Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

28 Aug

27 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Just got word from the team - While you won't be able to abandon the Mysterious Box quest at Shadowkeep launch, work is being done for an update later in October.

If any issues are found, plans may change. Stay tuned for official patch notes.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Imma leak something right now, because it's been confirmed in test.

Come Shadowkeep, Enhancement Cores will be dismantled individually, as opposed to entire stacks.

We have quite a bit of time before launch. If any bugs/issues are found, this could change. It's always risky confirming fixes before they ship. That said, I know this story has been posted quite a few times recently, and wanted to give you an update on where we were at. Just make sure your dog doesn't sit on your controller.

(This was an actual help forum report from 2015, where someones character was deleted because of their dog.... or so they said.)

26 Aug


You don't move characters you point the platform at a specific set of data. If you link PC and XB1 to your account and then activate cross save, choosing your PC data, that means you'll play the PC data whether you're on PC or XB1. You can play on either platform whenever you want as often as you want. They're just both accessing the same save data now.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is amazing!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HelloControl_

New work PC wallpaper? Yeah. New work PC wallpaper.



Originally posted by Imglitch13

So I'm having a issue where I enabled cross save but my forsaken access didnt transfer. I can play the forsaken stuff on ps4 and not pc? Is there a reason?

Game licenses are not part of Cross Save. You need to own each license on their platforms.


Originally posted by GoldenLeech

I am Currently trying to Cross save, so that my characters and everything goes from to my steam one. But when I tried I get this error:

" You have only a Steam and Blizzard account linked. You can’t Cross Save these two, as they will become a single profile during PC Migration. Please link another account to use Cross Save. "

If you have gone through the PC move page ( then you are already ready for Steam. Cross Save is for playing the characters from one platform on another platform (Steam and are effectively the 'PC' platform)


New work PC wallpaper? Yeah. New work PC wallpaper.

24 Aug


Originally posted by russjr08

Very much agreed! /u/EdgarVerona please pass on our thanks!!

Will do! I'm glad you folks like it!

23 Aug


Originally posted by Keric28

Totally understand. I work in networking. Tracking bugs can have so many facets it sucks at times, which is why I somewhat over-provided details. Not familiar with the back end system, don't want to leave anything out that may be interconnected. I'm sure you guys will figure it out, just glad it wasn't site related and more cache. Otherwise people could be potentially locked out of those wayfarer medallions if they earned them during this window.

Totally, I dig it and appreciate the extra info you provided!


Originally posted by Keric28

Yes. included a few more details on full chain of events for reference: Prior to cross-save changes 1. log into with xbox profile 2. Accessed Cross save page and started progress Cross-Save Migration: 1.Authenticated each platform (was during the steam page issues - in case that's of importance). -order of activation for what it's worth: PSN, Steam, Then clicked next. 2. selected xbox characters (Saw characters on and empty fields for PSN/Steam) 3. verified xbox characters showed and button to "activate cross-save" was clicked. 4. validation of completed actions. displayed my characters active on the platforms After Cross Save migration: 1. accessing profile by clicking player icon and view profile 2. Profile page showed my characters. (could not locate any means of changing profiles to see other platform profiles) 3. accessing profile in incognito mode I saw my xbox characters 4. logged into incognito mode, accessed profile, saw x...

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Okay, I think I've found out what's happening. The profile and rewards pages share some logic that can bypass the fact that accounts are overridden in cross save. I'm working on some changes right now, unsure when a fix will go out but we did find the reason for this mismatch for those of you encountering it!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This is what I look like at 2AM on a Sunday morning


Originally posted by Keric28

Yes. included a few more details on full chain of events for reference: Prior to cross-save changes 1. log into with xbox profile 2. Accessed Cross save page and started progress Cross-Save Migration: 1.Authenticated each platform (was during the steam page issues - in case that's of importance). -order of activation for what it's worth: PSN, Steam, Then clicked next. 2. selected xbox characters (Saw characters on and empty fields for PSN/Steam) 3. verified xbox characters showed and button to "activate cross-save" was clicked. 4. validation of completed actions. displayed my characters active on the platforms After Cross Save migration: 1. accessing profile by clicking player icon and view profile 2. Profile page showed my characters. (could not locate any means of changing profiles to see other platform profiles) 3. accessing profile in incognito mode I saw my xbox characters 4. logged into incognito mode, accessed profile, saw x...

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Hmm, definitely interesting. Cool, I'm glad you saw the character selection choice screen at least, I had to make sure that part wasn't breaking!

I'll be taking a peek, but either way I'm glad it worked out.


Originally posted by GrizzyIy

Hey u/halcylon you’re kinda uhhhhhhhhhhh cute...

Oh u/GrizzyIy, you sure can make a guy blush.


Originally posted by Keric28

yes and yes. Those are my old characters ( do not wish to use them with cross-save) I just tried accessing in incognito now the profile page appears to display correctly and bungie rewards seems to be working.

I suspect it has something to do with authenticating multiple profiles for cross-save activation. (had to sign in with, xbox, psn and steam) but it was just not giving me the option to swap between which characters displayed or swap profiles.

I think I'm good, but maybe an item to include on cross-save FAQ?

One more thing I need to check up on for this too so that I'm not assuming too much - so when you were going through the process, the flow should have given you the following steps:

1) Having you authenticate with each
2) Having you choose a single set of characters (not individual characters *within* a set, but rather a whole set in its entirety)
3) Showing you your chosen set of characters, plus the resulting end state for the others
4) The final confirmation that it happened

I wanted to make sure #2 actually happened for you, so I'm not mistaken on what occurred when I go to check! Did you get a step where you were asked to choose and you chose the XBox characters?


Originally posted by Keric28

appreciate the quick response, looks like I found the solution (and probable cause. -see other recent comment)
I love how active your team is on reddit!

Sweet, I'm glad it worked out! But I'm still going to investigate just in case... the fact that you saw your old, overridden PC characters at all after you initiated cross save gives me the feeling that something's not right over there, if even that it's just some temporary cache that's not being properly flushed. But just in case it's something that needs closer attention, I'm going to go take a look later today.


Originally posted by Keric28

Here's the link to it

Note: incognito mode shows the correct profile. so I've uploaded a screenshot of what I see when logged in for reference. imgur link below

So just to double check too - that screenshot that you have for when you look at your profile page when logged in as yourself, are those your old PC characters? If you refresh the page, do you still see those?