Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

17 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by iRonak

u/dmg04 u/cozmo23 Any chance trackers will be fixed? They haven’t been tracking light subclasses for a full year now.

No updates at this time, but we'll make sure the bug is in front of the right people.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by InspireDespair

Gambit changes seem pretty good. I'm not a fan of the mode but they should be better. I'm sure freelance is appreciated.

Glad thrallway is nerfed, it was so lame having people just afk for XP.

Activity based loot is good, it never was great to have it share the world loot.

Eververse armor is nice - not a shocker.

So no adjustments to Bonk builds? I'm really surprised a build that allows people to solo raid bosses with relative ease (compared to the perfect execution of other solos) is acceptable to bungie. Hopefully the boss encounters in the raid are all ranged because this thing is an outlier.

Team is digging on bonk builds. We are likely going to need to disable exotic perks that allow for massive damage like this if we're unable to fix the issue before the new raid.

The team will be watching over the course of the first few weeks to identify anything that's ridiculously out of band / bugged. We'll make sure to communicate as early as we can if anything is being disabled so players don't waste infusion mats and items before the raid race.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by BDZM

Give us back Bygones! >:(

Anything else you'd ever want to see return? Hit me. Always happy to pass the feedback along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by chancehugs

Honestly Exorcism is only gonna be here for 4 more days. How much more investigating can they do.

Team is being thorough in case there are any levers we can pull. Ultimately, we don't expect much to change between now and launch. Witch Queen is being staged and we're getting things finalized for Tuesday, so the team is a bit tied on what we can do here.

If any final changes can be made to smooth over the experience, they will be made. Outside of that, everything's being recorded to help avoid bugs like these on any mission type in the future, no matter when it's released.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Venaixis94

Holy f**k the Warlock activity armor is fantastic.

Those robes are getting transmogged ASAP

Looking forward to the Titan shoulder pads, personally. Going to go hard on a Captain America vibe while slinging void shields.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JonnyDros

1) Gambit changes look awesome and sound less frustrating. Really excited for engram focusing too!

2) Glad high-stat armor is back on the pass, is a solid way to get some good stuff for alts you may not play as much.

3) My god that Void eververse armor is FRESH and I really hope they do the same for Arc and Solar seasons.

Really looking forward to them. As a note, the void energy bits don't take shaders. These sets are all about embracing the void, and it would be kind of weird to see solar blades on a Hunters chest or an arc shield on the back of a Titan. Doesn't read well, and doesn't match the fantasy that the team is building with these pieces. Definitely understand player desire to customize every bit and bob, but we do have a few rules here and there to maintain identities of certain things.

The rest of the armor textures do shade awesomely, including the hunter eyes. It's pretty fun to mix and match shaders to lean in to the void.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by johngie

Gambit has a healthy and stable population.

Most surprising thing in this TWAB

Yeah, we see a lot of folks sign in weekly and play gambit for their pinnacles or just to have fun, but they don't stick around too long.

The narrative that 'nobody plays gambit' doesn't match reality at the end of the day. It's understandable that people believe it when it's a trending conversation on twitter and reddit, but the community is far larger than the social spaces that many inhabit online. There are legions of players who honestly don't tweet or post on forums. We try to get feedback from them via surveys and summits from time to time to ensure their voices are heard and weighed equally among all players.

All in all, we hope the changes get more folks back in, but we absolutely still have work to do in maintaining a healthier population even if things are received well.


Originally posted by MrDexterReddit

No, just that it is easier for the trailing team to catch up.

Correct. Once you have a Primeval there is no going back.

10 Feb


We wont be removing any Xur rep you have accumulated when Season of the Risen launches. It’s currently a one-and-done system consisting of 5 full rank resets. If that ever changes, we will let you know.


Where TWAB on reddit?

08 Feb


Originally posted by f0x_plays

Awesome that worked! not sure how that all happened but thank you for figuring it out and get me working:)

Glad to hear it :)

You should be able to log into as well with your Steam account. Looks like an account has already been created.


Originally posted by f0x_plays

here you go.

Steam ID: 76561199241729422

Thanks. Interestingly enough, that account isn't showing a Bungie Name. That might be why you keep seeing the Cross Save screen pop-up. I've tried to attach a Bungie Name to your account with new numbers. Please log in to see if that helped.


Originally posted by f0x_plays

looks like I am unable to send you a DM. I will just send it here and delete once you confirm. phox_4

if you need anything else or any other proof let me know.

I'm unable to locate that Steam name. Could you send me the Steam ID number?

To find it, open the Steam app. In the top-right, click your name, and press "Account Details." When the page loads, cope the number below your name.


Originally posted by f0x_plays

Hi thanks for reaching out. I am not that 2017 account. The screenshots I sent are from my account if you look its not the same user that is Fox#6655. Its like both of us have the same bungie name but different accounts. Would you like my steam id? would that be helpful? Or if you need me to make a video recording it to show let me know.

Sure, feel free to send it in a private messsage.


Hi there. I can only locate one Fox#6655 Bungie Name in our system. It's very improbable for someone to have both the same Bungie Name and Bungie ID.

While investigating your name, I discovered that you can't create a account because you already have one that was created in 2017. It is linked to your Steam account.


Originally posted by FuzzyCollie2000

Did they show of literally anything beyond the glaive for hunters? I can't be the only one apprehensive about that....

Don't worry fellow Hunters, we didn't forget to put cool Hunter things in the game. We will have more to share.

03 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sherpav

I feel totally overwhelmed by the amount of changes lol

Next couple TWAB's will be lighter.

Still have a few things coming to get y'all excited, but we will not have anywhere close to another 6500 word twab for a while.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by supesrstuff11


Yep, looks like we still have some things in flux and this is a lil' bug! Builds are still in development, so a few images shown today might change between now and 2/22.

Team's checking to make sure descriptions and such match appropriately.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Did I break the reddit formatting