Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

24 Mar

22 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Aname_Random

Wasn't most of that stuff under "Investment" already patched? I thought they adjusted the Rahool material costs last week.

Good callout - With the frequency of patches over the last few weeks, a few things have moved around. Patch notes got a little messy. Will touch base with the team to see if anything else changed with Rahool, or if this is a dupe!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Agent-Tiwari

Anything on severe crashes for Xbox Series X with 120 fps on?

I don't believe we have anything in this hotfix for that. Please report to the Help forums, as we can pull your account data for investigation.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Assassin2107

Love how rapidly they responded to the glaive boss strat despite it not even being better than other top strategies.

Wasn't specifically for glaives. There were a few other builds that could take advantage of freeze to do far greater damage than intended, even outside of the raid.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 508G37

Big fan of the glaive buff. Alot easier to get max shield energy. I still don't think it does much for the exotics though

Keep the feedback coming. This is a minor change that could go out quickly. We'll continue to pass along thoughts and feelings.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by eurotransient

Has there been any mention of Osmiomancy Gloves sometimes losing a cold snap grenade charge? I've seen this happen on death in PvP, but it also happens during the third encounter of Vow -- after you're a relic carrier and deposit, you always lose a grenade charge.

Haven't personally seen any reports of this. If you hit the issue, snag a video and post to our help forum! Player support can snag it and get a bug filed.

21 Mar


Originally posted by Mercules904

Would never have gotten to Bungie if it weren’t for the DtG Reddit community. I basically only got my foot in the door years back as a Gameplay Specialist because someone at Bungie had seen my breakdowns posted here and recommended me.

I know I haven’t been super present posting-wise on here lately, but I read it and the crucible guidebook sub daily and I’ll forever be appreciative of this place being my first home in the destiny community.

Paraphrasing Bane here, but when people ask about the sub, I like to say that I was born in it, and molded by it. Hope to do you guys proud and show that, even without direct game dev experience, if youre driven (and lucky) enough you can still make the dream to work on your favorite game happen!

I think it's pretty cool that this subreddit helped you get a job at Bungie. Congrats!

16 Mar


Hello. When you submitted your ticket, did you include “PS5” or “PlayStation” in the title? If not, try to submit a new ticket with that in mind. I know that the agents are prioritizing tickets mentioning those terms. If you don’t receive a response within 48 hours, send me your ticket number and I’ll get it to someone who can review it.

15 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Wanted to touch base to say that the team is aware of the feedback. I can't speak to any changes being made, or really even promise that tuning will take place quickly. We likely won't have anything in the TWAB this week, so don't worry. You won't be eating any words, OP!

Things can take a bit of time to tune, and we want to make sure the team has appropriate room to plan and execute if changes are to be made. Never want to rush a patch that could make the items feel worse, introduce major bugs, or create insane monsters in the game that require multiple rounds of nerfs.

Once we have appropriate information, we'll be sure to let you know. Same goes for the Exotic Titan Helm.

13 Mar


Originally posted by SuperArppis

I do.

I hope it is clear enough. This isn't just in menus, it is also like this in game.

Thank you for replying. 🙂

Thanks! I’ll get it to the team.


Hello. Would you happen to have a screenshot of this issue?

12 Mar


Originally posted by SomeRandomDude004

They have not been on record saying it was a mistake. They have not said anything at all about it. u/cozmo23 u/dmg04 can we get literally anything at all from you guys? At least acknowledge what were are saying. Is it a bug or is it intentional and that info was left out of the twab.

Thanks for the report. Sorry we haven’t responded yet as I didn’t see this until now and it’s Saturday. We will make sure this is being investigated on Monday.

11 Mar

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Lepidopterran


Edit: Thanks for the award!

Oh jeez - nope. That's a typo.

Fixing now. Should be Legendary!

10 Mar


Originally posted by Hazywater

  • Fixed an issue where the Ikelos SMG received an unintentional 40% damage buff.

I don't see a fix for imperial needle.

Missed a note on this, adding it in.

"Fixed an issue where the Imperial Needle bow was getting an unintended 40% damage buff and could detonate enemies debuffed by Ticuu's Divination."


Originally posted by drakzilla

Wait, why shouldn't Golden Tricorn proc on ranged melee? Is that not an elemental melee kill?

This was a typo, I'm fixing it, should read:

"Fixed an issue where the Enhanced Golden Tricorn perk would not activate on ranged melee kills. "

06 Mar

Originally posted by rbwstf

I also wish Osteo Striga screamed when you held the trigger down, since you know… Screaming Swarm is the exotic perk

Shoot it in small bursts with space in between, and pay attention around half the mag into it

05 Mar


Hey everyone, we agree that the messaging for the Splinter mechanic ended up a more vague place than intended and discussions are ongoing to see if we can do anything to improve messaging here to encourage more players to play the objective. (This also applies to The Wellspring charging in Defend) Thanks for the feedback and keep it coming!

Originally posted by Phirebat82

Recipie or it didn't happen.

Seasoned ground beef, Mac and cheese, onions, bell peppers, chicken broth hahaha

Originally posted by CAMvsWILD

I have a theory I’d like confirmed if you happen to know it.

I’m 100% convinced that the Witherhoard firing noise is an industrial toilet flushing. Like the kind they have in public parks.

My apartment has some…odd features, one of which is one of those toilets. I noticed it a few months back during a gaming bathroom break. Foley artists are always getting SFX from unexpected places, and it feels like this was one of them.

That weapon is one of my babies! But no, no toilet flushing for that one haha. A part of it is a tight spring from a thunder drum being twanged and pitched down. I have a video of it somewhere on my Twitter I think

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by dmg04

Hey all,

We had a few specific fixes go out for individual pinpoints over the last few larger patches, but the team is still digging.

Please do not take this as us sweeping things under the rug. Game development can take time as the team investigates root causes and potential fixes. Investigations can also be put on hold if other high priority issues arise during development of the overall game. Understand the frustrations here, but please don't feel as if we're trying to hide the bug or outright ignore your feedback / bug reports.

I'll touch base with the team to see if we have any additional information that we can provide in the short term.

Following up - sadly, can't give any updates on a specific fix timeline just yet. I can say that this will not be fixed this season, nor next, but the team is looking for future opportunities to address the underlying issue.

Please continue to forward reports of these issues to us on the help forum of We can continue to escalate the more egregious scenarios where enemies are doing higher damage than expected, and give a sense of frequency to the team. Always helps when we have discussions around impact and priority.