The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online Dev Tracker

18 Sep

The Elder Scrolls Online v1.37.1.0 fixes several issues from Update 43 launch, including fixes for Gold Road and Base Game content. Included are fixes to Summon Shade and Winter’s Embrace abilities, adjustments to Ithelia’s facial animations when speaking, and fixes to some Infinite Archive functionality. You’ll find those and several other notable game fixes and adjustments listed below. The size of this patch is approximately 5.7GB (XB1)/ 2.37 (XBX). [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img] Read more
The Elder Scrolls Online v2.63 (PS4)/ v1.44(PS5) fixes several issues from Update 43 launch, including fixes for Gold Road and Base Game content. Included are fixes to Summon Shade and Winter’s Embrace abilities, adjustments to Ithelia’s facial animations when speaking, and fixes to some Infinite Archive functionality. You’ll find those and several other notable game fixes and adjustments listed below. The size of this patch is approximately 4.7GB (PS4) 741.8 MB (PS5). [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img] Read more

16 Sep

The Elder Scrolls Online v10.1.7 fixes issues identified post Update 43 launch. These fixes are primarily focused on Base Game content. Bug fixes this patch include resolving a PvP queuing issue, fixing general Infinite Archive bugs, and resolving various housing interaction issues. You’ll find those and several other game fixes listed below. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img]
  • Overview
  • [*]...
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04 Sep

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.37.0.0 (Xbox) and the Update 43 base game patch! This update introduces Home Tours, a new tool to help you find and share housing creations. We’ve also made some updates to Infinite Archive to add new Arenas, Verses and Visions, plus added 7 new Class Sets and some additional curated item sets. You’ll also find new collectibles, achievements, titles, and enjoy a few additional quality of life changes including the game now remembering your last selected Guild Store or Guild Bank. In addition to these features, we have a long list of bug fixes and improvements to the entire game, such as a number of adjustments affecting Scribing (including some new Ink sourcing!), quest content, some combat balance adjustments, and more. This size of this patch is approximately 41.3 GB (XB1)/ 9.7 GB (XBX). [img alt="Table of Contents"]... Read more
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v2.62 (PS4) / v1.43 (PS5) and the Update 43 base game patch! This update introduces Home Tours, a new tool to help you find and share housing creations. We’ve also made some updates to Infinite Archive to add new Arenas, Verses and Visions, plus added 7 new Class Sets and some additional curated item sets. You’ll also find new collectibles, achievements, titles, and enjoy a few additional quality of life changes including the game now remembering your last selected Guild Store or Guild Bank. In addition to these features, we have a long list of bug fixes and improvements to the entire game, such as a number of adjustments affecting Scribing (including some new Ink sourcing!), quest content, some combat balance adjustments, and more. This size of this patch is approximately 39 GB (PS4)/ 3.1 GB(PS5). [img alt="Table of Contents"]... Read more

03 Sep

The Elder Scrolls Online v10.1.6 fixes several issues from Update 43 launch, including fixes for Gold Road and Base Game content. Included are fixes to Summon Shade and Winter’s Embrace abilities, adjustments to Ithelia’s facial animations when speaking, and fixes to some Infinite Archive visions. You’ll find those and several other notable game fixes and adjustments listed below. [img alt="Table of Contents"][/img] Read more

19 Aug

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v10.1.5 and the Update 43 base game patch! This update introduces Home Tours, a new tool to help you find and share housing creations. We’ve also made some updates to Infinite Archive to add new Arenas, Verses and Visions, plus added 7 new Class Sets and some additional curated item sets. You’ll also find new collectibles, achievements, titles, and enjoy a few additional quality of life changes including the game now remembering your last selected Guild Store or Guild Bank. In addition to these features, we have a long list of bug fixes and improvements to the entire game, such as a number of adjustments affecting Scribing (including some new Ink sourcing!), quest content, some combat balance adjustments, and more. This size of this patch is approximately 34GB (corrected previous error). [img alt="Table of Contents"]... Read more

24 Jul

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.60 (PS4) / v1.42 (PS5) focuses on fixes and improvements to Gold Road, Wrathstone and Base Game content. You’ll see several fixes to West Weald zone quests, Scribing, and the Depths of Malatar Dungeon. Additionally, based on your feedback, we have disabled the FPS cap on the in-game map on performance mode. The size of this patch is approximately 1.89 GB (PS4)/ 571.4 MB (PS5). [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"][/img] Grimoires
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent grimoires from appearing in the UI.
  • The Wing ...
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The Elder Scrolls Online v1.36.2.0 focuses on fixes and improvements to Gold Road, Wrathstone and Base Game content. You’ll see several fixes to West Weald zone quests, Scribing, and the Depths of Malatar Dungeon. Additionally, based on your feedback, we have disabled the FPS cap on the in-game map on performance mode. The size of this patch is approximately 2.49 GB (XB1)/ 1.9 GB (XBX) [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"][/img] Grimoires
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent grimoires from appearing in the UI.
  • The Wing of the Gryphon
  • ...
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19 Jul

The Elder Scrolls Online PC/Mac v10.0.8. focuses on fixes and improvements to Gold Road, Wrathstone and Base Game content. You will see fixes to West Weald zone quests, Scribing and Lockpicking UI, and the Depths of Malatar Dungeon. [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"][/img] Grimoires
  • Fixed an issue that could prevent grimoires from appearing in the UI.
[img alt="Quests & Zones"]... Read more

