Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

12 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The most I can give at this time is “later this week.”

Team has tested the fix (yay!) but we’re still working through some backend processes to ensure this doesn’t introduce more issues.

BungieHelp will provide a timeline once available.

10 Dec


Originally posted by GreekWizard

This is mind boggling that a company as large as Bungie does not have people that can come in on the weekend to fix this.

I understand it's coding, might take a while, blah blah... A game with LIVE services that make this much money, should have NO issues finding people that want to work weekends.

To just say, hey we will fix it Monday is just bad customer service to those that pay for that service.

I understand that everyone is frustrated about this - so are we - but just because the tweet copy said that the issue will remain through the weekend doesn’t mean that we aren’t working. Many are working this weekend to try and find a solution to this and other high priority issues.

While we do our best to not to crunch for our own health, sometimes big issues like this after a launch do pop up that we have to prioritize, but we don’t need to tell people that.

Unfortunately, we can’t just issue a fix without propping builds, testing the fix, implementing the proper branches together, creating a new build, making sure that the new build works and didn’t break anything else, submitting it to cert, talking to our platform partners to see if they have the bandwidth to allow us to send out an update, and more. It takes quite a lot of work to fix things in the game, especially when it’s server-related. Luckily, we already have a release scheduled for next week, s...

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08 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hit us with some details.

What's feeling rough? Could it be improved? Why would you want it to be outright removed rather than iterated on?

Full context, team is looking to include more objective based modes in competitive environments. 3v3 Rift can be a real fun time with balanced teams on smaller maps. Hear the feedback loud and clear on the larger maps feeling slow, but happy to hear more!

Always down to pass the feedback along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Sometimes it's nice to have a little surprise. Player discovery is super important at Bungie.

We definitely want to be clear in patch notes on what we're changing / why. Sucks when we miss things (buffs or nerfs). Sometimes we know things are going to be spicy, but want to leave it to y'all to find it and get excited.


07 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Known issue. Team was doing some backend work to "clean up" rapid-fire traits. Just makes things a bit easier in development moving forward, but looks like a small issue was introduced through that work.

While I can't provide an ETA for a fix, team is on it and we'll communicate when we can.

05 Dec


Congrats on 10 years!

01 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by SpartanKane

Im so confused why theyre doing this. It wasnt even that great to begin with with the short timers except in niche setups. Now theyre just destroying its power for nothing in return.

I guess they really didnt like bonk builds.

Some of this work is more for long term sustainability, not because of someone disliking bonk builds. Over the years we’ve seen melee builds stack on newer melee buffs, mods, exotics, etc leading to fairly easy 1-hit raid boss strategies. While we don’t necessarily have some crazy melee build in mind for next season, this helps to prevent future issues that lead to disabled Exotics and rushed fixes.

Somewhat comparable to the Telesto backend reword a few seasons ago. We’ll see if these changes hit the mark once they’re in your hands.

Concerning your note on timers, we can pass that along to the team. Thanks for the feedback!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Damn, solid TWAB.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by paffyoggy

Jesus this is a big twab. Gonna read it while I shit

17 Nov

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Zorak9379

Bungie I will give you $1,000 to never use the word "redacted" again

Sorry, the [REDACTED] will continue until sentiment improves.

13 Nov


Sorry you are having trouble with an order. PM your order details and I will look into it tomorrow.

12 Nov

Originally posted by dmaterialized

Can I just let you know that the sounds of misfit/ether doctor are unlike anything else in this game, and the ONLY thing to come close to them is the new quicksilver storm. BRAVO on the sound for all three! Absolutely addictive, and again, so rare a sound even among all of the other autos or smgs.

More like these!! Please!!!

And also, we would love behind the scenes anything on sound design anything!! The sound is one of my favorite things about Destiny. I’d love to know more about how you construct these.

That's so much praise, thank you! I will seriously take that into consideration for Auto rifles!

07 Nov

02 Nov

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Always love getting our folks on podcasts to have a bit of discussion. We'll be watching reception and feedback, as always.

If there are any other podcasts you'd like to see us on, give 'em a shout out.

01 Nov

Originally posted by beanzmilk

Not the special reload and animation in the grenade mode. Sound when rocket lands and the UI indicator goes up for grenades prepped

gotcha! thank you so much for the info, you're awesome this is super useful

Originally posted by beanzmilk

I've heard the sound he's talking about. I hear it when the grenades get prepped when you land multiple of the rockets. I haven't heard it when you shoot the grenades, just when they get prepped

By prepped you mean when you hold down for special reload and you do the animation? Or is it like a sound that just happens the moment your rocket lands, and the grenade prepped UI indicator goes to x1 or x2 or x3?

Originally posted by rhulks_feet

There is an audio bug with the gun when you prep grenades from shooting the primary mode. Sometimes (and to me it's almost everytime) the volume from the grenade prep is SUPER loud, like 50% more than anything in the game. It's a large "Cha Ching" sounds very sharp in the high end and noticeably louder than anything in the game at the same volume. It's very painful to someone with sensitive ears and I can't use the gun until it's fixed or without turning my volume way down. I have super sensitive hearing and a mild tinnitus I don't need that sound bug literally causing ringing in my ear as it has. I wouldn't consider this a small bug at all this has potential to damage consumers ears.

Would you say that it only happens when you do the special reload to switch to launcher mode? This is not the same sound from when a rocket hits the ground and it sounds really loud right?

31 Oct

Originally posted by rhulks_feet

There is an audio bug with the gun when you prep grenades from shooting the primary mode. Sometimes (and to me it's almost everytime) the volume from the grenade prep is SUPER loud, like 50% more than anything in the game. It's a large "Cha Ching" sounds very sharp in the high end and noticeably louder than anything in the game at the same volume. It's very painful to someone with sensitive ears and I can't use the gun until it's fixed or without turning my volume way down. I have super sensitive hearing and a mild tinnitus I don't need that sound bug literally causing ringing in my ear as it has. I wouldn't consider this a small bug at all this has potential to damage consumers ears.

That's so crazy I had never heard about this before! Sorry about your ears, I will look into it

Originally posted by JaegerBane

Yes, /u/friendlybassplayer.

Tell us of the undoubtedly gigachad origins of this marvellous piece of nanotech. I feel like I'm shooting a battlemech autocannon. It's like what I'd imagine a Hakke rapid fire frame would sound like.

I need the catalyst in my life.

Thank you all for the love! It's really appreciated! I'll see about sharing some behind the scenes stuff about it through official channels one day!

27 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ucfengineer725

I imagine it's a matter of bandwidth. The weapons team has to keep working forward on each new season's weapons, so they can probably only sneak in an extra project here and there.

Just my guess.

Pretty much this.

The goal isn't to drip feed, but rather to give some nice incentives to hop into older content. There will be new things to do at the same time (as it's a new season launch), but this can be a side-objective for some as they complete their quests through the season. "Ah, looks like I'm done with the story for this week. Want to hit DSC? Really want to get that Handcannon crafted!"

Team was excited to update these. Hell, I'm excited to see more LFG posts for DSC pop up. Hope y'all enjoy diving back in.