Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

23 Aug


Originally posted by Keric28

Here's the link to it

Note: incognito mode shows the correct profile. so I've uploaded a screenshot of what I see when logged in for reference. imgur link below

Cool, I'll give that a look later today! Thanks!


Originally posted by Keric28

u/dmg04 u/EdgarVerona

This issue appears to be affecting bungie rewards. My profile page for me displays pc accounts (incorrect). my profile page for the public displays xbox accounts (correct). Cross save lets me play xbox account characters on multiple platforms.

bungie-rewards appears to be based on PC characters as I cannot claim any codes currently. While I personally don't need to claim any of these codes, if there are other users in the same scenario they will need to disable cross-save to get those wayfarer pins when you fix it next week. The problem there of course is that we only have 7 days from today to do so.

Tried creating a separate post to garner attention but this FAQ auto-modded me. Apologies for the direct user callout, just a pressing issue for some players.

Thanks for the heads up! I'll let some folks know and we can investigate.

Can you send me the URL for your profile page? You can PM it to me if you prefer. That'll help with our investigation. Thank you!


Originally posted by Outlaw54

I appreciate the response! I understand completely about the limited resources, and I appreciate everything that the teams have done. I will definitely have to take a look at some of the other sites and maybe dabble in some API.

Keep pressing on - I am looking forward to Shadowkeep!

Thanks - and indeed, check it out when you get the chance! There's a lot in there, so it can be pretty intimidating at first. But it can be fun to tinker with!


Originally posted by randalla

Unfortunately, I have no idea who is who.

I’m the one that says Cozmo. Hope that helps.

22 Aug


Originally posted by rlzxx

Hello, Do you have any information what will our display names be, switching from bnet to steam?

So when the Steam transfer finally happens, your display name will be your Steam display name - the one that you can change freely (for better or worse).

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Jet_Nice_Guy

I am a simple man. I see the TWAB and I hope for news regarding solar week.

Don't have plans for a Solar Week at this time. Sorry for sad news, just giving out the facts.

Haven't communicated one, nor have we plotted one on a roadmap. If we ever do one, you'll hear it from us.

(Don't always trust datamining)

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ItsDanniey1

Just for clarification, when you say two rewards from Menagerie, does that mean you open the chest, get your reward, slot new runes in and then reopen the chest, or does it mean you get double of what you have slotted in when you open the chest - but still only open it once?

Slot runes one, get multiple rewards.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ashenContinuum

Is there gonna be a way to track the community progress for the community challenge?
p.s. please fix warlock melee

We'll be providing daily updates via @Bungie. I'll be looking for more ways to communicate. Won't have an in-game tracker.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheAlphaWhale

not even trying to hide it huh?

Would rather set some slight expectations, as we've seen some very interesting theories on what it could mean.

See y'all at 3pm.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by luv1290

Its probably details of the first community challenge happening in September

Well sh*t.


Originally posted by Tasty_Bag

/u/EdgarVerona, /u/dmg04 is there any way to release the 90 day lock on cross save deactivation? I don't know how it happened but my brand new PC account (power level 100) got set as my main account during cross save. I swear I picked my xbox account. My order in which I did things was:

  • buy destiny 2 on
  • link my new to steam account
  • go into cross save to authenticate. I noticed here that my didn't recognize that I had just purchased the game. It was still saying I needed to buy.
  • I authenticated all without problem
  • I believe I had my xbox characters on the left side of the screen saying that's the account I want to use
  • I didn't see any characters on the cross save list so I fired up the account and created a new character
  • refreshed the page and it just showed my new power level 100 character
  • double che...
Read more

Unfortunately, I can't personally help with that lockout - but if you bring this information over to the Bungie Help forums, that's the best spot to send this info to!


Originally posted by singlecoilpickup

Hey /u/EdgarVerona - I'm having some issues enabling cross-save, and I think I discovered a potential security issue related to my account. Who is the right party to get in touch with for a resolution?

What are you seeing happen? Feel free to hit me up via direct message if you'd prefer privacy, and send me your profile URL along with the details about what you're seeing!


Originally posted by artydooty

u/EdgarVerona is it possible to use cross save to transfer characters from one PSN to another PSN?

