Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

20 Apr


Originally posted by PAN--

This is most defenietly not the first time you've heard about incoming damage being increased the higher fps players have lol

You're correct about that, but this is the first I've heard since update 7.0.5 went out where many players are discussing this particular resilience issue.


Hi. I haven't heard of this issue until now, but I'll start an investigation with the team.

Would any of you mind providing your Bungie Name to help with the process?

EDIT: Thanks all. We have enough information for now.

Also, thank you to whoever sent me a Reddit Cares message; I appreciate that you are looking out for my mental health and well-being. For those experiencing a mental health crisis, we have a list of resources through our website, too:

19 Apr

Originally posted by Fideriti

Deep frying a Nissan Altima…

I’m in absolute tears

Tagging onto the highest rated comment for visibility! We're looking into this right now. For now, turning 3D Audio (Spatial Audio) off on whichever system you use and then restarting should get you sorted until we get a fix in.

12 Apr


Originally posted by tomtay79

Well that just sucks as I just went in a done spire solo again. Please stop shifting the goal posts, it's a total waste of my time. I've done all the challenges yous set just for them to be adjusted days/weeks later. I'm going to hold out doing the rank 11 commendations as no doubt after I've completed them you'll shift it all again.

This was a bug. It was not something we planned, as mentioned in the post. Just want to reiterate that this will be retroactive, no worries, you'll get that credit.

11 Apr


This is not intended! We have a fix for this in our midseason update which is currently scheduled for next week. It will be retroactive so you won't need to complete the objective again - just make sure you claim the Triumph for your solo/Master completions when the update goes live.

08 Apr

29 Mar

Originally posted by goldensunni

thank you so much for showing the Serum preset and the different ways you messed around with the wavetable and filter! it’s super inspiring to see how the sounds are made not only with the field recordings, but also the sampling and modulation!!!

A fellow Serum enjoyer?! Glad you enjoyed those little videos! Field recording is a huge part of the process, but we love using synths in an organic way as much as we can as well. These 2 particular videos are using wavetables of samples of the plastic you see in the video with the rubber band, that had already ran through another instance of Serum by a fellow coworker, rendered out, and reimported back to a new instance of Serum!

27 Mar


Originally posted by GameSpawn

They used to make the LFG posts directly. Bungie made it so you need to own one of the newer DLCs to create posts (anyone could join, regardless of DLC) - this cut the spam considerably since the bot accounts aren’t going to pay for any DLC to just get banned and lose money.

Now they scour the accounts that make/join legit posts and exploit Bungie’s accounts through DM spam. If the bot gets banned for advertising through DM, they just make another throw away account.

It’s only a matter of time before Bungie adds SMS verification to DM, or more insane requiring DLC ownership for that too.

We are working on some changes to help deal with the DM spam on, but it probably won't involve requiring DLC ownership or SMS verification. It won't be a panacea, but it will hopefully help a little bit.

26 Mar


Originally posted by RevanTheDragon

Thank you very much, and I apologise for replying to a 4 year old comemnt haha. I'll make sure to forward this to them!!

No worries! I hope your friend is able to get fixed up!

25 Mar


The general rule to follow is that if you feel compelled to ask that then it’s wise to change it.


Originally posted by RevanTheDragon

Hi there, I know this is an extremely old comment but I'm wondering if this has been fixed yet. A friend of mine always gets error code Bird on their warlock but no other characters. Is there any known workaround?

Phew, yeah it was a long time ago! I unfortunately don't know. Several years ago I moved over to working on AI Systems, and I don't have much visibility into that side of things anymore.

If you can convince them to do so, see if you can get your friend to hit up the BungieHelp twitter and have him PM them with the details of what happened when the error first started and a link to their profile, as well as which platform they are playing on. Hopefully they can provide some assistance!

23 Mar


Hello. We acknowledged this issue the day of launch and it is listed on our Known Issues List.

Unfortunately, this is a complicated fix and has required more time than desired to solve.

22 Mar


This is an issue we’re investigating

19 Mar


Originally posted by magefyre

So what I'm hearing is if you guys reprise KF again we'll get a Z axis of plates /s

Why stop at 3 dimensions?


Originally posted by Captain_Lonk

It's far and close, not back and front. Anyone who disagrees is an uncivilised animal.

clearly it should be +x,+y… -x,+y… +x,-y… and -x,-y


Thanks for the report. We’re aware of the issue and are investigating the cause so we can determine a fix.


Thanks for the report. We’re aware of the issue and are investigating the cause so we can determine a fix.

18 Mar


Originally posted by FineLemming

Run with the artifact mod that drops orbs with shield breaks od matching damage type (3rd column at the top)… I put in a explosive tip arc bow and void LMG with bricks from beyond and just focused on add clearing to spawn orbs/ammo.

I honestly forgot I still have the Bungie Engineer flair… should I be worried ;)


Run with the artifact mod that drops orbs with shield breaks od matching damage type (3rd column at the top)… I put in a explosive tip arc bow and void LMG with bricks from beyond and just focused on add clearing to spawn orbs/ammo.


Working with him on Destiny was a highlight of my career. Everything you think about him was true. Team player, incredibly kind, majorly talented.

You’ll be missed, Lance.

Edit: I left Bungie last year so I have no say over what happens with Zavala in the game, but the team reveres Lance and I’m sure the game will reflect that.

Also thanks for the rewards but I dont need or deserve ‘em. Instead, consider donating to causes he and his family care about.