Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

21 May


We made our own fate

That’s 20 exactly but you could alter it further to “Made our own fate” or “Made our fate”

Congratulations btw!

18 May


Originally posted by Necessary_Bug_9862

All I took from this was Basso Orinato is staying in my Void Special slot. Bring on the Shotgun champion mod!

The team misspoke on this one. There's no anti-Champion shotgun mod planned in Season of the Deep, but you never know what the future holds!


Originally posted by shadowkhas

From the Chris Proctor podcast appearance notes:

Confirmed S21 has a Shotgun Champion Mod - no other details given

Where is my son

Correction: the team misspoke on this one. There's no anti-Champion shotgun mod planned in Season of the Deep, but you never know what the future holds!

14 May

Originally posted by ThirdeyeReddit

Are you sound design at Bungie for Destiny?

If so you and your team have been the single driving inspiration for me to pay attention to how much proper design influences ANY media I enjoy. Music, movies and games. I always mention this to friends when the topic of noise comes up. Destiny 2 has some of the best sound designs in any media. Sounds hyperbole but the fact none of these guns exist but I swear you've made them feel real will never stop surprising me

Fanboy off sorry

I am! Thank you for the kind words, it makes my job so much more enjoyable to hear these things! I appreciate people like you a lot, the whole team does

Originally posted by IceBlue

Don’t forget sound design

This guy right here knows

08 May


Hi. This is an issue we're aware of and are investigating to fix.

05 May

27 Apr


Originally posted by Nedus343 was just different overall. It was a different time. I was a mod there from around Halo 3 launch to around Curse of Osiris or so. At first we normally just browsed the forums and dealt with whatever we found. At some point we got the report queue system along with a big site overhaul (shoutout to Achronos, the site overlord). After that we mostly just kept the queue as empty as possible. As time went on and the community grew and grew, it became impossible to really clear out the queue so we just tried to prioritize the bad stuff and let the small stuff slide.

Halo was huge of course, but there wasn't as much "investment" (for lack of better term) in Halo as there is in Destiny. To me, it wasn't passionate in quite the same way. You had your spammers and trolls sure, but not like today. Nobody was getting doxxed or swatted or any of that shit, there wasn't an undercurrent of outrage like there is here.

We had fun but as ti...

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It is hard to understate the huge difference in scale between the population of people posting in Halo 3 forums to the number of people participating in Destiny forums. Everything is so much harder when you have to scale to millions of simultaneous users.

24 Apr


Originally posted by UltiPizza

A few weeks is a pretty surprising timeline to fix such an essential mod. Also, are there plans to address the multitude of other issues that cropped up since the midseason patch?



Thanks for the report. We’re aware and hope to get a fix out in a few weeks.


Originally posted by Sentarius101

Hi, whats the reason for communications like these being done through BNGHelp account and not the DestinyTeam account?

No reason, I’m on a different team. I just decided to respond here since I know this type of gameplay loop can happen longer than people like.


Hi. I understand that you’re annoyed that some quests like this make you go multiple places, but there are logistical reasons why this happens. Sometimes it’s how the quest was built as part of the overall gameplay loop and its incredibly hard after the fact to change it, such as in Season of the Forge where you had to visit Ada multiple times.

And other times it’s due to time or budgetary constraints. Full vendor performances take up much more time and budget to create than an upper torso performance in the holoprojector or just a voice recording.

In your example about going to the Farm then the HELM and back to the Farm, that’s intended as part of the gameplay loop since both locations are important to the story, but the main reason is because certain performances are hooked up at each holoprojector and we can’t put them all in the same place without other issues occurring.

We actually have many gameplay specialists who play through the content prior to re...

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20 Apr


Originally posted by Blaze_Lighter

Just in case you didn't see it, some people have been testing resilience and damage resist mods and have found no difference in their performance yet.



Might be a placebo, but if these reports do have legitimacy, you're definitely the one to find out!

Definitely a busy buggy week since that midseason patch eh?

some people have been testing resilience and damage resist mods and have found no difference in their performance yet.


Mods: https://imgu...

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Originally posted by PAN--

This is most defenietly not the first time you've heard about incoming damage being increased the higher fps players have lol

You're correct about that, but this is the first I've heard since update 7.0.5 went out where many players are discussing this particular resilience issue.


Hi. I haven't heard of this issue until now, but I'll start an investigation with the team.

Would any of you mind providing your Bungie Name to help with the process?

EDIT: Thanks all. We have enough information for now.

Also, thank you to whoever sent me a Reddit Cares message; I appreciate that you are looking out for my mental health and well-being. For those experiencing a mental health crisis, we have a list of resources through our website, too:

19 Apr

Originally posted by Fideriti

Deep frying a Nissan Altima…

I’m in absolute tears

Tagging onto the highest rated comment for visibility! We're looking into this right now. For now, turning 3D Audio (Spatial Audio) off on whichever system you use and then restarting should get you sorted until we get a fix in.

12 Apr


Originally posted by tomtay79

Well that just sucks as I just went in a done spire solo again. Please stop shifting the goal posts, it's a total waste of my time. I've done all the challenges yous set just for them to be adjusted days/weeks later. I'm going to hold out doing the rank 11 commendations as no doubt after I've completed them you'll shift it all again.

This was a bug. It was not something we planned, as mentioned in the post. Just want to reiterate that this will be retroactive, no worries, you'll get that credit.

11 Apr


This is not intended! We have a fix for this in our midseason update which is currently scheduled for next week. It will be retroactive so you won't need to complete the objective again - just make sure you claim the Triumph for your solo/Master completions when the update goes live.

08 Apr