Escape from Tarkov

Escape from Tarkov Dev Tracker

12 Feb


Originally posted by Blahofstars

Whenever I stutter, my video ram use goes from 95+% and spikes down to 0. Could be a lot of things, but garbage collection seems to be part of it. Unity was written in C++? There's no GC, so is it custom unity code handling it?



Originally posted by mtdew2litre

Hey, I know this thread is bashing a lot, but just remember Nikita, we're all here because we play the shit outta this game, and want it to be the best it can be.

Having that said, does BSG at least have an understanding of what the issue is? Are there client changes we can try/test? Is it hardware issues? I'd love to help in any way I can, because I get these on every map (ESPECIALLY BAD on Shoreline/Labs) and they happen about 30s-5m apart. It's pretty frustrating, but hopefully we can help get it figured out. We are live testing after all.

we are working on this right now for 11.5 patch


Originally posted by mkpankov

Can you comment on what causes these lags?

My bet is client awaits network packets, which are somehow critical to playback, and if it misses them because they were lost on the network, it waits for next batch. Apparently some packets can be missed and cause rubberbanding, and some cause these stutters?..

For example I never have such lags, so my bet it's ISPs and flaky internet at fault.

its not lag, its freeze. it could be related to many things. what we can fix from our side - we are fixing it


you are welcome. although we didn't upload optimization patch lately


Originally posted by IvanTSR

Video for you u/trainfender from a great YouTube channel 'Forgotten Weapons'.

The amazing Halbek device

This video is both a great suggestion for a cool item for the FAL that might make sense as a trade or 1 per trader cycle purchase only due to rarity.

The other question it raise for me was the recoil pattern on the FAL, and the way the game simulates recoil control in general. The guy shooting the FAL looks able to control it very well. It isnt jumping up 15o in 2 or 3 rounds and at ranges under 50m that looks like multiple rounds on target should not be in miracle territory.

This got me thinking about recoil control. At the minute it seems like your character is doing recoil control, but you as the player have to do it also.

This leads to frustrating situations where after adjusting for the initial recoil of the first few rounds you then have to dr...

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11 Feb


Originally posted by r_guns

I tried starting with the silencer off, and attaching it in raid. Then I tried starting with it on, taking it off in raid, and then putting it back on in raid. I killed two PMCs in run #1, and 1 PMC in run #2. Neither of these methods worked, and I am still at 4/10 PMCs. The only thing in common with all of these is that I've done every run on factory, maybe a different map would make a difference, but I doubt it.

I'll tag /u/trainfender as it's quest-breaking and I have not seen a dev response. They may not be aware of this.

we will check




you proposing to make the ability to select reticle before purchase? can we think about it later plz? )


Originally posted by azenuquerna

Except helmets, of course.

yep. they are with a bit of magic


Originally posted by trainfender

damn son! this is bad

if anybody had this and have submitted bugreport ticket number - please, post it here!


Originally posted by penguiin_


what do you think about hardware bans? from what i understand, these losers who are hacking just buy a new account and they are good to go.

we do hardware bans but for real blatant ones. its possible that it will be changed soon


Originally posted by REPOST_STRANGLER_V2

Thanks for getting back to me, glad to hear it being the server and not someone abusing an exploit, hopefully this update will help cure it.

working on everything but don't overestimate


Originally posted by Reahs

Is there no leg meta?



Originally posted by 14Goose14

I agree and I have no idea how hard it would be to be implemented, but it seems like most of the mechanics are already in the game

What's your opinion on it?

i like everything real)


Originally posted by 14Goose14

so a good friend of mine came up with this idea and I really liked it so i thought I'd share.

The idea is that BSG implements some sort of adrenaline 'bar' or percentage, and when you're shot at it will increase your adrenaline by X% the percentage would go back down something like 1% every 2 seconds that you're not being shot at.

Adrenaline will affect the speed at which you do things such as run, heal, or reload.


it will also increase the chance of you making a mistake for reloading, for example making you fumble your reload missing the mag well and increasing reload time by a second or so, or maybe your character misses the bolt release on a M4 and has to hit it with his palm instead of his thumb.

as for healing it will decrease the amount you heal in a percent but no more than something like 20%. For example if an IFAK now heals 30 hit-points per use (not sure exact so this is just an...

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some advanced stuff


Originally posted by korgi_analogue

This almost deserves to be a post of its own, as it's such a great analysis and suggestion, and shows great consideration from a design perspective.

In fact I'm going to be that person, and tag /u/trainfender in this. Hey Nikita, it's really worth reading the opener and dezzmont's long message that this is a reply to. Great ideas regarding teaming up, kill on sight and such mechanics. You might like it.

thats me who gave gold to this)