Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

22 Aug


Quick PSA to anyone posting about and

Don't use the shorthand "" interchangeably. 😄 We can't tell which you are referring to.



Originally posted by artydooty

u/EdgarVerona is it possible to use cross save to transfer characters from one PSN to another PSN?

For example, I sign up for cross save, add my PSN, my XBL, and my Bnet accounts. I choose my PSN characters as those I want to use for cross save.

Can I then replace that original PSN (from which the characters originated) with a PSN and have access to those original PSN characters?

(Basically, I messed up by PSN name change and would love to move my characters to a different PSN.)

No, this is not possible. Cross Save always leaves characters on the accounts on which they were created; it only provides the option to access those characters on other platforms.


Originally posted by r1psy

I'm unsure if I have ruined something... this seems to believe I have no entitlements on Xbox, my primary platform for the last few years with ALL DLC..

I am a little worried..

It is possible for the website to be out of sync when it comes to entitlements. Cross Save does not change your entitlements, so no need to worry about losing any of them. It typically works too log in to Destiny on the platform that is showing incorrectly, then go through the flow again.


Originally posted by MoldyToblerone

Say you CrossSave from ps4 to pc how am I supposed to join or create a fireteam on the companion app for when it says psn for my character and won't let me change it as it says " character required"?

I'm guessing you have an update available, or will soon. The app only recently started getting updates for Cross Save support. Keep checking your app store!


Originally posted by Karmas_weapon

I left my clan on ps4, but I can't find an option to leave my clan on When I click on my profile picture on the top right of the website, I can see that I'm still part of my clan, but I don't see any way to view the clan page where I can leave

Check the Community tab on the main navigation, it should show links to any clans you are in


Glad to hear it! This in particular was a major point of focus throughout the entire design and implementation process.


Originally posted by mlecakess

So like we have two xboxes with different sets of characters, we only bought the game once.If one of us sets up cross save will the other person be unable to move theirs as well? Or is it reliant on battle net.

As far as I know, you cannot share the same license across two accounts. You could each Cross Save your respective accounts, which would enable you to play the same characters on both platforms. You would still be able to use the same game license in Xbox like you already do now, but for you would each need your own license. Remember, on October 1, Destiny 2 will become free, so you'll be able to jump in on Steam for $0!


Originally posted by Karmas_weapon

Used to play on playstation. Started playing on pc last year. I am using cross save to bring my ps4 account to pc, but I'd like to leave my old ps4 clan and rejoin my pc clan. Clan mate is telling me that there is no option to invite me and my name in the clan is currently greyed out. How do I go about rejoining my clan?

Make sure your friend is inviting your PS4 account to the clan, since that is the account that holds your Active characters. You can leave the clan on because that is now an Inactive set of characters.


Originally posted by XxDaRkNuK3xX

So I had a character on PS4. I then got a copy of the game free on Blizz last year. I've done the PC Move thing and then I did the Cross Save and put my PS4 character on PC. I then booted up my Blizz copy of the game for the first time. If I make a new character now on Battle.Net, will that character AND my PS4 one that's currently on PC both move to Steam on October 1st?

As long as the account you are playing on is the same one which is in your Cross Save setup, you will be able to play your Active characters everywhere, including Steam, after October 1st.


Originally posted by ___FLASHOUT___

That worked! I was too scared about the 90 day lockout to proceed past that step. Thank you!

Sweet! No problem, glad to be of help!


Originally posted by DarkSideSith860

No thank you I'm just glad it's a known issue have a good day you guys are awesome keep up the great work



Originally posted by BoogaLechuga

Can confirm had loss of authenticate in only a few seconds errors for 8 straight hours but after fix, it worked flawlessly, surprisingly, through the destiny app on mobile, which nobody mentions as an option.

Sweet! Sorry about the long delay to get here!


Originally posted by DarkSideSith860

I filled a ticket about this issue is there another way you want me to contact bungie help?

Oh, that's perfect - the ticket is ideal! Thank you!


Originally posted by Haxazard

i did cross save but my xbox characters never showed up and since that on my pc destiny 2 i have no characters and forced to start all over again and i cant deactivate cross save due to a 2 week before silver purchase so am i forced to wait 86 cause of it ?

Hit up the Bungie Help forum when you get the chance, and let them know the expected situation and what you ended up seeing.


Originally posted by DarkSideSith860

I had negative silver because when I preordered forsaken and the anual pass it gave me negative pre order silver I tried using the ticket system but cant transfer my charachters cause of that negative so I paid it off even tho I never refunded any silver and I still cant cross save please I really want to go to pc cause that's where all my friends are going and I'm the only one not allowed to leave fix this please

We're looking into these issues - can you hit up Bungie Help when you get the opportunity?


Originally posted by VonDB

Oh, and I read the FAQ above once again, based on what I understood, the new “version” of the game will be New Light for everyone, so since I’ll have to download it anyway from Steam, I’ll be covered :)

Ah, good stuff! I've not been following the status of New Light as I probably ought to have, good to know!


Originally posted by UnderMyCumbrella

I will try again tomorrow after work and let you know. Gotta get up at 6 am.

Totally understandable!


Originally posted by VonDB

Edgar, you are crushing here on Reddit (and at the office too), thank you so much for taking the time to answer this bunch of questions and going above end beyond with the follow up!!! Congrats to you and the team for making today a historic day in the Destiny community. Today I experienced my PS4 guardians on +60fps, 100fov and had a total blast! PC gaming feels so good. Keep rocking!

Sweet, I'm so glad to hear it worked! I've been in a tizzy all day trying to fix bugs that came up once people in the real world started hitting it, phew!


Originally posted by aLiamInvader

It's always session storage, right? 😅

Ha, it's true! In this case, I made what in retrospect was a very foolish decision about where and how to store this information; the implications of which weren't clear until it was being hit in the wild at load. 100% my bad, and a dumb enough mistake that I will not soon forget it the next time I consider it as an option!


Originally posted by nihhtwing

Not OP, but i have a similar issue.

I have enabled cross-save and the migration process. When i go to the cross-save page, it says that my PS4 characters are linked to PS4, Steam and Blizzard. This is what i wanted.

However, when i go to my migration page, it says that i am ready to migrate with my BLIZZARD character (level 16 or so Hunter). This is definitely not what i want and very confusing. I have tried refreshing the page to no avail. Is this a visual bug, or do i need to change something?

Yeah, it's a confusing thing because the two systems don't really know about each other.

The trick is that the act of migrating, when Shadowkeep goes live, is going to be stomping any Steam Destiny Profile you may have (in your case, you won't have one) and replacing it with your existing Blizzard data.

That act of migration happens separate from Cross Save: so when that stomping happens, if your Blizzard characters are already being overridden by Cross Save, then the stomping happens with characters that you no longer see. You will still be playing with whatever characters you chose in cross save both before and after that migration process happens.

The analogy I like to use is to picture each of your linked Platforms as being a container that can potentially hold Destiny characters. If you link a Platform, you don't have to play Destiny on it, but if you do then it may have characters in that container. Similarly, if you Cross Save, you have a ...

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