This is indeed bugged. We found the issue after the reports. We will probably not adjust this in the PTR but please note that HP will be tweaked down for the Season 5 release.
Thanks for the reports.
This is indeed bugged. We found the issue after the reports. We will probably not adjust this in the PTR but please note that HP will be tweaked down for the Season 5 release.
Thanks for the reports.
Hello all -
We will be taking down the Season 5 PTR late tomorrow morning PDT to apply an update to address some items related to Infernal Compasses and Abyssal Scrolls.
We will have notes up in the morning. This will help out players that have reported some issues related to both of these items.
We expect this downtime to be pretty short and we will have an exact time on the downtime tomorrow morning.
Thanks again for jumping into PTR and providing feedback as we prep for Season 5.
Just putting a PSA out there that players should not use the boost on existing characters copied over to the PTR.
This will remove and replace their character state with the character boost and you will lose your character inventories and gear from your copied state.
We will look to improve this flow in the future.
Please only use the boost on fresh level 1 characters created on PTR.
It is something I will bring back to the team for future PTR seasons.
This is our first season with PTR character copy so we will look to make improvements to the flow in the future.
Boosting is a function for players who make a new character on PTR and need immediate gear and other items.
Boosting an existing character on PTR can replace many of those with the boosted components. It essentially replaces your character, items, etc with what we would give to a boost.
I closed a bunch of the April 12th threads to make it easier to tell, but we do appreciate the feedback and will discuss that for the next one
The copy of your character on PTR is for PTR only, and is a separate instance from the live game. It will not effect your character or gear on the live game.
Characters were copied from the live build to PTR for convenience, but this is a separate instance of the game, and of your character. It will not effect the gear on your live character.
Hi all,
As we prepare for the Season 5 PTR (Public Test Realm), we want to remind everyone what PTR is and some of the larger known issues that you may experience in this testing period. PTR allows players to check out and provide feedback on some of the content coming to Diablo IV in the near future.
Due to PTR being a preview of upcoming content, please note that many things are still in development, and we have identified several notable ones in the list below. You should expect to see less polish in a PTR from what you see in the final release, which is totally normal and expected. We can assure you that these items will be addressed before the start of the new season along with other smaller items that may not be listed below.
We are looking forward to the feedback the Diablo IV community provides throughout the PTR, and we are thrilled to have everyone jump into the changes and content coming to Season 5.
Hi all,
As we prepare for the Season 5 PTR (Public Test Realm), we want to remind everyone what PTR is and what are some of the larger known issues that you may experience in this testing period. PTR allows players to check out and provide feedback on some of the content coming to Diablo IV in the near future.
Due to PTR being a preview of upcoming content, please note that many things are still in development, and we have identified several notable ones in the list below. You should expect to see less polish in a PTR from what you see in the final release, which is totally normal and expected. We can assure you that these items will be addressed before the start of the new season along with other smaller items that may not be listed below.
We are looking forward to the feedback the Diablo IV community provides throughout the PTR, and we are thrilled to have everyone jump into the changes and content coming to Season 5.
The PTR has not started, and is not available to play yet
I shared several of the questions, for example yours on uniques, but there was already a section built into the stream to address those changes. So the answers were in there, just not called out by name in some cases
On June 21, we held a Campfire Chat that went through our upcoming Season 5 Public Test Realm (PTR), which runs from June 25—July 2 for players with a PC account.
Community director Adam Fletcher, lead season designer Daniel Tanguay, and lead live class designer Adam Jackson, sat down to give a preview of the Infernal Hordes game mode, new Eternal Quest, and more. The team also briefly touched on the midseason patch 1.4.3. update, which covered class balance updates.
If you’d like to watch the full Campfire Chat to catch up on all the details, see the video below.
To read all the details on our upcoming PTR, you can read that blog ...
Read moreGreat forces gather beyond the gates of Hell, wanderer. Do you dare to cull their threat?
The second Public Test Realm (PTR) for Diablo IV is coming soon, offering you the chance to test upcoming changes and features for Season 5. PTR will be available from June 25 to July 2 for players with a PC account.
The purpose of the PTR is to test updates and features before the launch of Season 5. Then we’ll make adjustments to Season 5 using your feedback before it goes live for everyone. The feedback we receive helps us to fine-tune balance changes, eliminate bugs, and create the best experience possible. Having a PTR gives us a chance to test new systems, and we’re grateful for your time spent playing.
Your experience in Sanctuary is about to burn even hotter: here’s an overview of what you need to know.
I made BBQ chicken! Had to stick with the campfire theme here for my lunch
Announcement posts are always pinned, and include the start time and date:
June 21st Campfire Chat Q&A - PC General Discussion - Diablo IV Forums (
HOTFIX 1 - June 20 - 1.4.3
This issue has been addressed in our latest hotfix. HOTFIX 1 - June 20 - 1.4.3 - #3
This issue has been addressed in our latest hotfix. HOTFIX 1 - June 20 - 1.4.3 - #3