicky

Embracer group just drop a colossial bomb of a game and got their multi-million dollars deals called-off hours before E3.

It's an upper-management f**k ups. And somehow they gonna make shareholders happy by laying off developers.

E3 was canceled months ago.


Originally posted by Jaaaco-j

embracer owns "coffee stain holding" which includes both coffee stain publishing and GSG

Let me clear this up - Coffee Stain Holding owned a minor share of Ghost Ship Games. Not sure how it works by the books, but in the current Embracer setup we're a sister company to Coffee Stain.
It gets a bit confusing because there are companies owning companies with similar names, and with the acquisition, it might have ended up being easiest to put it under the same company, but structure-wise we're not under Coffee Stain.


Originally posted by Ser_Pounce_theFrench

This is highly dependent on the country you live in. In my country, it did prevent layoff in the past. Not always, obviously.

It prevents certain types of layoffs, at the very least.


Originally posted by OneThicBoii

An unreal engine 5 rework sounds amazing dude. I would want that for Deep rock galactic as well but I doubt they have that kind of manpower to do that.

Unreal 5 is going to be the industry standard moving forward so it's only fair they're bringing it up to date.

We do, it's just not something you do lightly. Last year it wasn't recommended to upgrade if you had an actually released game but was more being pushed to developers working on something upcoming. Things might have changed, but we need a good reason to switch - a clear benefit of going through all the trouble of upgrading.


I'm gonna give you a semi-official answer to this too.

They refuse to add:

someghing that radically expands gameplay variability like changeable support tools, new classes, new types of enemies and so on.

something that radically expands gameplay depth, like haz 6, 7, new difuculty modifiers, 3,4 of them per mission.
meta change that shuffles meta from bottom to the head, thing I was using 2 years ago still exeptionally good.

Changeable support tools go against the design idea. We want the four classes to be dependable and recognizable through their support. What is the driller gonna do if you take his drill? We have four classes in a four player game - that is what the game is designed around. Adding a new class would mess up the balancing. Ever played an MMO when a new character comes out? There's be tons of games that would just be 4 x NewGuy, not to mention the amount of stuff we'd ...

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Originally posted by Taxouck

That’s good, hopefully if things go truly bad there’ll be an opportunity to bail from being owned by Embracer?

GSG is doing very well, so I personally can’t imagine a future where things go that bad.


Just want to comment on this, before the hot takes roll in.

We do not expect that this will affect us, all things considered.

Edit: Also - please remember that Embracer is not structured like companies such as EA or ActiBlizz. From my own experience (and keep in mind that I have nothing to do with any of this - I just man the keyboard at Ghost Ship) Embracer has been incredibly hands-off after the acquisition of Ghost Ship Games. We've had opportunities, not limits. Coming from other parts of the industry I've seen and experienced preparations for going public while being expendable on a limited contract, and this just feels different. I could easily be wrong, and obviously, it's going to suck for people hit by the restructuring, but my fingers are crossed that my gut feeling holds up.

11 Jun


Originally posted by shdagent

In case anyone is interested in a reddit alternative, someone has setup a community on

Important caveat - I don't know who set it up, but it's not likely to be a developer. Hopefully they can confirm if they are.

It’s not.


I’ve removed this post as 99% of content on that site is stolen from the creators.


You’re rich!

As in both of you being wholesome.

10 Jun


Originally posted by TRJ-AUDIO

Hi. TRJ Audio here, the guy who this thread is about. All I can say is WOW!!!! I'm completely floored by all the comments here, on YT and on steam. Seriously, THANK YOU guys and gals. Really. From the bottom of my heart. I have been super lucky to be a part of the DRG adventure.Thanks for being awesome everyone.
If you want to follow my future adventures, you can always check my YT channel now and then ( Also I am currently working on music ( I do all the composing) and sound design for an upcoming game "Void Crew". I will also be working on different projects in the future.

Thanks again poeple. YOU ARE AWESOME!!!





Originally posted by TheeLinker

What it is is that the pod that brings you has the fuel to go half the trip with Molly and your four fat asses, and then only enough left to do the return half of the trip empty.

The pod that brings you back has the fuel to bring your four fat asses and a stocked Molly back only because it did the first half of the trip empty.

Management doesn't want to stuff more fuel on the first pod (so it could do both halves of the trip full of dwarves) just because maybe you'll do some weird-ass thing where you refuse to leave the pod and make Bosco get all the eggs.

☝️This dwarf mines.


Originally posted by Vinccool96

/u/GSG_Jacob opinion? Should the first drop pod be a the extraction pod if it’s still there?

Nope, it doesn’t have the fuel to haul your four fat asses + Minerals back into space.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Do you play with sound effects off too?