10 Jul

The Elder Scrolls Online v2.59 (PS4) / v1.41 (PS5) is the first PlayStation incremental patch post Update 42 launch. This patch includes a number of fixes for the Gold Road and Blackwood zones, Scribing quests, some art model and effects-related issues, and more. The Jubilee Steed mount will be accessible again to those who earned it during the Anniversary Jubilee event. We’ve also fixed an issue where Luminous Ink was not dropping from boss enemies, giving you more opportunities to obtain Ink for Scribing. The size of this patch is approximately 3.818 GB (PS4)/883.1 MB (PS5). [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"][/img] ... Read more
The Elder Scrolls Online v1.36.1.0 is the first Xbox incremental patch post Update 42 launch. This patch includes a number of fixes for the Gold Road and Blackwood zones, Scribing quests, some art model and effects-related issues, and more. The Jubilee Steed mount will be accessible again to those who earned it during the Anniversary Jubilee event. We’ve also fixed an issue where Luminous Ink was not dropping from boss enemies, giving you more opportunities to obtain Ink for Scribing. The size of this patch is approximately 5.07 GB (XB1)/5.0 GB (XBX). [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"][/img] ... Read more

09 Jul

The Elder Scrolls Online v10.0.7 contains fixes mainly for the Gold Road and Blackwood chapters, resolves bugs with Endeavors and Achievements for Lucent Citidel Trial, and addresses several Scribing-related issues. We also continue our hunt and removal of leftover Witches Festival decorations. The size of this patch is approximately 357.57MB. [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"][/img] [img alt="Combat & Abilities"][/img] ... Read more

19 Jun

Hello everyone, we have an update regarding the new patcher rollout. Over the last few months, we have been rolling out the beta version of the new patcher for PC players to try and provide feedback. With that process complete, we are moving forward with updating everyone to the new patcher. This auto-update will occur on Wednesday, June 26 for all PC players. We encourage all PC players to update to the new patcher now to avoid the day-of rush. With this update, no downtime is expected, but there will be a required update. If you are on the current patcher, you will be prompted to update to the new patcher on June... Read more

18 Jun

Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v2.58 (PS4) / v1.40 (PS5) and our latest Chapter: Gold Road! Investigate the return of Ithelia, a Daedric Prince never seen before in the Elder Scrolls series. Uncover the schemes of her most devoted followers and protect Tamriel from the chaos of unbridled change. Venture into West Weald, home to the wealthy Colovian Imperials and the city of Skingrad. Encounter a bountiful region first seen in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, now beset by Daedric incursions and the encroaching jungles of Valenwood. Or you can play with the nature of magic itself with Scribing, an all-new game system unique to Gold Road. Collect and customize skills to tailor your builds, granting you the power and freedom to truly play your way. There’s a variety of new things to collect including new item sets, Mythic items, mounts, pets, even 22 new Skill Styles which are new color variations of... Read more
Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Online v1.36.0.0 and our latest Chapter: Gold Road! Investigate the return of Ithelia, a Daedric Prince never seen before in the Elder Scrolls series. Uncover the schemes of her most devoted followers and protect Tamriel from the chaos of unbridled change. Venture into West Weald, home to the wealthy Colovian Imperials and the city of Skingrad. Encounter a bountiful region first seen in The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, now beset by Daedric incursions and the encroaching jungles of Valenwood. Or you can play with the nature of magic itself with Scribing, an all-new game system unique to Gold Road. Collect and customize skills to tailor your builds, granting you the power and freedom to truly play your way. There’s a variety of new things to collect including new item sets, Mythic items, mounts, pets, even 22 new Skill Styles which are new color variations of popular existing... Read more

17 Jun

The Elder Scrolls Online v10.0.6 fixes quite a few issues from Update 42 launch, including a number of fixes for Gold Road and Scribing quests, a few Wayshrines around West Weald not consistently functioning, some art model and effects-related issues, and more. We’ve also fixed an issue where Luminous Ink was not dropping from boss enemies, giving you more opportunities to obtain Ink for Scribing. The size of this patch is approximately 748MB. [img alt="Combat & Gameplay"][/img] General
  • Fixed an issue where Luminous Ink was not dropping from boss enemies.
  • ...
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15 Jun

Hi everyone. We are currently working on a fix for the server disconnect while zoning issues and 334 errors players are currently experiencing. We have identified the issue, a fix for the issue, and are now in the process of some restarting some game servers on our side. While this will not be a full outage for players, some may encounter being kicked from the server while we are restarting things. We'll provide an update once we are done with the server restarts. Thanks all.

11 Jun

We recently identified an issue that affected some Crown Pack purchases players previously placed on Steam. We are pushing a fix on June 12, 2024. After that time, any players who were affected by this issue will automatically receive any owed crowns the first time they log into the game. These crowns will appear in affected players’ crown wallets, not in-game mail. Thank you!

10 Jun

Hi everyone. We just deployed a hotfix to address an issue with the Maw of Lorkhaj Trial where players could not complete the trial and record leaderboard results. This issue is now resolved and the trial can be completed, along with leaderboard scores updated. This hotfix did not require downtime. Thanks all.