Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

12 Dec


We'll look into it. Thanks!

11 Dec


Originally posted by JustaGayGuy24

Hey look: exactly what I asked for. Wasn’t being a dick, just pointing out it’s very hard for QA to escalate a bug to look into if it’s localized to a small case.

FYI: you have to tag them in comments.

u/Cozmo23 possible imperial and wealth of the emperor bug?

Yea we think it's related to the resonant stem issue. We are currently investigating.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thank you. We are absolutely taking feedback (the good, the bad, the ugly), and it's great to hear you're enjoying it on day 1.

Definitely keep the feedback coming. What are you enjoying? What do you find to be an improvement over Season of the Undying? What isn't so exciting? How many Edge Transits have you gotten since launch? Have you eaten any bread?


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

But what if I want to use my rocket launcher

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Planning on including this in the TWAB. Wanted to make sure we could weed out some bugs before sending too many players there.


We have added this to the known issues list and are looking into it. Thanks!


Originally posted by bbgun94

I got Gauntlets from Level 7.

Yea we are seeing some reports of loot dropping and some reports of players not recieving anything. We are investigating.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Known issue - team is investigating this for a future hotfix or patch. Once a fix is developed, we'll give you a timeframe for when to expect it.

10 Dec


Yea, hold off for now. We are investigating this now.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Shadowkeep* Exotics.

These do not require the current season to acquire. They've been added for all owners of Shadowkeep.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

To answer the first question: Yes. The Fond Memories engram features previous Eververse items, so new/returning players can earn items that they didn't previously acquire. As for our more active players, the items can be dismantled for shards/glimmer.

At this time, players can earn Bright Dust to directly purchase most new items as they become available. There will still be a selection of new items that are Silver only, but we'll be communicating this via @Bungie as they appear.

We are continuing to collect feedback on these systems, so thank you for the thread and all responses within.


Sorry about that. We(Community team) wasn't aware that the Gunsmith Bounty changes would affect hold over bounties or we would have communicated it out. We'll try to warn you when things will reset when seasons change, but hoarding bounties is not guaranteed.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Team is investigating.


We are looking into it. Thanks for the report.


We checked on this. The affected Destiny 1 accounts are not lost and we are investigating why they are currently not available for some players who are seeing Tapir errors.


Originally posted by Xop

Season 12 will be "Ye Old Engram"

"Antique Engram."

09 Dec


Originally posted by descender2k

The rarity of high base stat sets only addresses half of the problem. The main problem with Armor 2.0 is that even after you get 60+ pieces to drop... the distributions can still be completely garbage. The different sets of armor also have no identity. They can all rolls the same exact stats, so aside from the 6 seasonal mod slots... every piece of armor is basically the same. This is bad!!!.

Giving each set some weights so that they can be farmed for specific stats would be better. Making sure that pinnacle gear doesn't roll with 60 stats and 5/5/5 mob/rec/res would be better.

If each set had a stat affinity that it would tend to roll more often, there would be a reason to go get it to make that particular build. Currently if I want a high mobility set, there is no way to aim for that, you just have to wait for it to randomly drop for you. I should be able to farm say, Crucible gear... if I want to get a high mobility s...

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Giving each set some weights so that they can be farmed for specific stats would be better.

Thanks, I'll pass along this feedback as well. :)


Originally posted by Arse2Mouse

I really think you need to have the devs double check this. I have over 500 hours logged since the Steam switchover. 60+ rolls are absolutely not dropping from regular activities in my experience.

Looks like others have confirmed getting these higher stat drops in this thread. I'll pass along feedback that many players are not seeing these drops and they may be too rare.