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Diablo 4 Dev Tracker

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26 Aug

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

HOTFIX 1 - August 26, 2024 - 1.5.1

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed several issues where the following enemies were dealing more damage than intended
    • Desecrator in Infernal Horde
    • Beast in the Ice and summoned monsters during the encounter
    • Hellborne
  • Various performance and Stability improvements.

22 Aug

Sanctuary’s Treasure Goblins have returned! This time, with elevated tenacity and renewed spoils. From August 27, 10 a.m.–September 3, 10 a.m. PDT, seek out hordes of these treasure hoarders to pilfer their loot bags for increased gold and coveted drops.

Lo and behold, reports of Treasure Goblin sightings have been significantly higher than normal! High and low these pesky buggers will go, stopping at nothing to amass Sanctuary’s riches for themselves.

Tall tales about these glimmering goblins have spun up from Kyovashad to Gea Khul: patrols claimed to have witnessed Treasure Gobli...

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Our next Campfire Chat begins on August 29, 11 a.m. PDT and gives a preview of the 2.0 Public Test Realm (PTR). Join associate director of community Adam Fletcher, lead live game designer Colin Finer, systems designer Aislyn Hall, game designer Charles Dunn, and expert game designer Jeevun Sidhu as they reveal what to expect in the test realm.

We’ll also detail how to access the Public Test Realm in Diablo IV, available to PC BattleNet users. This PTR allows you to get your first taste of the changes coming in our next Season. During the PTR, we’ll listen closely to the community’s feedback and adjust before the Season arrives.

There will also be a Q&A segment at the end of the stream for players to field their questions directly to the team.

Visit our official Diablo ...

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    Lyricana on Forums - Thread - Direct

To clarify, there will be a PTR for Season 6, this will not be for VoH content, but rather permanent features coming to the base game.

21 Aug

    Lyricana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings, Wanderers

The Mother’s Blessing event is now live, and players will see the experience and gold buffs active. Thank you for your patience!

The perils ahead are best faced with the kinship of an ally, wanderer. During the Xbox livestream at gamescom, the Diablo IV® team dove deeper into exciting new features coming with Vessel of Hatred™. Venture forth to learn more of what lays in wait within the jungles of Nahantu, where hatred stirs and corrupts all it touches.

The many subregions of Nahantu each have their own corrupted monsters that plague the land. There’s the Lacuni, apex predators of the Tenganze Plains, and the venom-infested burrows of the Skittering Earth. The Hollows own the Lingering Hatred treetops, while the hallucinogen-riddled Dregs proliferate throughout the dense canopies of the land. These twisted lands are symptoms of Mephisto, the Lord of Hatred’s deep grasp on this once flourishing land. Discover what dark machinations lay in wait…and the powerful tools you can wield to face them.


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20 Aug

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

More details on all of this tomorrow. We are limited with time on a giant stage with other publishers and developers.

The first expansion for Diablo® IV releases worldwide on October 8, and game director Brent Gibson took to the gamescom stage to introduce the Mercenaries—a new feature coming to Vessel of Hatred™. Mercenaries are your companions in battle, who grow in strength and can be customized to support your playstyle. Each Mercenary is unique in the role they serve, so no matter your class or build, you’ll find a Mercenary that’s right for you. See them in action below!

The team also introduced the Dark Citadel, a new co-op PvE endgame experience that will put everything you know about combat to the test through a series of cooperative puzzles and mechanics, as well as the Kurast Undercity—an intense new multistage, time-attack dungeon that gives you the control over the challenge as well as the loot you will find! Lastly, in preparation of bringing the jungles of Nahantu to players at launch, attendees at gamescom will be some of the first to slay demons as the Sp...

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16 Aug


8/15 update: Trading has been enabled. Thank you all for your patience!

15 Aug

    Lyricana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Issues involving The Gauntlet have been resolved, and the Gauntlet is available to play.


HOTFIX 4 - August 15, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Aspect of Splintering Energy
    • Damage increased from 25-50% to 50-80%.
    • Splintering Energy will arc to additional enemies less frequently.
      *NOTE: Tooltip descriptors for this will be changed in a upcoming update.

