Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

23 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Very good question. I'll shoot this off to the team and see if this could be a future QOL change. Can't make a promise as they're juggling a few things in flight, but your feedback will be heard.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post! To reiterate the two QOL requests from the weekend that were seen here:

  • Remove Schematic requirements for weekly weapon frames
  • Make Refurbished Black Armory weapons more accessible

Don't know if or when the team would be able to prioritize any of this, but will indeed pass along!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


Saw this thread over the weekend, wanted to hit it for sure this morning.

  1. How frequently do you have this happen?
  2. Is it only Torch Hammers?
  3. Were you experiencing any connection issues at the time?
  4. Was this in Gambit, or Gambit Prime?

I've been playing Prime over the last two weeks getting my seasonal weapon, shader, and emblem. I haven't been having the same issues occur, but we can check to see if there's a bug. I can say that there were no difficulty changes in Season of Dawn, nor any hotfixes or updates to Gambit/Prime difficulty since.

As for the current examples provided in the OP:

  • In example 1, it seems you were being hit from multiple angles by torch hammers and other combatants. While it seems off you lost all of your health so quickly, it seems likely that you were somewhat overwhelmed by firepower from multiple sources.

  • In example 2, numerous torch hammer shot...

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22 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Sleeper was an interesting subject, as it could be powerful for invading, counter invading, and Boss DPS at the time. It was an all in one utility, where Truth currently keeps focus to invasions.

Aside from ammo capacity, do you have any other feedback on Truth?

20 Dec

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Crusader3456

Yeah and /u/cozmo23 just said "Thanks for the feedback" not passing along the feedback. He new. I bet he was laughing to himself.

We all were.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cozmo23

Because he would knock you out.

Respect your elders.


Originally posted by erterbernds67

I logged off but came back in. It seems to be back. Now i feel dumb. I will update the post

No worries, thanks.


My quest is still there. Can you double-check and then send me your profile if you still don't see it.



Originally posted by NigelMemeberry

I believe so but I'll tag them just in case. u/dmg04 u/Cozmo23

The Enemies Percentage for the Green with envy Gambit quest has been stuck for me at 39% and nothing i do is changing it. Please help!

Thanks, we are currently investigating.


Originally posted by wachoplays

u/Cozmo23 Controller support over steam link doesn't work, and I haven't seen it listed as a known issue. Happy Holidays!

I'll check on this. Thanks.


Originally posted by Vilam

What the hell? I didn't pull these out because I have no room to store them currently... but I absolutely would have had I known these were being taken away.

This isn't ok... I put a lot of time, as well as money, into obtaining this set. Don't think it's ok to take away the ability to reclaim them, DEFINITELY don't think it's ok to take that away without letting us know in advance.

Can you check and see if they are there for you?


Originally posted by InquisitiveNerd

Son of a bitch. I wanted to grab it closer to 955 so I didnt have to use modules to make it useful and now its gone wtf.

Have you checked to see?


Definitely didn't have any change planned for this. We checked into this and couldn't find any bugs or anything in the way we had the content set up that would result in loss of access to the Solstice gear.

We're still looking into it, could you give us some additional info to check?

Just to make sure, you are checking the gunsmith with the same character you earned the gear on correct?

Send me a PM with your profile and let us know exactly which characters you expect to see the gear on. Also, could you please let us know if you have deleted in characters recently?



Originally posted by thexvoid

Kind of useless when they just give a copy paste reply about there being two shipments.

Its december 19. The november shipments went out over a month ago. Meanwhile those of us still waiting won’t even have it by christmas.

Feels ridiculous to pay $160 for a jacket, have it be changed before release with no notice, and now six months later half of us are still waiting with no actual news on what is going on.

I just checked and it looks the last batch just arrived at our warehouse today and will be shipping out to everyone soon.


Originally posted by NaughtyGaymer

The change to the sleeve pisses me off because of how much of a monumental f**k up it was.

Literally every single piece of literature they sent out regarding the jackets showed the cuffed sleeves.

EVEN AFTER SENDING OUT A LIMITED RUN OF THE JACKETS WITHOUT THE CUFFED SLEEVES, THEY STILL SENT OUT UPDATE EMAILS SHOWING THE CUFFED SLEEVES. WHAT? They knew the sleeves would not be cuffed yet still sent out images of the cuffed sleeves? There is no universe in which Bungie didn't know about the sleeve change and they deliberately choose not to tell us about it. No notice, no chance to get a refund, absolutely f**k all. Completely unacceptable.

We weren't trying to mislead anyone. If you want a refund we are offering one just contact [email protected] with your request, including the order number.


Originally posted by Falconmcfalconface

Legit if i could i'd refund the damn coat right now.

I dont know if consumer protection laws can apply here but im genuinely starting to wonder if this could be perceived as a mild form of false advertising. We're shown one product and told there will be minor differences, yet this is quite a bit more than a minor difference.

Have you contacted anyone about a refund? The sleeve thing was our bad and we are offering a refund to anyone how wants one.


Originally posted by sharp-shooter299

u/dmg04 is the FOV being capped at 95 not a known issue?

We looked into this and couldn't reproduce it. If you are having issues delete your CVAR file and restart the game.

19 Dec