New addition on XOL Rune
Currently it says that you can “Evoke power from another class” - This has been clarified in a fix not in the PTR to specify a skill so this does not include Legendary Aspects from another class.
New addition on XOL Rune
Currently it says that you can “Evoke power from another class” - This has been clarified in a fix not in the PTR to specify a skill so this does not include Legendary Aspects from another class.
The Diablo IV team has been monitoring your feedback. As we introduce patches to keep your experience in Sanctuary smooth, we will update the below list and denote whether the fixes are intended for PC, Xbox, PlayStation™, or all platforms.
The Diablo IV team has been monitoring your feedback. As we introduce patches to keep your experience in Sanctuary smooth, we will update the below list and denote whether the fixes are intended for PC, Xbox, PlayStation™, or all platforms.
We have enabled the Runes and Boost NPC in PTR in the last hour. You can access both features through the remainder of the PTR.
Thanks for all the great feedback!
Team is working on this licensing issues. Logins will be spotty until we have this fully resolved.
Greetings, Wanderers:
The following issues have been identified by the team, and will be present in the PTR at launch. If you see issues from this list, it will not be necessary to create new topics on these items.
Players should not engage with infernal Hordes at this time, as it will soft lock your client
Paragon Glyph: The increase of the Legendary Power of the Barbarian Glyph “Revenge” is stated as an increase in percent.
Barbarian – Hemorrhage Legendary Paragon Node: The current bonus from the node does not match the formula in the tooltip
Barbarian - Charge: Killing Animus Holders by Barbarian’s skill Charge makes the Anima to drop over walls.
Shred 4th attack can still be cast after un-equipping the item.
The starter glyphs that Druid receives do not scale with Willpower. This is not in line with the other c...
We have rolled out a hotfix to correct this issue. Users will have specific game restrictions removed and no longer be on a modified Trial version of the game.
Sorry for the inconvenience. Thanks for your patience while we rolled out a fix.
Users will still experience the standard pop-ups for the Trial for the time being. You can dismiss those for the time being.
An update here while we still work on stuff. Players should be able to access the game now for the time being with some restrictions while we continue to troubleshoot items.
Read moreHi all -
We have seen and received reports regarding Diablo IV Steam owners not being able to play the game after Patch 1.5.2 due to an error regarding a ‘Trial Period Ending’.
As the team continues to troubleshoot this behind the scenes, we are planning on removing the time and leveling restrictions on the trial which should allow players on Steam to play the game.
There will still be some restrictions additional restrictions in place on Steam players while we continue work on this issue, but we know it is imperative to at least get users back in Sanctuary even with some of these restrictions in place.
Players on Steam will have some restrictions with trade, in-game chat and some party functionality such as inviting users. They will also experience pop-ups similar to users who are on a free trial of the game. These can be dismissed. Once we have a full fix for this, we will update this thread and these restrictions will disappear.
We apologize for...
Read moreTeam is looking into this right now!
Team is looking into this issue. This appears to be affecting all Steam users.
I’ve asked the team for an update on timeline for this one.
HOTFIX 2 - August 29, 2024 - 1.5.1
HOTFIX 2 - August 29, 2024 - 1.5.1
On August 29, we held a Campfire Chat that covered our upcoming 2.0 Public Test Realm (PTR), which runs from September 4—September 11 for players with a PC account.
Associate director of community Adam Fletcher, lead live game designer Colin Finer, systems designer Aislyn Hall, game designer Charles Dunn, and expert game designer Jeevun Sidhu sat down to provide a preview of major progression update details, class and balance updates, plus an introduction to Runewords.
To catch up on all the details shared during the Campfire Chat, watch the video below.
For details on what you can expect in our 2.0 PTR, visit this article.
The armies of the Burning Hells grow restless, anxious to inflict more wounds upon Sanctuary. Muster the strength to protect your home, wanderer.
The 2.0 Public Test Realm (PTR) for Diablo IV will be available from September 4–11, offering you the chance to test upcoming changes and features releasing for the base game with the next Season and the Vessel of Hatred Expansion.
The purpose of the PTR is to test updates and features before the launch of Season 6. Then, using your feedback, we’ll adjust the content within before it goes live for everyone. The feedback we receive helps us to fine-tune balance changes, eliminate bugs, and create the best experience possible. Having a PTR gives us a chance to test new systems, and we’re grateful for your assistance.
The fires of Hell burn bright in their anticipation of your arrival! Here is what the 2.0 PTR will be previewing.
Just acknowledging here that the team has been keeping up with the reports and has been investigating/working on this.