Elite: Dangerous

Elite: Dangerous Dev Tracker

29 Aug


Hey there CMDR,

If you're still having trouble downloading Odyssey after your third attempt, we recommend making a ticket on our customer support site here:


And we'll be happy to help further!


28 Aug


Hi there, your Inara account should be tracking a specific CMDR. So if you delete your save and start again then there should be a new Inara following that CMDR.

- Vostok

27 Aug

26 Aug

25 Aug


Hi there CMDR!

There have been a bunch of great help tidbits which should hopefully get you playing. But if they don't, please create a Support ticket here:


And we'll try to get you in ASAP!

- CMDR Zenit

24 Aug



Sorry to hear this. Please send us a ticket if this persists: https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=360000790419 so we can take a look into this for you.


23 Aug

22 Aug


Hi there, sorry to hear about your issues with the resolution support, as well as the issue tracker post you've made I would suggest posting in our suggestions forum which is regularly checked.


- Vostok

21 Aug


Hey CMDR, if you are still facing these issues, please send us a ticket via https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us and we can look into this with you.

- Apollo


Hi there, if you're still encountering this error, please send us a ticket via https://customersupport.frontier.co.uk/hc/en-us and we can look into this with you!

- Apollo