The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

18 Jan

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.54 (PS4) / v1.36 (PS5) is a small incremental patch that has some backend fixes, in addition to the two fixes listed below. The size of this patch is approximately 13.7 GB for PS4 and 1.73 GB for PS5. Craglorn
  • Seeker's Archive: Fixed an issue where you couldn't talk with Hermaeus Mora's statue if you already completed the Necrom storyline.
Group Finder
  • Fixed an issue where group listings for Veteran difficulty content would sometimes appear as Normal difficulty.

17 Jan

The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.9 contains preparations for today's Global Reveal Event. That's it! The size of this patch is approximately 164MB.

20 Dec


The Elder Scrolls Online v2.53 (PS4) / v1.35 (PS5) includes several adjustments to change the English name of “Endless Archive” to “Infinite Archive”. This patch only includes changes for in-game text, with VO changes to be added in the future. Also included are several fixes for Endless Archive, including situations where you could lose a thread inexplicably and making it so pets and companions take less damage. The size of this patch is approximately 551.4 MB for PlayStation 5.

[*]Fixed issue where Grandmaster Crafting Stations would refresh their effects whenever another player entered a home with a station present.
[*]Fixed an issue where the visual effects on Gran... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v1.34.2.0 includes several adjustments to change the English name of “Endless Archive” to “Infinite Archive”. This patch only includes changes for in-game text, with VO changes to be added in the future. Also included are several fixes for Endless Archive, including situations where you could lose a thread inexplicably and making it so pets and companions take less damage. The size of this patch is approximately 1.61GB for Xbox One and 1.31GB for Xbox Series S|X.

[*]Fixed issue where Grandmaster Crafting Stations would refresh their effects whenever another player entered a home with a station present.
[*]Fixed an issue where the visual effects... Read more

18 Dec


The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.8 includes several adjustments to change the English name of “Endless Archive” to “Infinite Archive”. This patch only includes changes for in-game text, with VO changes to be added in the future. The size of this patch is approximately 145MB.

06 Dec


The Elder Scrolls Online v2.52 (PS4) / v1.34 (PS5) includes some adjustments to the Gibbering Shield and Blazing Shield abilities and some fixes for a few Class Sets. We also have several fixes in Endless Archive including bonuses from item sets not functioning, situations where your character could be teleported to empty areas or losing a thread inexplicably, and making it so pets and companions take less damage. The size of this patch is approximately 1.025 GB for PS4 and 543.7 MB for PS5.

[*]Fixed some additional issues where abilities that granted passive effects for slotting on either bar could persist through restricted ability bar effects, such as Werewolf and Oakenso... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v1.34.1.0 includes some adjustments to the Gibbering Shield and Blazing Shield abilities and some fixes for a few Class Sets. We also have several fixes in Endless Archive including bonuses from item sets not functioning, situations where your character could be teleported to empty areas or losing a thread inexplicably, and making it so pets and companions take less damage. The size of this patch is approximately 1.62 GB for Xbox One and 1.3 GB for Xbox Series X|S.

[*]Fixed some additional issues where abilities that granted passive effects for slotting on either bar could persist through restricted ability bar effects, such as Werewolf and Oakensoul... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.7 includes several fixes for Endless Archive, including situations where you could lose a thread inexplicably and making it so pets and companions take less damage. Also included are a couple crash fixes and a fix for some passive effects persisting through restricted ability bar effects. The size of this patch is approximately 148MB.

[*]Fixed some additional issues where abilities that granted passive effects for slotting on either bar could persist through restricted ability bar effects, such as Werewolf and Oakensoul.

Class Sets... Read more

13 Nov


Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.34.0.0! Update 40 features the new PvE gameplay activity, Infinite Archive, where you must battle your way through dynamic stages with monsters and bosses you’ve encountered all throughout Tamriel. Infinite Archive can be played solo, or with a friend or Companion, and gives you the opportunity to obtain all sorts of new loot and collectibles including new Class Item Sets, a unique mount, and more.

Alongside Infinite Archive comes a new Group Finder tool, allowing you an easy way to advertise and find groups for all sorts of in-game activities. This update also introduces new Grand Master Crafting Stations, reducing the hundreds of set stations for each tradeskill and consolidating them into single set stations, along with updates and a full rebalance for Jewelry Crafting. We’ve also improved the rewards you can obtain from the Fighters Guild, Mages Gu... Read more

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v2.51 (PS4) / v1.33 (PS5)! Update 40 features the new PvE gameplay activity, Infinite Archive, where you must battle your way through dynamic stages with monsters and bosses you’ve encountered all throughout Tamriel. Infinite Archive can be played solo, or with a friend or Companion, and gives you the opportunity to obtain all sorts of new loot and collectibles including new Class Item Sets, a unique mount, and more.

