Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Dev Tracker

05 Nov


Originally posted by FROMtheASHES984

I'm genuinely curious and don't mean this as rude, but how does something like this happen if it was fixed once already? Can you just use the same fix as before or do you have to come up a different solution?

Folks are still investigating the current situation so I can't say authoritatively what's happening this time around, but I'll try to give an update (if allowed) when we find the source of what's happening this time!


Originally posted by brettsmods

/u/EdgarVerona I know this was an API issue that was eventually fixed game side. Know of anything that might have changed to negate the fix?

Indeed! We are investigating!

04 Nov


Thanks for the report, I'll make sure this issue is being tracked.

03 Nov


I’ll let the team know you would like to see it updated. Thanks.

02 Nov


Originally posted by toplessrobot



01 Nov


Originally posted by mylifemyworld17

If I had to guess, probably need another rare bounty =/

Maybe /u/Cozmo23 or /u/dmg04 could confirm, that way people can farm that up before next week?

If you used your Crystal or Bounty you will have to get another one. Sorry, wish we had a way around that.


Originally posted by WittyUsername816

Well la-de-da, look at Mr. Not-Omniscent over here. Gee man, you gotta step up your game! /s


Originally posted by former_cantaloupe

Love it Cozmo. If Momentum could be permanent that would be 🔥 sick 🔥

I'll give that feedback.


Originally posted by SteelPhoenix990

Let me give my feedback. No radar is a terrible choice for all gamemodes in destiny. .1 second ttk due to high impact scouts and hand cannons creates a gamemode that is just whoever sees the other person first wins. It's terribly slow-paced, and some of the least fun I've had in crucible.

edit: yes downvote away just cause I don't think its a good mode smh

Thanks for sharing! It's definitely much different than other modes and I can see how some players might not enjoy that type of gameplay. Thanks for trying it out.

31 Oct


Thanks for the feedback, glad you are enjoying it!

I was absolutely loving it in playtest and curious how the community would feel.


Originally posted by loso3svk

i am curious, if you gonna pass the info to the team, does that mean you will actually read through everything here to make summary? or how does this actually work?

I am geniually curious

There is no way I will ever read every single thing, especially since comments continue to be added. I do try to read as much as I can though and condense it into reoccurring points and topics we see posted by players.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheMostSkepticalBear

And again nothing on Eververse, I'm not talking about the current pricing issue, I'm talking about how apparently not everything will be sold for Bright Dust when you guys said it would, when will we get answers on that?

Bright Dust items rotate weekly, and all Festival of the Lost 2019 items should appear for bright dust during the event.


Originally posted by DiscombobulatedMonk7

I think you're doing an awesome job Cozmo regardless of what dmg04 says about your crucible skills.

My Crucible skills have definitely declined over the years. :)

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Resenti

Soooo... any word on Xenophage?


Originally posted by Webb2Engram

Why the dev team as opposed to the actual decision makers?

Sorry if this comes off as kind of an aggressive question

I consider the decision-makers as part of the dev team. Sorry if my wording was confusing. :)


Originally posted by hcrld

2¢, I like that it doesn't crit. It feels more comfortable to use because I can just hold the trigger down and chunk things without worrying about aiming. Crits would make it feel worse to me because then any body shots feel like wasting ammo to an extent.

Maybe give it impact damage instead of 100% explosion, but if I had a say I would prefer it did not crit.

Thanks for the insight!


We're actively passing all of the feedback on Eververse, FOTL, Bright Dust, etc to the dev team. Thanks for helping collect it in this Megathread. We are meeting with the team regularly to go over your suggestions on what can be improved. We'll share more details as soon as we can.