This has been re-enabled since HOTFIX 1 - 1.5.0 earlier today.
This has been re-enabled since HOTFIX 1 - 1.5.0 earlier today.
HOTFIX 1 - August 8, 2024 - 1.5.0
Developer Note: With the above change, we have re-enabled the Unique Power for the Umbracrux.
HOTFIX 1 - August 8, 2024 - 1.5.0
Developer Note: With the above change, we have re-enabled the Unique Power for the Umbracrux.
Hello all -
The team was made aware of an issue where players were able to obtain a significant amount of experience while killing certain bosses with ‘The Umbracrux’ unique equipped.
We will be disabling the unique power for this weapon while we work on a fix for this. This means players will no longer be able to spawn a shade totem with this weapon. Players can still find this weapon and can technically still equip it, but they will not be able to utilize the unique power while we have this disabled.
Once we have a finalized fix, we will re-enable this and communicate this out to players.
Thanks for all the reports on this issue. We hope to have a final fix for this soon.
Hello all -
The team was made aware of an issue where players were able to obtain a significant amount of experience while killing certain bosses with ‘The Umbracrux’ unique equipped.
We will be disabling the unique power for this weapon while we work on a fix for this. This means players will no longer be able to spawn a shade totem with this weapon. Players can still find this weapon and can technically still equip it, but they will not be able to utilize the unique power while we have this disabled.
Once we have a finalized fix, we will re-enable this and communicate this out to players.
Thanks for all the reports on this issue. We hope to have a final fix for this soon.
We are aware of the reports that new seasonal characters are having their tempering recipes carried over from their last seasons seasonal character.
This isn’t the original design or intention so I wouldn’t expect this for future seasons but we are letting this one slide for Season 5.
Hey Howie,
If you purchased through BNet, you can submit a ticket for a refund here. You can select the specific order and request a refund through that portal.
Catch up on our latest Developer Update livestream, where we revealed Season of the Infernal Hordes, Class balance updates, and more.
On August 1, we held a Developer Update stream that detailed all the hellish things coming in Season of the Infernal Hordes which begins on August 6 at 10 a.m. PT. Community manger Marcus Kretz, associate director of community Adam Fletcher, lead season designer Dan Tanguay, and lead live class designer Adam Jackson sat down to discuss Season of the Infernal Hordes. They dove into upcoming balance changes, quality-of-life updates, feedback learnings from our recent Public Test Realm, and more.
If you’d like to watch the full Developer Update stream to catch up on all the details, see the video below.
To read our 1.5.0. Patch Notes in full, you can read those ...
Read moreDeveloper’s Note: Thank you to everyone who defended Sanctuary in our PTR and provided feedback. We have assembled a few key updates and bug fixes that were made as a direct result of the community’s feedback. Continue reading past this section to get a complete view of all the changes releasing with Season of the Infernal Hordes.
Note: Additional changes made since the PTR’s conclusion are highlighted in red.
Sorc then Necro, most likely, and if time allows Druid would be third
Much has transpired as of late. Dark deeds through the night whisper of enemies turned allies, and demonic heathens seek to break open the very gates of the Burning Hells.
Season of the Infernal Hordes begins on August 6 at 10 a.m. PT.
Discover another chapter of what Lilith’s return to Sanctuary has wrought on the land. Create unlikely alliances and discover what imminent threat the Realm of Hatred poses to Sanctuary. On both Seasonal and Eternal Realms, beat back Hell’s legions in the Infernal Hordes, a wave-based feature that pits you against seemingly endless monsters. Read on for everything you need to know to descend into Hell and fight against the legions that await you.
Thank you to everyone that participated in our PC and PTR (Public Test Realm) for Season of the Infernal Hordes. Throughout the blog, any text or section marked in red was a change made based off feedback from our latest PTR.
Our next Developer Update stream arrives on August 1 at 11 a.m. PDT and gives a preview of our upcoming Season, and changes made since the last PTR (Public Test Realm).
Join community manager Marcus Kretz, associate director of community Adam Fletcher, and members of the development team, as they share more details for the next season of Diablo IV. Tune in to learn more on systems, balance updates and feedback learnings from our recent PTR.
There will also be a Q&A segment at the end of the stream for players to field their questions directly to the team.
Visit our official Diablo Twitch, ...
Read moreI’m going with Gorilla + Centipede, I’m a rabies Druid right now so I have to stick with my poison
Wanderers of learned origins have been said to possess the Horadric knowledge to create their own portals, bending time and space to materialize their way to desired destinations. Now is your chance to wield such magic for a chance for you and a friend to play the new Spiritborn class in Diablo IV®.
From July 18—July 25, 11:30 a.m. PDT devise your own Portal for a chance to win a trip to Gamescom for you and a friend. Gamescom will be the first public hands-on event for Spiritborn, you’ll be one of the first to play the new class! You’ll both be equipped with travel, accommodations, and tickets to the show in Cologne, Germany from August 21—25!
To enter, post your own Portal to Gamescom on Instagram. Your “Portal to Gamescom” is up to your interpretation: you can use any medium at your disposal to bring your Portal to life: in-game capture, digital or practical effects, or even paper mâché. Be as imaginative as possible!
Tag @PlayDiablo on Instagram ...
Read moreAn adaptive apex predator hailing from the jungles of Nahantu will soon join the fight against darkness. The Spiritborn is an entirely new class in the Diablo® series, that calls upon the unique strengths of Jaguar, Gorilla, Eagle, and Centipede Spirit Guardians to overcome any nightmare the Burning Hells throws their way. The Spiritborn class will be arriving on October 8 as part of the Vessel of Hatred™ expansion.
Spiritborn are versatile warriors who fuse devastating three-hit-combo attacks and acrobatic fluidity into a potent display of their ferocity. They are masters of hand-to-hand combat, doling out lethality at close range through the ability to extend their wrath with the aid of spirit energy and their favored demon-slaying implement, the glaive. Their physical prowess allows them to block or dodge incoming strikes, absorbing this power for themselves or redirecting it back at their aggressors.
The Spiritborn’s origin, relationship...
Read moreGet an in-depth look at the Spiritborn, a class entirely new to the Diablo series, during a special livestream on July 18 at 11 a.m. PDT!
Join community director Adam Fletcher, game director Brent Gibson, associate narrative designer Eleni Rivera-Colon, art director Nick Chilano, and game designer Bjorn Mikkelson, as they reveal details about the Spiritborn’s story, art, design, gameplay, and more. There will also be a Q&A segment at the end of the stream for players to field their questions directly to the team.
Visit our official Diablo Twitch, ...
Read moreWe read posts here daily, and player feedback is reported in to the team. We can’t reply to every thread, or endorse player feedback points specifically, but it is taken into consideration.
PTR Hotfix Notes - June 26
This hotfix will be rolled out to all users by 1:00-2:00pm PDT
The team has decided to keep S5 PTR up. We will roll this hotfix out as things are live. Players will roll onto the new servers. Once everyone has rolled over, we will have hotfix notes up.
We are expecting downtime to begin around 11:00-11:30AM PDT today and last until about 1:00PM PDT.