Alongside Infinite Archive comes a new Group Finder tool, allowing you an easy way to advertise and find groups for all sorts of in-game activities. This update also introduces new Grand Master Crafting Stations, reducing the hundreds of set stations for each tradeskill and consolidating them into single set stations, along with updates and a full rebalance for Jewelry Crafting. We’ve also improved the rewards you can obtain from the Fighters... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.6 fixes the issue where the silence from Negate Magic could persist on your character indefinitely, along with some adjustments to the Gibbering Shield and Blazing Shield abilities and some fixes for a few Class Sets. We also have several fixes in Infinite Archive including bonuses from item sets not functioning or situations where your character could be teleported to empty areas, in addition to some fixes for the Group Finder. The size of this patch is approximately 152MB.

[*]Soldier of Apocrypha
[*]Gibbering Shield: This Ultimate and the Sanctum of the Abyssal Sea morph now have a limit imposed on the amount of damage th... Read more

08 Nov

Hi everyone,

We just completed a hotfix on the PC/Mac servers to address an issue where the speed bonus granted from the Tentacular Motivation collectible was erroneously persisting outside of Infinite Archive; no download is required.

Thank you!

01 Nov

We have temporarily turned off player trading on the PC NA and PC EU servers while we investigate an issue. Attempting to trade while player trading is off will result in a "Trade failed" error message. This is expected.

We will provide an update sometime tomorrow (Nov. 2). Thank you all for your patience.

30 Oct


Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v9.2.5! Update 40 features the new PvE gameplay activity, Infinite Archive, where you must battle your way through dynamic stages with monsters and bosses you’ve encountered all throughout Tamriel. Infinite Archive can be played solo, or with a friend or Companion, and gives you the opportunity to obtain all sorts of new loot and collectibles including new Class Item Sets, a unique mount, and more.

Alongside Infinite Archive comes a new Group Finder tool, allowing you an easy way to advertise and find groups for all sorts of in-game activities. This update also introduces new Grand Master Crafting Stations, reducing the hundreds of set stations for each tradeskill and consolidating them into single set stations, along with updates and a full rebalance for Jewelry Crafting. We’ve also improved the rewards you can obtain from the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild... Read more

03 Oct


The Elder Scrolls Online v1.33.2.0 allows you to utilize the "Leave Instance" functionality from the group menu while in combat once again, along with a fix for an issue found in the encounter against Exarchanic Yaseyla in Sanity’s Edge, some housing-related fixes, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 1.47GB for Xbox One and 1.2GB for Xbox Series X.

Sanity’s Edge Trial
[*]Frost Bomb is far less likely to pick tanks to be targeted during the fight with Exarchanic Yaseyla.

... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.50 (PS4) / v1.32 (PS5) allows you to utilize the "Leave Instance" functionality from the group menu while in combat once again, along with a fix for an issue found in the encounter against Exarchanic Yaseyla in Sanity’s Edge, some housing-related fixes, and more. The size of this patch is approximately 944MB for PS4 and 508MB for PS5.

Sanity’s Edge Trial
[*]Frost Bomb is far less likely to pick tanks to be targeted during the fight with Exarchanic Yaseyla.

... Read more

02 Oct


The Elder Scrolls Online v9.1.8 includes some additional adjustments for the encounter against Exarchanic Yaseyla in Sanity’s Edge, along with a couple housing-related fixes and a fix involving an incorrect icon in the UI. The size of this patch is approximately 202MB.

Sanity’s Edge Trial
[*]Made additional improvements and adjustments to ensure Frost Bomb is far less likely to pick tanks to be targeted during the fight with Exarchanic Yaseyla.

... Read more

19 Sep


The Elder Scrolls Online v2.49 (PS4) / v1.31 (PS5) includes fixes for Mundus Stone effects periodically being removed from your character, the Cleansing Revival Champion star, Enervating Aura PvP item set, Cyrodiil leaderboards not updating, and more. Please make sure to note the temporary change we needed to make to Inferno and Ice Staff Heavy Attacks, explained below. The size of this patch is approximately 37GB for PS4 and 536MB for PS5.

[*]Abilities that vary in cost mechanics will now show their proper cost mechanic, even if the skill is not yet learned or slotted, to lessen any confusion around what the ability will cost before you slot it onto your bar. This change co... Read more

The Elder Scrolls Online v1.33.1.0 includes fixes for Mundus Stone effects periodically being removed from your character, the Cleansing Revival Champion star, Enervating Aura PvP item set, Cyrodiil leaderboards not updating, and more. Please make sure to note the temporary change we needed to make to Inferno and Ice Staff Heavy Attacks, explained below. The size of this patch is approximately 1.2GB.

[*]Abilities that vary in cost mechanics will now show their proper cost mechanic, even if the skill is not yet learned or slotted, to lessen any confusion around what the ability will cost before you slot it onto your bar. This change covers the following abilities:
[list... Read more

18 Sep


The Elder Scrolls Online v9.1.7 fixes a few higher impact items including Mundus Stone effects periodically being removed from your character, re-enabling the functionality to automatically re-summon Companions, and being able to utilize the "Leave Instance" functionality from the group menu while in combat once again. We’ve also fixed a few game crashes, ensured all types of Gold Coast Experience Scrolls stack consistently, and more. Please make sure to note the temporary change we needed to make to Inferno and Ice Staff Heavy Attacks, explained below. The size of this patch is approximately 135MB.

[*]Fixed an issue where Mundus Stone effects could be removed from your char... Read more