Developer Note: In rare instances, this aspect alongside Fractured Winterglass could cause detrimental server performance issues. To solve for this, we’re reducing the frequency of it arcing to additional enemies, and increasing its damage to compensate. Additionally, the amount of Frozen Orbs that can be launched from Conjurations while using Fractured Winterglass has been adjusted in the...

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HOTFIX 4 - August 15, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Aspect of Splintering Energy
    • Damage increased from 25-50% to 50-80%.
    • Splintering Energy will arc to additional enemies less frequently.
      *NOTE: Tooltip descriptors for this will be changed in a upcoming update.

Developer Note: In rare instances, this aspect alongside Fractured Winterglass could cause detrimental server performance issues. To solve for this, we’re reducing the frequency of it arcing to additional enemies, and increasing its damage to compensate. Additionally, the amount of Frozen Orbs that can be launched from Conjurations while using Fractured Winterglass has been adjusted in the...

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Rise, wanderer, and stand triumphant before your hoard of spoils—Mother’s Blessing has returned!

An alluring glow descends across the land, increasing the clarity and temperament of all stalwart demon slayers. Scholars have unlocked new secrets in their ancient tomes, while coffers threaten to burst with Gold unearthed from long-forgotten crypts. Make haste to hone your blade through a week of adventure and plunder to become the deadliest force in all of Sanctuary.

Blessings Aplenty: Earn Increased Experience and Gold

From August 21-August 28, 10 a.m. PT, all players will earn 35% experience and 50% Gold at a (multiplicative) increased rate. Lilith blesses all her children, as this bonus applies to both Seasonal and Eternal Realms, and all World Tiers. This bonus stacks, so pair it with Elixirs and the Urn of Aggression to maximize your experience gains while killing Monsters.

Use this boost to carve through ranks of the Battle Pass,...

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14 Aug

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello all -

We will be disabling trading in Diablo IV while we investigate a possible duplication issue. We apologize for the disruption and will provide updates on when we will have trading available again once we further investigate and identify any issues we need to resolve.

13 Aug

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

HOTFIX 3 - August 13, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Fixed an issue where sources of items with Guaranteed Greater affixes, such as the Reputation reward or Greater Equipment Chest, did not actually guarantee an item with Greater Affixes.
  • Fixed an issue where 1-Handed Maces acquired from the Purveyor of Curiosities were always Legendary quality.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier 4 Infernal Compasses dropped outside of Infernal Hordes did not have appropriate affixes.
  • Fixed an issue where Runeshards weren’t dropping in Nightmare Dungeons.

HOTFIX 2 - August 9, 2024 - 1.5.0


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    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

HOTFIX 3 - August 13, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Fixed an issue where sources of items with Guaranteed Greater affixes, such as the Reputation reward or Greater Equipment Chest, did not actually guarantee an item with Greater Affixes.
  • Fixed an issue where 1-Handed Maces acquired from the Purveyor of Curiosities were always Legendary quality.
  • Fixed an issue where Tier 4 Infernal Compasses dropped outside of Infernal Hordes did not have appropriate affixes.
  • Fixed an issue where Runeshards weren’t dropping in Nightmare Dungeons.

HOTFIX 2 - August 9, 2024 - 1.5.0


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    Lyricana on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings, Wanderers,

The team will be disabling the Gauntlet temporarily while we address an issue that was identified. It will be restored later this week following a hotfix to correct the issue.

09 Aug

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

HOTFIX 2 - August 9, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Fixed an issue where the Jewelry was more weighted in drops compared to other items.
  • Fixed an issue where Abyssal Scrolls would disappear from the Player’s inventory when leaving an Infernal Hordes instance.
  • Various stability fixes.

HOTFIX 1 - August 8, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Fixed an issue where Tempering certain Greater Affixes could lead to unlimited re-rolls....
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    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

HOTFIX 2 - August 9, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Fixed an issue where the Jewelry was more weighted in drops compared to other items.
  • Fixed an issue where Abyssal Scrolls would disappear from the Player’s inventory when leaving an Infernal Hordes instance.
  • Various stability fixes.

HOTFIX 1 - August 8, 2024 - 1.5.0


  • Fixed an issue where Tempering certain Greater Affixes could lead to unlimited re-rolls....
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08 Aug

    PezRadar on Forums - Thread - Direct

This has been re-enabled since HOTFIX 1 - 1.5.0 earlier today.