Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

21 Aug


Originally posted by KSC216

Getting a "Something Weird" error with the following text: "Error: If this error continues, please consult the #Help Forum.\n at\nat new Promise ()\n at d ("

Sorted this by just going fast af through the process.

Thanks to the input from folks here, I think we've isolated the issue. We're testing a fix, I'll update here if it looks to resolve the problem!


Originally posted by kurmudgeon

OK, so I enabled cross-save and set my Battle.Net account as my primary active account. I just logged into Battle.Net, started Destiny 2 and got into a Forge playlist. When I'm in a playlist the 1st game runs fine and I'm queued up for the next game in the playlist. Once the 2nd playlist game starts, the game crashes saying "problem reading game content".

I did a Scan & Repair through Battle.Net, no errors detected. Restarted my computer and tried it once more. Same issue happens.

I then tried my other gaming PC as a test. The exact same issue happens on my 2nd PC as well the same way; 2nd game of a playlist causes the crash.

Then I thought it might be related to Cross-Save so I was going to just disable it for now. I can't disable it. It says that I have to re-authenticate my accounts again. This becomes a game of Whack-a-mole where as soon as I authenticate one account, the others un-authenticate. It's impossible to authenticate all of them. T...

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Is this a game crash (the .exe stops working) or in-game error code?


Originally posted by xangasm

Thanks for the response! However, with the help of a friend I was somehow able to fix my issue by having him swap emails around.

Before we were able to fix it though, I tried the chrome+F12 check and got nothing at all just so you know.

Ah, good to know- thank you!


We believe the whack-a-mole issue with accounts automatically un-authenticating is related to the Something Weird Happening error. Still investigating!


We are currently investigating the "Something weird happened" error users are seeing.


Okay, so Steam sign in should be working again. Give it another shot!

Some people are experiencing issues where they authenticate with one account and the others get disabled. Now that Steam is working more consistently, try it again from the beginning if you're hitting this. We're still looking into root causes and potential solutions for the people hitting this type of error.


Originally posted by merkwerk

Hey I got it figured out, just did a scan & repair through and everything is fine now! Thanks though.

Ah, good! Glad to hear it!


Originally posted by omegasaga

I authenticate xbox, and the cross save site says I'm authenticated. Then I authenticate steam, it takes me back to the cross save page, xbox goes from authenticated (it is displayed upon my return) but then it goes away and steam shows it is authenticated. Hope that helps figure this puzzle out.

Ah, so in the flow you're going through, is it actually popping up a new, separate tab/window for the authentication and then closing that window? Or is it all happening in the same window/tab? If the latter, that definitely could be what's going on... we may be losing your authentication state because it's navigating away from the page. The intended behavior of the page is that it pops up a new tab/window to authenticate, but this is a good potential lead.

Let me know if you can send me a link to your profile URL, that'll let me see if I can find more info on our side.


Originally posted by omegasaga

I am using fully updated chrome on a Samsung galaxy s7 edge. Nothing that would block cookies on my phone

Hmm, that is very odd. Let me see if I can dig in further into our logs! Could you send me your profile URL link?


Originally posted by RoguexA

Aye, as fate would have it, the authentication seemed to work as soon as I posted my comment. We use Cloudflare at work for 'securely hosting' some websites and was wondering whether your authentication app was having troubles getting through Cloudflare (if you used it) with Steam, or vice versa.

Seems to be fine now though.

Sweet - yeah, right now it's hitting Steam's authentication endpoints directly that is causing us troubles - but we're talking with folks and investigating now. Hopefully we should be able to work this out soon(tm).


Originally posted by dbz9

when you stop by a thread and you see "Bungie Replied x35" you KNOW dat boi /u/EdgarVerona is on the scene. you rock edgar.

Ha, thanks! Though I wish I could be of more help than just saying "we're investigating Steam issues" at the moment! Hopefully this should be resolved soon.


Originally posted by KinetiClutch

Anyone getting errors authenticating steam

Indeed, unfortunately we're experiencing issues when attempting to communicate with Steam's authentication servers at the moment. Hang tight, investigation is ongoing!


Originally posted by merkwerk

Hey so I was able to get through cross save authentication, but now when I try to log in on I just keep getting servers not available (which clearly isn't the case)....wondering if something got messed up with my account with cross save?

Can you send me your profile URL? I will pass this on to folks who can investigate on the game side.


Originally posted by omegasaga

No plug ins. Under settings cookies are allowed. My guess is that it is related to how the mobile app opens additional tabs and windows. But mobile web browsers aren't my area of expertise.

What mobile browser are you using?


Originally posted by polychlorinated

having the same issue

Oy, aye. Hang tight - investigation/talk with Steam is ongoing. Some are able to connect, but it is intermittent.


Originally posted by omegasaga

Just turned of the wifi and used mobile data and the same thing happened.

Hmm... do you happen to have anything that might be blocking or filtering out your cookies from being sent to us?


Originally posted by djthememelord

I'm getting the 500 error code whenever I try to link steam, PSN and linked fine. Should I just wait for less traffic or do you have a solution?

We're investigating presently - we're having difficulty consistently connecting to Steam, folks are looking into it as we speak!


Originally posted by RoguexA

I haven't seen anyone mention that CLOUDFLARE was involved with the error messages, is this something that you were aware of?

Hmm, I've not heard about that one! Can you hit refresh and see if it continues to occur?


Originally posted by ShottyBiondi

I switched from work PC to my phone via network data and it worked the second time, unfortunately I'm just getting the 500 internal server error for Steam which I'm guessing is just the amount of traffic happening.

Yes, unfortunately we're currently experiencing issues being able to connect to Steam's auth servers. We're working on it presently!


Originally posted by Malifo

Not sure if any Devs are still in here, but on my Cross Save page it says I have 0 silver on my Xbox account but I have 200. Will there be any issues with that?

What account are you setting as your Active Account?

Silver is tied to the platform it was purchased on. If you choose an account and another account has Silver, that Silver will be left with the inactive account.