For example, I sign up for cross save, add my PSN, my XBL, and my Bnet accounts. I choose my PSN characters as those I want to use for cross save.

Can I then replace that original PSN (from which the characters originated) with a PSN and have access to those original PSN characters?

(Basically, I messed up by PSN name change and would love to move my characters to a different PSN.)

Unfortunately we don't have any way to support that scenario!


Originally posted by Outlaw54

Thank you very much for passing this on.

I switched to PC when Destiny 2 launched and I was disappointed that there was no way to link Destiny 1 to Destiny 2 if you were switching platforms. I accomplished a lot in the first game and I would very much like to have my legacy progress through Destiny 2 without having to start over. The cross save is great! I just have done a lot on PC now!

The emblems and triumphs would be nice to have. The veteran dialogue, if it's just a checkbox somewhere in audio options or if I can link a Destiny 1 account again on bungie that allows the dialogue switch would be great.

Does the Destiny 1 progress, triumphs, grimoire scores even exist on the bungie website anymore? Like if Destiny 3 were to come out, would all of the Destiny 2 information be wiped like Destiny 1?

So Destiny 1 progress etc is still available through the API, but we don't have anywhere on the site for it anymore unfortunately. We have a pretty limited amount of resources and people on the team, so we had to make hard choices on what we could maintain going forward and what we couldn't.

The UI in particular is hard to maintain, as we'd have to keep pulling it forward through site redesigns and such. But we found that we were able to keep the info in the API: so while you can't see this info through the site itself, we release it in data format so you can see it on sites like Destiny Tracker and other places who show legacy info (or even grab it yourself if you wanted to make something fun out of your old character! If you play D1, it'll still update too, and you can still do things like transfer items etc... with the old D1 API!)

As far as the future of Destiny 2 or theoretical future Destiny games, I am unfortunately unable to speculate on that!

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Originally posted by Scornflakes3301

I click review your setup and nothing happens it just brings me back the start the cross save process is this a problem on your side or mine? I also realised that I would like to link my account so that I can play over the next month I would have to rebuy but I dont mind of course but is it too late to link, I would need to make a account to play but I'm not sure that cross save is enabled or not.

Any help appreciated!

Is there any chance that you only linked a single platform and a Steam platform together?

If so, there's a bug right now where if you only do [SINGLE NON-BATTLENET PLATFORM] + [STEAM] Cross Saving, the act of cross saving doesn't actually happen. In the worst case if that ends up being the actual setup you want, you may have to wait until Steam becomes a playable platform (when Steam goes live) before you can engage Cross Save.

But if you link, then it should work fine! And it sounds like you do - and I would advise it, as your purchases for specifically will transfer to the linked steam account as soon as Shadowkeep goes live! And it will let you engage with Cross Save right away!


Originally posted by MercuryRains

Edgar...I'm hoping you might be able to help me out with this. I may have been half-asleep while trying to set up cross save and it seems my Xbox account became the main account and not the PC account as I had intended. And it won't let me un-link the accounts for 67 days due to a recent silver purchase. Is there any way I can get the active account swapped or the accounts forcibly de-linked from your end? I don't care as much about being able to re-link them now as I am about being able to use my PC characters on Shadowkeep launch.

Ah, unfortunately I can't help with that directly, but I can pass on that folks are experiencing that issue! Accidental pairing is a tough one. Definitely hit the Help forums and post about what happened there as well: the player support folks may be able to provide better advice on this one.


Originally posted by ZeroOfTheRequiem

This will probably sound very stupid, but I normally only frequent this sub. How/where does one submit a ticket for this on the bungie site? Im on the help section and it just looks like a bunch of forums. Im in a similar situation with negative silver, but it was due to making my old ps4 toon my main just to play around with my old titan for a bit, yet when i went to deactivate because I was content and had my fun, I was then locked out with -2300 silver on ps4...?

Ah, good question - yes, the best way to ask for help is to go through the Forums. They're a bit swamped right now, but that's where player support folks can see your report and investigate! I suppose it's not quite a "ticket" - but that's the right place to go.


Originally posted by aLiamInvader

Ah, we've all been there. I wondered if it was something stateful like that hurting under load, as I'd managed to verify and then had the server reject it afterwards.

